Xavier COLIN est Professeur des Universités au Campus Arts et Métiers de Paris depuis Septembre 2011.
Il a préparé une thèse de doctorat dans l’équipe du Dr Jean-Paul FAVRE au Centre ONERA de Châtillon, en collaboration avec l’équipe du Dr Jacques CINQUIN du CCR EADS de Suresnes sur la thermo-oxydation de matériaux composites à matrice organique envisagés comme pièces de structure tièdes sur l’avion supersonique de nouvelle génération. Il a soutenu cette thèse en 2000 dans la spécialité “Mécanique et Matériaux” sur le Campus Arts et Métiers de Paris, et il a obtenu la Mention très honorable avec félicitations du jury.
Après un post-doctorat au CEA de Grenoble, il a intégré en 2002 en tant qu’Ingénieur de Recherches puis Maître de Conférences l’équipe du Prof. Jacques VERDU sur le Campus Arts et Métiers de Paris. Il a obtenu l’Habilitation à Diriger les Recherches en 2008 dans la spécialité “Chimie” à l’UPMC sur le thème : “Vers un modèle de prédiction de la durée de vie de structures en polymère dans leurs conditions d’utilisation”.
Thèmes de recherche
● Vieillissement et durabilité des polymères et des matériaux composites à matrice organique
● Analyse multi-échelle et multi-techniques des processus de vieillissement physiques et chimiques, ainsi que leurs conséquences sur les propriétés fonctionnelles
● Analyse et modélisation cinétique, développement de relations structure/propriété et proposition de critères de fin de vie structuraux pour une prédiction de la durée de vie
● Couplages multi-physiques (par exemple entre mécanique, physique et chimie) dans les lois de comportement
Distinctions scientifiques
● Prix jeune chercheur “Daniel Valentin 2001” décerné par l’Association pour les MAtériaux Composites (AMAC)
● “Innovation Awards 1* 2017” décerné par MBDA Missile Systems dans la catégorie “Concepts Innovants”
● “Award FDCA 2019” dans la catégorie Chercheurs décerné par la Fondation du Caoutchouc (FDCA)
Membre de comités d’administration de sociétés savantes
2005-2008 Association pour les MAtériaux Composites (AMAC)
2007-… Polymer Degradation Discussion Group (PDDG), un sous-groupe du RSC Macro Group UK
Co-éditeur en chef de revues scientifiques
2023-… Revue Matériaux & Techniques éditée par EDP Sciences
Membre de comités éditoriaux de revues scientifiques
2008-2023 Revue Matériaux & Techniques éditée par EDP Sciences
2016-… Revue Polymer Degradation & Stability éditée par Elsevier
2016-… Journal of Composites Science édité par MDPI
2018-… Iranian Journal of Materials Science and Engineering édité par IUST, IMS & ICerS
2018-… Section Materials Science de la revue Helyion éditée au départ par Elsevier et depuis Oct. 2019 par Cell Press
2018-… Revue multidisciplinaire Sci éditée par MDPI
2021-… Journal of Vinyl and Additive Technology édité par Wiley
2022-… Section Polymeric and Composites Materials de la revue Frontiers in Materials éditée par Frontiers Media S.A.
Résumé des activités scientifiques
● https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7768-9000
● H-index = 35 – Citations = 3308 citations par 1791 documents – Au 08/04/2024 d’après SCOPUS
● Auteur ou co-auteur de 1 ouvrage, 18 chapitres d’ouvrage, de plus de 120 articles dans des revues à comité de lecture, et de plus de 243 communications dans des conférences (dont 53 conférences invitées)
● Directeur ou co-directeur de 31 thèses (dont 6 en cours)
1- L. Audouin, X. Colin, B. Fayolle, E. Richaud & J. Verdu, 2012. “Polymères en ambiance nucléaire. Comportement à long terme”, EDP Sciences, Les Ulis, France. ISBN: 978-2-7598-0737-6
Chapitres d’ouvrages
18- K. Benzarti & X. Colin, 2022. “Understanding the durability of advanced fibre-reinforced polymer (FRP) composites for structural applications”, dans Woodhead Publishing Series in Civil and Structural Engineering: Advanced Fibre-Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Composites for Structural Applications, 2nd Edition, édité par J. Bai, Woodhead Publishing, Cambridge, Chap. 10, pp. 271-341.
