Professeur des universités
01 44 24 63 16
Date d'arrivée
Equipe de recherche

Thématiques de recherche

- Oxydation des matériaux polymères (époxys, vinyl esters, polyoléfines, polymères aromatiques, polyamides)

- Vieillissement hydrolytique des réseaux

- Physico-chimie de la stabilisation

- Vieillissement physique des polymères en présence de fluides (huiles minérales, biocarburants)

- Modélisation cinétique



2016: Professeur des Universités

2013: Habilitation à diriger les recherches

2009: Maitre de conférences au PIMM

2007-2009: Ingénieur de recherche au Laboratoire d'Ingénierie des Matériaux

2003-2006: Thèse au Laboratoire Central des Ponts et Chaussées. "Durabilité des Géotextiles en Polypropylène" (dir: Pr Jacques VERDU / Bruno FAYOLLE)

2003: Ingénieur de l'Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Chimie de Clermont-Ferrand



Porteur du projet FLAMS (FLuorosilicones Ageing, Mechanics and Synthesis) financé par l'ANR (2021-2024) - voir


Porteur du projet DUREVE (DUrabilité des REVetements Epoxys) financé par l'ANR (2019-2022) - voir


Porteur du projet VRPOM (Vieillissement des Réseaux POlymèrisés par Métathèse) financé par l'ANR (2015-2019) - voir                        


Comité d'organisation de la Conférence Vieillissement des Polymères VIP2022 et VIP2024.


Responsable local de la Cordée de la réussite "Ambition Sciences ParisTech"

Participation au Think Tanks Arts et Metiers (2020-2023)

Membre du conseil scientifique du Pole de Compétitivité Elastopole/Polymeris (2014-)

Membre du conseil de laboratoire du PIMM (2013-2016)



responsable de l'Unité d'Expertise "Polymères et Composites" (2011-)


Quelques articles

(liste complete sur


Quelennec B., Duan Z., Delannoy R., Gay N., Briffaut M., Tognetti V., Delpouve N., Delbreilh L., Bredif L., Duthoit A., Richaud E. Effect of physical and chemical ageing on barrier properties of epoxy coating. Construction and Building Materials, 409, art. no. 133908 (2023)

Chebil M.S., Bouaoulo G., Gerard P., Euch S.E., Issard H., Richaud E. Oxidation and unzipping in ELIUM resin: Kinetic model for mass loss. (2021) Polymer Degradation and Stability, 186, art. no. 109523.

Alcaraz J.-P., Le Coq L., Pourchez J., Thomas D., Chazelet S., Boudry I., Barbado M., Silvent S., Dessale C., Antoine F., Guimier-Pingault C., Cortella L., Rouif S., Bardin-Monnier N., Charvet A., Dufaud O., Leclerc L., Montigaud Y., Laurent C., Verhoeven P., Joubert A., Bouhanguel A., Andres Y., Gaffé J., Martin D.K., Huet C., Boisset S., Maurin M., Rumeau P., Charlot F., Richaud E., Moreau-Gaudry A., Bonneterre V., Cinquin P., Landelle C. Reuse of medical face masks in domestic and community settings without sacrificing safety: Ecological and economical lessons from the Covid-19 pandemic. Chemosphere, 288, art. no. 132364 (2022)

Huang J., Yves Le Gac P., Richaud E. Thermal oxidation of poly(dicyclopentadiene) - Effect of phenolic and hindered amine stabilizers. Polymer Degradation and Stability, 183, art. no. 109267 (2021)

Visco A., Richaud E., Scolaro C. Ageing of UHMWPE in presence of simulated synovial fluid. Polymer Degradation and Stability, 189, art. no. 109605 (2021) 

Ünaldi S., Papadopoulos K., Rondepierre A., Rouchausse Y., Karanika A., Deliane F., Tserpes K., Floros G., Richaud E., Berthe L. Towards selective laser paint stripping using shock waves produced by laser-plasma interaction for aeronautical applications on AA 2024 based substrates. Optics and Laser Technology, 141, art. no. 107095 (2021) 

Trân T.H., Debarnot D., Richaud E. Thermal oxidative stability of polyanilines Polymer Testing, 81, art. no. 106187 (2020) 

Delozanne, J., Desgardin, N., Cuvillier, N., Richaud, E. Thermal oxidation of aromatic epoxy-diamine networks. Polymer Degradation and Stability 166, pp. 174–187 (2019)

Huang J, David A, Le Gac PY, Lorthioir C, Coelho C, Richaud E. Thermal oxidation of Poly(dicyclopentadiene)– kinetic modeling of double bond consumption. Polymer Degradation and Stability 166 pp 258-271 (2019).

