The research conducted in the CoMet group are based on experimental, theoretical and numerical scale transition methods. Our aim is to make the link, in a systematic way, between the elementary deformation mechanisms, the microstructure/architecture of the material, the behaviour of a Representative Volume Element, and the fabrication/transformation process. We are mainly focused on the investigation of pure metals and metallic alloys, but our activity also opens towards other type of polycrystalline materials (ceramics, minerals, …), other structures (architectured materials), and multi-physic behaviours. The experimental activities essentially rely on the Technical Platforms of the lab, in particular X rays, Microscopy, Mechanical Testing, and Laser, for which we actively develop new experimental devices (ex. proof of concept for large scale additive manufacturing, time resolved diffraction setup for ultrasonic fatigue under synchrotron, etc.).
The four main topics of our specific research activities are listed and detailed below. The group is also largely involved in the transverse research programs at PIMM (additive manufacturing; behaviour at very large strain-rates – laser shock; behaviour of architecture materials).
The list of ongoing PhD work is available here (search for the keyword ‘comet’). Defended PhDs are listed here (sorted by date).
Permanent members: Thierry Auger (Assoc. Reas.), Sarah Baïz (Ing.), Chedly Braham (Assoc. Pr.), Olivier Castelnau (Senior Resear.DR), Jean-Pierre Chevalier (Pr.), Katell Derrien (Assoc. Pr.), Justin Dirrenberger (Assoc. Pr.), Sébastien Dubent (Ing.), Véronique Favier (Pr.), Zehoua Hamouche (Assoc. Pr.), Imade Koutiri (Assoc. Pr.), Jean-Baptiste Marijon (Ing.), Vincent Michel (Ing.), Léo Morin (Assoc. Pr.), Nicolas Ranc (Pr.) and Frédéric Valès (Ing.)
PhD students: Frédéric Albertini, Olivier Andreau, Pauline Bonnet, Zaïd Boussattine, Thibaut de Terris, Khaoula Dorhmi, Romain Duballet, Paul Lafourcade, Socona Traore, Antoine-Emmanuel Viard and Shaobo Yang
Post-doc and Assit. Prof. : Pierre Lapouge, Federica Ongaro, Taylan Ors and Noushin Torabian