17- X. Colin 2018. “Nonempirical kinetic modelling of non-Fickian water absorption induced by a chemical reaction in epoxy-amine networks”, dans Solid Mechanics and its Applications vol. 245: Durability of Composites in a Marine Environment 2, édité par P. Davies & Y.D.S. Rajapakse, Springer, Dordrecht, Chap. 1, pp. 1-18. ISBN: 978-3-319-65144-6
16- X. Colin & J. Verdu, 2014. “Humid ageing of organic matrix composites”, dans Solid Mechanics and its Applications vol. 208: Durability of Composites in a Marine Environment, édité par P. Davies & Y.D.S. Rajapakse, Springer, Dordrecht, Chap. 3, pp. 47-114. ISBN: 978-94-007-7416-2
15- K. Benzarti & X. Colin, 2013. “Understanding the durability of advanced fibre-reinforced polymer (FRP) composites for structural applications”, dans Woodhead Publishing Series in Civil and Structural Engineering no. 46: Advanced Fibre-Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Composites for Structural Applications, édité par J. Bai, Woodhead Publishing, Oxford, Chap. 12, pp. 361-439. ISBN: 978-0-85709-418-6
14- X. Colin & A. Tcharkhtchi, 2013. “Thermal degradation of polymers during their mechanical recycling”, dans Recycling: Technological Systems, Management Practices and Environmental Impact, édité par J.C. Culleri, Nova Science Publishers, New York, Chap. 2, pp. 57-95. ISBN: 978-1-62618-283-7
13- X. Colin & J. Verdu, 2012. “Aging of organic matrix composite materials”, dans Wiley Encyclopedia of Composites, 2nd Edition, vol. 1/5, édité par L. Nicolais, A. Borzacchiello & S.M. Lee, John Wiley & Sons Ltd, New York, Chap. 4, pp. 35-49. ISBN: 978-0-470-12828-2
12- E. Richaud, L. Audouin, X. Colin, B. Fayolle & J. Verdu, 2012. “New developments in the field of radiochemical ageing of aromatic polymers”, dans Current Topics in Ionizing Radiation Research, édité par M. Nenoi, Intech, Rijeka, Croatia, Chap. 34, pp. 817-840. ISBN: 978-953-51-0196-3
11- X. Colin & J. Verdu, 2012. “Mechanisms and kinetics of organic matrix thermooxidation”, dans Long-Term Durability of Polymeric Matrix Composites, édité par K.V. Pochiraju, G.P. Tandon & G.A. Schoeppner, Springer, New York, Chap. 8, pp. 311-344. ISBN: 978-1-4419-9307-6
10- X. Colin, G. Teyssèdre & M. Fois, 2011. “Ageing and degradation of multiphase polymer systems”, dans Handbook of Multiphase Polymer Systems, vol. 2/2, édité par A. Boudenne, L. Ibos, Y. Candau & S. Thomas, John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Chichester, Chap. 21, pp. 797-841. ISBN: 978-0-4707-1420-1
9- X. Colin & J. Verdu, 2011. “Thermooxidative and thermohydrolytic aging of organic composite matrices”, dans Resin Composites: Properties, Production and Applications, édité par D.B. Song, Nova Science Publishers, New York, Chap. 7, pp. 255-298. ISBN: 978-1-61209-129-7
8- X. Colin, J. Verdu & B. Rabaud, 2011. “Degradation of polyethylene pipes by water disinfectants”, dans Water Disinfection, édité par K.M. Buchanan, Nova Science Publishers, New York, Chap. 4, pp. 109-142. ISBN: 978-1-61122-021-6
7- B. Fayolle, X. Colin, L. Audouin & J. Verdu, 2008. “Relating kinetic models to embrittlement in polymer oxidative aging”, dans ACS Symposium Series 1004: Polymer Degradation and Performance, édité par M.C. Celina, J.S. Wiggins & N.C. Billingham, Oxford University Press, Washington, Chap. 12, pp. 135-146. ISBN: 9780841269781
6- X. Colin, B. Fayolle, L. Audouin & J. Verdu, 2008. “A non-empirical model for the lifetime prediction of polymers exposed in oxidative environments”, dans ACS Symposium Series 1004: Polymer Degradation and Performance, édité par M.C. Celina, J.S. Wiggins & N.C. Billingham, Oxford University Press, Washington, Chap. 11, pp. 121-134. ISBN: 9780841269781
5- J. Verdu & X. Colin, 2007. “Structures macromoléculaires tridimensionnelles”, dans Techniques de l’Ingénieur, Chap. A3045, 16 p.
4- J. Verdu & X. Colin, 2006. “Propriétés mécaniques des thermodurs”, dans “Physique des polymères à l’état solide”, dans “Collection du GFP : Initiation à la science des polymères”, édité par H. Sautereau & R. Séguéla, GFP, Strasbourg, Chap. IV, pp. 109-140.
3- L. Audouin, X. Colin, B. Fayolle & J. Verdu, 2005. “Modélisation cinétique d’un mécanisme d’oxydation“, dans Techniques de l’Ingénieur, Chap. AM3154, 9 p.
2- X. Colin, B. Fayolle, L. Audouin, J. Verdu & X. Duteurtre, 2003. “Vieillissement thermo-oxydant des polymères. Un pas vers la modélisation thermocinétique”, dans Série Arago 28 : Vieillissement et durabilité des matériaux, édité par G. Pijaudier-Cabot, OFTA, Paris, Chap. 3, pp. 65-98. EAN: 9782906028142
1- X. Colin, C. Marais, J.-L. Cochon & J. Verdu, 2000. “Kinetic modelling of weight changes during the isothermal oxidative ageing of bismaleimide matrix”, dans Recent Development in Durability Analysis of Composite Systems, édité par A.H. Cardon, H. Fukuda, K.L. Reifsnider & G. Verchery, A.A. Balkema Pub., Rotterdam, Chap. 4, pp. 49-54. ISBN: 9058091031
Articles dans des revues internationales à comité de lecture
98- A. Mouloud, A. Kerbour, X. Colin, G. Ait Cherif & A. Benchaoui, 2024. “Investigating the impact of Cloisite® 15A nanoclays on the diffusivity of Irganox 1035 antioxidant in high-density polyethylene nanocomposite”, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, vol. 141, no. 18, article no. e55308, 13 p.
97- M. Ji, X. Colin, W. Liu, X. Chi, S. Chatenet & W. Wei, 2024. “Comparison of the performances and ageing mechanisms of XLPE and EVA insulation during their thermal oxidative ageing”, Polymer Degradation & Stability, vol. 222, article no. 110699, 11 p.
96- M. Makki, G. Ayoub, C.W. Lee, C. Bae & X. Colin, 2023. “Effect of battery fast cyclic charging on the mechanical and fracture behavior of the lithium-ion battery separator”, Polymer Degradation & Stability, vol. 216, article no. 110469, 14 p.
95- S. Hettal, S. Roland & X. Colin, 2022. “Radiochemical ageing of ATH filled silane-crosslinked polyethylene”, Macromolecular Symposia, vol. 405, no. 1, article no. 2100216, 4 p.
94- Y. Ahn, G. Roma & X. Colin, 2022. “Elucidating the role of alkoxyl radicals in polyethylene radio-oxidation kinetics”, Macromolecules, vol. 55, no. 19, pp. 8676-8684.
93- S.V. Suraci, X. Colin & D. Fabiani, 2022. “Multiscale modelling of permittivity of polymers with aging: analysis of molecular scale properties and their impact on electrical permittivity”, IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics & Electrical Insulation, vol. 29, no. 5, pp. 1795-1802.
92- S. Hettal, S. Roland & X. Colin, 2022. “Consequences of radiothermal ageing on the crystalline morphology of additive-free silane-crosslinked polyethylene”, Polymers, vol. 14, no. 14, article no. 2912, 21 p.
91- T. Salivon, R. Comté & X. Colin, 2022. “Thermal aging of electrical cable insulation made of cross-linked low density polyethylene for under-hood application in automotive industry”, Journal of Vinyl & Additive Technology, vol. 28, no. 2, 418-429.
90- S. Hettal, S. Roland, K. Sipila, H. Joki & X. Colin, 2022. “A new kinetic modeling approach for predicting the lifetime of ATH-filled silane cross-liked polyethylene in a nuclear environment”, Polymers, vol. 14, no. 7, article no. 1492, 31 p.
89- X. Colin, 2022. “Humid and thermal oxidative ageing of radiation cured polymers – A brief overview”, Frontiers in Chemistry, vol. 9, article no. 797335, 22 p.
88- S. Hettal, S.V. Suraci, S. Roland, D. Fabiani & X. Colin, 2021. “Towards a kinetic modeling of the changes in the electrical properties of cable insulation during radio-thermal ageing in nuclear power plants. Application to silane-crosslinked polyethylene”, Polymers, vol. 13, no. 24, article no. 4427, 26 p.
87- S.V. Suraci, D. Fabiani, S. Roland & X. Colin, 2021. “Multi scale aging assessment of low-voltage cables subjected to radio-chemical aging: Towards an electrical diagnostic technique”, Polymer Testing, vol. 103, article no. 107352, 11 p.
86- X. Colin, J. Delozanne & G. Moreau, 2021. “New advances in the kinetic modeling of thermal oxidation of epoxy-diamine networks”, Frontiers in Materials, vol. 8, article no. 720455, 14 p.
85- Y. Ahn, X. Colin & G. Roma, 2021. “Atomic scale mechanisms controlling the oxidation of polyethylene: a first principles study”, Polymers, vol. 13, no. 13, article no. 2143, 18 p.
84- A. Xu, S. Roland & X. Colin, 2021. “Thermal ageing of a silane-crosslinked polyethylene stabilised with an excess of Irganox 1076®”, Polymer Degradation & Stability, vol. 189, article no. 109597, 19 p.
83- X. Colin, F. Essatbi, J. Delozanne & G. Moreau, 2021. “A new analytical model for predicting the thermal oxidation kinetics of composite organic matrices. Application to diamine cross-linked epoxy”, Polymer Degradation & Stability, vol. 186, article no. 109513, 13 p.
82- S. Hettal, S. Roland, K. Sipila, H. Joki & X. Colin, 2021. “A new analytical model for predicting the radio-thermal oxidation kinetics and the lifetime of electric cable insulation in nuclear power plants. Application to silane cross-linked polyethylene”, Polymer Degradation & Stability, vol. 185, article no. 109492, 13 p.
81- A. Xu, S. Roland & X. Colin, 2021. “Physico-chemical analysis of a silane-grafted polyethylene stabilised with an excess of Irganox 1076®. Proposal of a microstructural model”, Polymer Degradation & Stability, vol. 183, article no. 109453, 9 p.
80- H. Lamnii, M. Nait Abdelaziz, G. Ayoub, X. Colin & U. Maschke, 2021. “Experimental investigation and modeling attempt on the effects of ultraviolet aging on the fatigue behavior of a LDPE semi-crystalline polymer”, Internal Journal of Fatigue, vol. 142, article no. 105952, 12 p.
79- G. Ayoub, A.K. Rodriguez, B. Mansoor & X. Colin, 2020. “Modeling the visco-hyperelastic-viscoplastic behavior of photodegraded semi-crystalline low-density polyethylene films”, International Journal of Solids & Structures, vols 204-205, pp. 187-198.
78- A. Xu, S. Roland & X. Colin, 2020. “Thermal ageing of a silane-crosslinked polyethylene stabilized with a thiodipropionate antioxidant”, Polymer Degradation & Stability, vol. 181, article no. 109276, 11 p.
77- X. Colin, F. Essatbi, J. Delozanne & G. Moreau, 2020. “Towards a general kinetic model for the thermal oxidation of epoxy-diamine networks. Effect of the molecular mobility around the glass transition temperature”, Polymer Degradation & Stability, vol. 181, article no. 109314, 17 p.
76- A.K. Rodriguez, B. Mansoor, G. Ayoub, X. Colin & A.A. Benzerga, 2020. “Effect of UV-aging on the mechanical and fracture behavior of low density polyethylene”, Polymer Degradation & Stability, vol. 180, article no. 109185, 14 p.
75- Y. Bian, X. Colin & M. Aressy, 2020. “Thermal aging of high tenacity polyvinyl alcohol yarns”, Polymer Degradation & Stability, vol. 179, article no. 109277, 16 p.
74- S.V. Suraci, D. Fabiani, A. Xu, S. Roland & X. Colin, 2020. “Ageing assessment of XLPE LV cables for nuclear applications through physico-chemical and electrical measurements”, IEEE Access, vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 27086-27096.
73- A. Xu, S. Roland & X. Colin, 2020. “Physico-chemical characterization of the blooming of Irganox 1076® antioxidant onto the surface of a silane-crosslinked polyethylene”, Polymer Degradation & Stability, vol. 171, article no. 109046, 14 p.
72- X. Colin, M. Ben Hassine & M. Nait-Abdelaziz, 2019. “Chemo-mechanical model for predicting the lifetime of EPDM rubbers”, Rubber Chemistry & Technology, vol. 92, no. 4, pp. 722-748.
71- G. Minard & X. Colin, 2019. “Thermal ageing of a hybrid composite rod for next generation overhead power lines”, Journal of Composites Science, vol. 3, no. 4, article no. 103, 25 p.
70- M. Lacuve, X. Colin, L. Perrin, L. Flandin, P. Notingher, C. Tourcher, M. Ben Hassine & H. Tanzeghti, 2019. “Investigation and modelling of the water transport properties in unfilled EPDM elastomers”, Polymer Degradation & Stability, vol. 168, article no. 108949, 7 p.
69- M. Nait Abdelaziz, G. Ayoub, X. Colin, M. Ben Hassine & M. Mouwakeh, 2019. “New developments in fracture of rubbers: Predictive tools and influence of thermal aging”, International Journal of Solids & Structures, vol. 165, pp. 127-136.
68- V. Defauchy, H. Le Corre & X. Colin, 2018. “Simulation of the oxygen permeability of a composite container”, Journal of Composites Science, vol. 2, no. 2, article no. 21, 14 p.
67- E. Courvoisier, Y. Bicaba & X. Colin, 2018. “Multi-scale and multi-technique analysis of the thermal degradation of poly(ether ether ketone)”, Polymer Degradation & Stability, vol. 151, pp. 65-79.
66- E. Courvoisier, Y. Bicaba & X. Colin 2018. “Multi-scale and multi-technical analysis of the thermal degradation of poly(ether imide)”, Polymer Degradation & Stability, vol. 147, pp. 177-186.
65- J. Gracia, J. Vermeulen, D. Baux, T. Sauvage, L. Venault, F. Audubert & X. Colin, 2018. “Stability of zinc stearate under alpha irradiation in the manufacturing process of SFR nuclear fuels”, Radiation Physics & Chemistry, vol. 144, pp. 92-99.
64- A. Mikdam, X. Colin, G. Minard, N. Billon & R. Maurin, 2017. “A kinetic model for predicting the oxidative degradation of additive free polyethylene in bleach desinfected water”, Polymer Degradation & Stability, vol. 146, pp. 78-94.
63- J. Cinquin, X. Colin, B. Fayolle, M. Mille, S. Terekhina, L. Chocinski-Arnault, M. Gigliotti, J.-C. Grandidier, M.-C. Lafarie-Frenot, M. Minervino, C. Cluzel, F. Daghia, P. Ladeveze & F. Zhang, 2016. “Thermo-oxidation behavior of organic matrix composite materials at high temperatures”, Advances in Aircraft and Spacecraft Science, vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 171-195.
62- M. Da Cruz, L. Van Schoors, K. Benzarti & X. Colin, 2016. “Thermo-oxidative degradation of additive free polyethylene. Part I. Analysis of chemical modifications at molecular and macromolecular scales”, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, vol. 133, no. 18, article no. 43287, 16 p.
61- A. François-Heude, E. Richaud, E. Desnoux & X. Colin, 2015. “A general kinetic model for the photothermal oxidation of polypropylene”, Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry, vol. 296, pp. 48-65.
60- A. François-Heude, E. Richaud, A. Guinault, E. Desnoux & X. Colin, 2015. “Impact of oxygen transport properties on polypropylene thermal oxidation. II. Effect of oxygen diffusivity”, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, vol. 132, no. 6, article no. 41562, 11 p.
59- A. François-Heude, E. Richaud, A. Guinault, E. Desnoux & X. Colin, 2015. “Impact of oxygen transport properties on polypropylene thermal oxidation. Part 1: Effect of oxygen solubility”, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, vol. 132, no. 5, article no. 41441, 16p.
58- A. Shabani, X. Colin, G. Marque & C. Monchy-Leroy, 2014. “Peroxide crosslinking of EPDMs having high fractions of ethylene units”, Rubber Chemistry and Technology, vol. 87, no. 4, pp. 679-702.
57- M. Ben Hassine, M. Naït-Abdelaziz, F. Zahïri, X. Colin, C. Tourcher & G. Marque, 2014. “Time to failure prediction in rubber components subjected to thermal ageing: A combined approach based upon the intrinsic defect concept and the fracture mechanics”, Mechanics of Materials, vol. 79, pp. 15-24.
56- A. François-Heude, E. Richaud, E. Desnoux & X. Colin, 2014. “Influence of temperature, UV-light wavelength and intensity on polypropylene photothermal oxidation”, Polymer Degradation & Stability, vol. 100, pp. 10-20.
55- S. Terekhina, M. Mille, B. Fayolle & X. Colin, 2013. “Oxidation induced changes in viscoelastic properties of a thermostable epoxy matrix”, Polymer Science, Series A, vol. 55, no. 10, pp. 614-624.
54- A. François-Heude, E. Richaud, L. Leprovost, M. Heninger, E. Mestdagh, E. Desnoux & X. Colin, 2013. “Real-time quantitative analysis of volatile products generated during solid-state polypropylene thermal oxidation”, Polymer Testing, vol. 32, no. 5, pp. 907-917.
53- C. El Mazry, M. Ben Hassine, O. Correc & X. Colin, 2013. “Thermal oxidation kinetics of free additive polyamide 6-6”, Polymer Degradation & Stability, vol. 98, no. 1, pp. 22-36.
52- C. El Mazry, O. Correc & X. Colin, 2012. “A new kinetic model for predicting polyamide 6-6 hydrolysis and its mechanical embrittlement”, Polymer Degradation & Stability, vol. 97, no. 6, pp. 1049-1059.
51- L.K. Nait-Ali, A. Bergeret, L. Ferry & X. Colin, 2012. “Chain branching detection by Cole-Cole modeling of rheological properties changes during PET mechanical recycling”, Polymer Testing, vol. 31, no. 3, pp. 500-504.
50- X. Colin, J. Verdu & B. Rabaud 2011. “Stabiliser thickness profiles in polyethylene pipes transporting drinking water disinfected by bleach”, Polymer Engineering & Science, vol. 51, no. 8, pp. 1541-1549.
49- X. Colin, C. Monchy-Leroy & J. Verdu, 2011. “Effect of gamma irradiation on tensile properties of low molecular weight polyethylene samples”, Radiation Physics & Chemistry, vol. 80, no. 8, pp. 895-901.
48- E. Richaud, X. Colin, C. Monchy-Leroy, L. Audouin & J. Verdu, 2011. “Diffusion-controlled radiochemical oxidation of bisphenol A polysulfone”, Polymer International, vol. 60, no. 3, pp. 371-381.
47- L.K. Nait-Ali, X. Colin & A. Bergeret, 2011. “Kinetic analysis and modeling of PET macromolecular changes during its mechanical recycling by extrusion”, Polymer Degradation & Stability, vol. 96, no. 2, pp. 236-246.
46- S. Sarrabi, X. Colin & A. Tcharkhtchi, 2010. “Kinetic modeling of polypropylene thermal oxidation during its processing by rotational molding”, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, vol. 118, no. 2, pp. 980-996.
45- M.-C. Lafarie-Frenot, J.-C. Grandidier, M. Gigliotti, L. Olivier, X. Colin, J. Verdu & J. Cinquin, 2010. “Thermo-oxidation behaviour of composite materials at high temperatures: A review of research activities carried out within the COMEDI program”, Polymer Degradation & Stability, vol. 95, no. 6, pp. 965-974.
44- E. Richaud, P. Ferreira, L. Audouin, X. Colin, J. Verdu, C. Monchy-Leroy, 2010. “Radiochemical ageing of poly(ether ether ketone)”, European Polymer Journal, vol. 46, no. 4, pp. 731-743.
43- X. Colin, E. Richaud, J. Verdu & C. Monchy-Leroy, 2010. “Kinetic modelling of radiochemical ageing of ethylene-propylene copolymers”, Radiation Physics & Chemistry, vol. 79, no. 3, pp. 365-370.
42- X. Colin, L. Audouin & J. Verdu, 2009. “Towards a non empirical kinetic model for the lifetime prediction of polyethylene pipes transporting drinking water”, Macromolecular Symposia, vol. 286, pp. 81-88.
41- J. Tireau, L. Van Schoors, K. Benzarti & X. Colin, 2009. “Environmental ageing of carbon black-filled polyethylene sheaths employed in civil engineering”, Journal of Nanostructured Polymers & Nanocomposites, vol. 5, no. 4, pp. 94-100.
40- E. Richaud, C. Monchy-Leroy, X. Colin, L. Audouin & J. Verdu, 2009. “Kinetic modelling of stabilization coupled with stabilizer loss by evaporation. Case of dithioester stabilized polyethylene”, Polymer Degradation & Stability, vol. 94, no. 11, pp. 2004-2014.
39- S. Sarrabi, X. Colin, A. Tcharkhtchi, M. Heninger, J. Leprovost & H. Mestdagh, 2009. “Real time analysis of volatile organic compounds from polypropylene thermal oxidation using chemical ionization FTICR mass spectrometry”, Analytical Chemistry, vol. 81, no. 15, pp. 6013-6020.
38- X. Colin, L. Audouin, J. Verdu, M. Rozental-Evesque, B. Rabaud, F. Martin & F. Bourgine, 2009. “Aging of polyethylene pipes transporting drinking water disinfected by chlorine dioxide. II-Lifetime prediction”, Polymer Engineering & Science, vol. 49, no. 8, pp. 1642-1652.
37- X. Colin, L. Audouin, J. Verdu, M. Rozental-Evesque, B. Rabaud, F. Martin & F. Bourgine, 2009. “Aging of polyethylene pipes transporting drinking water disinfected by chlorine dioxide. I-Chemical aspects”, Polymer Engineering & Science, vol. 49, no. 7, pp. 1429-1437.
36- E. Richaud, X. Colin, C. Monchy-Leroy, L. Audouin & J. Verdu, 2009. “Polyethylene stabilization against thermal oxidation by trimethylquinoleine oligomer”, Polymer Degradation & Stability, vol. 94, no. 3, pp. 410-420.
35- B. Fayolle, E. Richaud, X. Colin & J. Verdu, 2008. “Review: Degradation-induced embrittlement in semi-crystalline polymers having their amorphous phase in rubbery state”, Journal of Materials Science, vol. 43, pp. 6999-7012.
34- E. Richaud, X. Colin, B. Fayolle, L. Audouin & J. Verdu, 2008. “Induction period in the low-temperature thermal oxidation of saturated hydrocarbons: example of polyethylene”, International Journal of Chemical Kinetics, vol. 40, no. 12, pp. 769-777.
33- M. Coquillat, J. Verdu, X. Colin, L. Audouin & M. Celina, 2008. “A kinetic evaluation of the thermal oxidation of a phenol stabilised polybutadiene”, Polymer Degradation & Stability, vol. 93, no. 9, pp. 1689-1694.
32- S. Sarrabi, X. Colin & A. Tcharkhtchi, 2008. “Isothermal oxidation kinetics of unstabilised polypropylene in the molten state”, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, vol. 110, pp. 2030-2040.
31- N. Rasoldier, X. Colin, J. Verdu, M. Bocquet, L. Olivier, L. Chocinski-Arnault & M.-C. Lafarie-Frenot, 2008. “Model systems for thermo-oxidised epoxy composite matrices”, Composites: Part A: Applied Science & Manufacturing, vol. 39, pp. 1522-1529.
30- X. Colin, C. Monchy-Leroy, L. Audouin & J. Verdu, 2007. “Lifetime prediction of polyethylene in nuclear plants”, Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, vol. 265, no. 1, pp. 251-255.
29- X. Colin, L. Audouin & J. Verdu, 2007. “Thermal oxidation kinetics of unvulcanized unstabilized polyisoprene”, Rubber Chemistry & Technology, vol. 80, no. 4, pp. 621-641.
28- A. Lopez Arraiza, J.R. Sarasua, J. Verdu & X. Colin, 2007. “Rheological behavior and modelling of thermal degradation of poly(e-caprolactone) and poly(l-lactide)”, International Polymer Processing, vol. 22, no. 5, pp. 389-394.
27- M. Coquillat, J. Verdu, X. Colin, L. Audouin & R. Nevière, 2007. “Thermal oxidation of polybutadiene. Part III: Molar mass changes for additive free uncrosslinked polybutadiene”, Polymer Degradation & Stability, vol. 92, no. 7, pp. 1343-1349.
26- M. Coquillat, J. Verdu, X. Colin, L. Audouin & R. Nevière, 2007. “Thermal oxidation of polybutadiene. Part II: Mechanistic and kinetic schemes for additive free uncrosslinked polybutadiene”, Polymer Degradation & Stability, vol. 92, no. 7, pp. 1334-1342.
25- M. Coquillat, J. Verdu, X. Colin, L. Audouin & R. Nevière, 2007. “Thermal oxidation of polybutadiene. Part I: Effect of temperature, oxygen pressure and sample thickness on the thermal oxidation of hydroxyl-terminated polybutadiene”, Polymer Degradation & Stability, vol. 92, no. 7, pp. 1326-1333.
24- X. Colin, L. Audouin & J. Verdu, 2007. “Kinetic modelling of the thermal oxidation of polyisoprene elastomers. Part III: Oxidation induced changes of elastic properties”, Polymer Degradation & Stability, vol. 92, no. 5, pp. 906-914.
23- X. Colin, L. Audouin, M. Le Huy & J. Verdu, 2007. “Kinetic modelling of the thermal oxidation of polyisoprene elastomers. Part II: Effect of sulfur vulcanization on mass changes and thickness distribution of oxidation products during thermal oxidation”, Polymer Degradation & Stability, vol. 92, no. 5, pp. 898-905.
22- X. Colin, L. Audouin & J. Verdu, 2007. “Kinetic modelling of the thermal oxidation of polyisoprene elastomers. Part I: Unvulcanized unstabilized polyisoprene”, Polymer Degradation & Stability, vol. 92, no. 5, pp. 886-897.
21- B. Fayolle, X. Colin, L. Audouin & J. Verdu, 2007. “Mechanism of degradation induced embrittlement in polyethylene”, Polymer Degradation & Stability, vol. 92, no. 2, pp. 231-238.
20- J. Verdu, X. Colin, B. Fayolle & L. Audouin, 2007. “Methodology of lifetime prediction in polymer aging”, Journal of Testing & Evaluation (ASTM), vol. 35, no. 3, pp. 289-296.
19- X. Colin & J. Verdu, 2006. “Polymer degradation during processing”, Comptes Rendus Chimie Académie des Sciences Chimie, vol. 9, no. 11-12, pp. 1380-1390.
18- X. Colin, B. Fayolle, L. Audouin & J. Verdu, 2006. “The classical kinetic model for radical chain oxidation of hydrocarbon substrates initiated by bimolecular hydroperoxide decomposition”, International Journal of Chemical Kinetics, vol. 38, no. 11, pp. 666-676.
17- M. Guyader, L. Audouin, X. Colin, J. Verdu & S. Chevalier, 2006. “Epoxides in the thermal oxidation of polybutadiene”, Polymer Degradation & Stability, vol. 91, pp. 2813-2815.
16- N. Khelidj, X. Colin, L. Audouin, J. Verdu, C. Monchy-Leroy & V. Prunier, 2006. “Oxidation of polyethylene under irradiation at low temperature and low dose rate. Part II- Low temperature thermal oxidation”, Polymer Degradation & Stability, vol. 91, no. 7, pp. 1598-1605.
15- N. Khelidj, X. Colin, L. Audouin, J. Verdu, C. Monchy-Leroy & V. Prunier, 2006. “Oxidation of polyethylene under irradiation at low temperature and low dose rate. Part I- The case of “pure” radiochemical initiation”, Polymer Degradation & Stability, vol. 91, no. 7, pp. 1593-1597.
14- J. Verdu, X. Colin, L. Audouin, J. Rychly & L. Matisova-Rychla, 2006. “Chemiluminescence from the thermal oxidation of polyisoprene and polybutadiene. I- Influence of oxygen pressure on the chemiluminescence of polyisoprene during its oxidation”, Polymer Degradation & Stability, vol. 91, no. 6, pp. 1387-1394.
13- X. Colin, A. Mavel, C. Marais & J. Verdu, 2005. “Interaction between cracking and oxidation in organic matrix composites”, Journal of Composite Materials, vol. 39, no. 15, pp. 1371-1389.
12- N. Khelidj, X. Colin, L. Audouin & J. Verdu, 2005. “A simplified approach for the lifetime prediction of PE in nuclear environments“, Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, vol. 236, no. 1-4, pp. 88-94.
11- X. Colin & J. Verdu, 2005. “Strategy for studying thermal oxidation of organic matrix composites”, Composites Science & Technology, Vol. 65, pp. 411-419.
10- X. Colin, C. Marais & J. Verdu, 2005. “Kinetic modelling of the stabilizing effect of carbon fibre on thermal ageing thermoset matrix composites”, Composites Science & Technology, vol. 65, pp. 117-127.
9- X. Colin, L. Audouin & J. Verdu, 2004. “Determination of thermal oxidation rate constants by an inverse method. Application to polyethylene“, Polymer Degradation & Stability, vol. 86, pp. 309-321.
8- R. Assadi, X. Colin & J. Verdu, 2004. “Irreversible structural changes during PET recycling by extrusion“, Polymer, vol. 45, no. 13, pp. 4403-4412.
7- X. Colin & J. Verdu, 2003. “Thermal ageing and lifetime prediction for organic matrix composites”, Plastics, Rubber & Composites: Macromolecular Engineering, vol. 32, no. 8/9, pp. 349-356.
6- L.M. Rincon-Rubio, X. Colin, L. Audouin & J. Verdu, May-June 2003. “A theoretical model for the diffusion-limited thermal oxidation of elastomers at medium temperatures”, Rubber Chemistry & Technology, vol. 76, no. 2, pp. 460-482.
5- X. Colin, B. Fayolle, L. Audouin & J. Verdu, 2003. “About a quasi-universal character of unstabilised polyethylene thermal oxidation kinetics”, Polymer Degradation & Stability, vol. 80, no. 1, pp. 67-74.
4- X. Colin, C. Marais & J. Verdu, 2002. “Kinetic modelling and simulation of gravimetric curves. Application to the oxidation of bismaleimide and epoxy resins”, Polymer Degradation & Stability, vol. 78, no. 3, pp. 545-553.
3- X. Colin, C. Marais & J. Verdu, 2001. “A new method for predicting the thermal oxidation of thermosets. Application to an amine crosslinked epoxy”, Polymer Testing, vol. 20, no. 7, pp. 795-803.
2- X. Colin, C. Marais & J. Verdu, 2001. “Thermal oxidation kinetics for a poly-(bismaleimide)”, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, vol. 82, no. 14, pp. 3418-3430.
1- D. Lesueur, X. Colin, G. Camino & N.D. Alberola, 1997. “Dynamic mechanical behaviour and thermal degradation of undoped polyaniline”, Polymer Bulletin, vol. 39, pp. 755-760.
Articles dans des revues nationales à comité de lecture
22- E. Courvoisier, Y. Bicaba & X. Colin, 2020. “Conséquences de l’oxydation sur l’absorption d’eau dans les matrices PEEK et PEI”, Matériaux & Techniques, vol. 108, no. 2, article no. 205, 9 p.
21- E. Courvoisier, Y. Bicaba & X. Colin, 2017. “ Analyse de la dégradation thermique du poly(éther éther cétone)”, Matériaux & Techniques, vol. 105, no. 4, article no. 403, 20 p.
20- E. Courvoisier, Y. Bicaba & X. Colin, 2017. “Analyse de la dégradation thermique du poly(éther imide)”, Matériaux & Techniques, vol. 105, no. 4, article no. 402, 14 p.
19- E. Courvoisier, Y. Bicaba & X. Colin, 2016. “Proposition d’un modèle cinétique pour la dégradation thermique de la matrice PEEK”, Matériaux & Techniques, vol. 104, no. 2, article no. 204, 11 p.
18- X. Colin, B. Fayolle & J. Cinquin, 2016. “Nouvelles avancées en modélisation cinétique de la thermo-oxydation des matrices époxy-diamines”, Matériaux & Techniques, vol. 104, no. 2, article no. 202, 10 p.
17- J. Dausseins, C. El Mazry, O. Correc & X. Colin, 2014. “Méthode de vieillissement accéléré au dioxyde de chlore. Application au polyamide 66 non stabilisé et non chargé”, Techniques Sciences Méthodes, no. 5, pp. 63-75.
16- M. Serror, X. Colin & J.-F. Larché, 2013. “Vieillissement thermique d’un jonc composite carbone/époxy. Analyse de l’endommagement et ses conséquences sur les propriétés mécaniques”, Revue des Composites et des Matériaux Avancés, Hermès Science Publications, Paris, vol. 23, no. 1, pp. 51-67.
15- C. El Mazry, O. Correc & X. Colin, 2011. “Hydrolyse réversible du polyamide 6,6. Modélisation cinétique de la fragilisation”, European Journal of Water Quality, vol. 42, no. 1, pp. 51-69.
14- L.K. Nait-Ali, A. Bergeret & X. Colin, 2011. “Un modèle cinétique pour prédire les modifications de structure macromoléculaire du PET pendant son recyclage mécanique”, Matériaux & Techniques, vol. 99, no. 4, pp. 373-390.
13- L. Audouin, X. Colin, B. Fayolle, E. Richaud & J. Verdu, 2010. “Le vieillissement thermo-oxydant est-il modélisable?”, Matériaux & Techniques, vol. 98, pp. 347-360.
12- M. Heninger, J. Leprovost, X. Colin, P. Leparlouer, C. Mayoux, N. Bouton & H. Mestdagh, 2010. “Mesure en temps réel de composés organiques volatils émis par la thermodégradation d’un matériau au moyen d’un couplage associant un analyseur thermogravimétrique avec un spectromètre de masse haute résolution (FT-ICR)”, Spectra Analyse, no. 274, pp. 43-48.
11- X. Colin, E. Richaud, C. Monchy-Leroy & J. Verdu, 2009. “Couplages dans le vieillissement des matériaux organiques”, Matériaux & Techniques, vol. 97, pp. 325-337.
10- X. Colin, L. Audouin & J. Verdu, 2009. “Vers une prédiction non empirique de la durée de vie de tuyaux en polyéthylène utilisés pour le transport de l’eau potable”, European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering, Lavoisier, Paris, vol. 13, no. 9, pp. 1017-1028.
9- S. Sarrabi, X. Colin & A. Tcharkhtchi, 2008. “Dégradation thermique du polypropylène au cours du rotomoulage. Partie II. Modélisation de la cinétique de thermooxydation”, Matériaux & Techniques, vol. 96, no. 6, pp. 281-294.
8- S. Sarrabi, X. Colin & A. Tcharkhtchi, 2008. “Dégradation thermique du polypropylène au cours du rotomoulage. Partie I. Simulation du transfert thermique”, Matériaux & Techniques, vol. 96, no. 6, pp. 253-261.
7- L. Audouin, X. Colin, B. Fayolle & J. Verdu, 2008. “Dégradation et réticulation des polymères linéaires. Traitement des données relatives à la distribution des masses molaires et à l’analyse sol-gel”, Matériaux & Techniques, vol. 96, no. 3, pp. 103-109.
6- E. Richaud, L. Audouin, X. Colin, B. Fayolle & J. Verdu, 2008. “Rôle des hydroperoxydes dans le vieillissement oxydant des matériaux polymères”, Matériaux & Techniques, vol. 96, no. 1/2, pp. 27-42.
5- L. Audouin, X. Colin, B. Fayolle & J. Verdu, 2007. “Sur l’utilisation de la loi d’Arrhenius dans le domaine du vieillissement des polymères”, Matériaux & Techniques, vol. 95, no. 3, pp. 167-177.
4- M. Rozental, F. Martin, F. Bourgine, X. Colin, L. Audouin & J. Verdu, 2006. “Etude du comportement de tuyaux en polyéthylène utilisés pour le transport d’eau potable en présence de désinfectant chloré”, Techniques Sciences Méthodes, no. 12, pp. 119-126.
3- X. Colin, B. Fayolle, L. Audouin & J. Verdu, 2003. “Phénomènes de transport des stabilisants dans les polyoléfines. Partie II : Solubilité”, Matériaux & Techniques, no. 1/2, pp. 9-14.
2- X. Colin, B. Fayolle, L. Audouin & J. Verdu, 2002. “Phénomènes de transport des stabilisants dans les polyoléfines. Partie I : Diffusion”, Matériaux & Techniques, no. 11/12, pp. 3-9.
1- X. Colin & J. Verdu, 2002. “Vieillissement thermo-oxydant des composites à matrice organique. Prédiction de durée de vie”, Revue des Composites et des Matériaux Avancés, Hermès Science Publications, Paris, vol. 12, no. 1, pp. 163-186.
Thèses classées par domaine d’application
● Câbles électriques et accessoires de raccordement :
N. Khelidj (Nov. 2006, EDF) ; I. MKacher (Oct. 2012, EDF) ; A. Shabani (Mai 2013, EDF) ; M. Ben Hassine (Oct. 2013, EDF) ; W. Bannouf (Déc. 2014, EDF) ; T. Salivon (Mars 2017, Groupe PSA) ; M. Lacuve (Mars 2018, EDF) ; Q. Pelzer (Juin 2019, EDF) ; S.V. Suraci (Déc. 2020, H2020 TMC) ; A. Xu (Mars 2021, H2020 TMC) ; S. Hettal (Juin 2022, H2020 TMC) ; Y. Ahn (Déc. 2022, CEA) ; M. Ji (En cours, EDF Chine) ; C. Jost (En cours, NEXANS) ; R. Perepadan Shaju (En cours, CEA).
● Propergols solides et joints d’étanchéité :
M. Coquillat (Sept. 2007, SME) ; N. Meghiref (Juil. 2020, LRCCP) ; A.H. Brahami (Mai 2022, LRCCP) ; F. Blanchard (En cours, ELANOVA Lab).
● Recyclage mécanique et dégradation au cours du procédé :
S. Sarrabi (Mars 2009, Bourse MEN).
● Géotextiles et géomembranes :
J. Tireau (Janv. 2011, LCPC) ; M. Da Cruz (Juin 2015, IFSTTAR) ; Y. Bian (Juin 2019, Terre Armée).
● Matériaux composites :
M. Serror (Oct. 2013, NEXANS) ; E. Courvoisier (Mars 2017, SAFRAN Composites).
● Accessoires de robinetterie et tuyaux pour le transport d’eau potable :
C. El Marzy (Janv. 2013, CSTB) ; J. Dausseins (Juin 2015, CSTB).
● Revêtements et peintures :
N. Perrier (En cours, ST GOBAIN PAM) ; A. Dumand (En cours, EDF).
● Pare-chocs d’automobile :
A. François-Heude (Juin 2014, Renault Technocentre).
● Combustibles nucléaires :
J. Gracia (Oct. 2017, CEA).