Pomes B, Derue I, Lucas A, Nguyen JF, Richaud E. Water ageing of urethane dimethacrylate networks. Polymer Degradation and Stability 154 pp 195-202 (2018).

Ernault E, Richaud E,  Fayolle B. Thermal-oxidation of epoxy/amine followed by glass transition temperature changes. Polymer Degradation and Stability 138 pp 82-90 (2017).  

Defauchy V, LE Gac PY, Guinault A, Verdu J, Recher G, Drozdzak R, Richaud E. Kinetic analysis of polydicyclopentadiene oxidation. Polymer Degradation and Stability 142 pp 169-177 (2017)

Bartczak Z, Grala M, Richaud E, Gadzinowska K. Erosion of the molecular network in the amorphous layers of polyethylene upon high- strain deformation. Polymer 99, pp. 552-565 (2016).

Arrieta JS, Richaud E, Fayolle B, Nizeyimana F. Thermal oxidation of vinyl ester and unsaturated polyester resins. Polymer Degradation and Stability 129, pp. 142-155 (2016).

François-Heude A, Richaud E, Desnoux E, Colin X. A general kinetic model for the photothermal oxidation of polypropylene. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry 296, 48-65 (2015).

François-Heude A, Richaud E, Desnoux E, Colin X. Influence of temperature, UV-light wavelength and intensity on polypropylene photothermal oxidation. Polymer Degradation and Stability 100(1) pp. 10-20 (2014).

Richaud E, Le Gac PY, Verdu J. Thermooxidative aging of polydicyclopentadiene in glassy state. Polymer Degradation and Stability 102 (1), pp. 95-104 (2014).

Richaud E, Gilormini P, Coquillat M, Verdu J. Crosslink density changes during the hydrolysis of tridimensional polyesters. Macromolecular Theory and Simulations 23, pp. 320-330 (2014).

Richaud E, Okamba Diogo O, Fayolle B, Verdu J, Guilment J, Fernagut F. Review: Autooxidation of aliphatic polyamides. Polymer Degradation and Stability 98 (9), pp. 1929-1939 (2013).

Richaud E. Kinetic modelling of phenols consumption during polyethylene thermal ageing. European Polymer Journal 49 (8), pp. 2223-2232 (2013).

Richaud E, Audouin L, Fayolle B, Verdu J, Matisova Rychla L, Rychly J. Rate constants of oxidation of unsaturated fatty esters studied by chemiluminescence. Chemistry and Physics of Lipids, 165 (7), pp. 753-759 (2012).

Bellili A, David N, Vandame B, Wang Q, Goutille Y, Richaud E. Diffusion and solubility of mineral oils through ethylene-vinyl acetate copolymer. Polymer Testing 31 (2) , pp. 236-247 (2012). 

Richaud E, Fayolle B, Verdu J. Polypropylene stabilization by hindered phenols - Kinetic aspects. Polymer Degradation and Stability 96 (1) , pp. 1-11 (2011). 

Richaud E, Ferreira P, Audouin L, Colin X, Verdu J, Monchy-Leroy C. Radiochemical ageing of poly(ether ether ketone). European Polymer Journal 46 (4) , pp. 731-743 (2010). 

Richaud E, Colin X, Monchy-Leroy C, Audouin, L, Verdu J. Polyethylene stabilization against thermal oxidation by a trimethylquinoleine oligomer. Polymer Degradation and Stability 94 (3) , pp. 410-420 (2009).

Richaud E, Farcas F, Fayolle B, Audouin L, Verdu J. Accelerated ageing of polypropylene stabilized by phenolic antioxidants under high oxygen pressure. Journal of Applied Polymer Science 110 (6) , pp. 3313-3321 (2008). 

Richaud E, Farcas F, Fayolle F, Audouin L, Verdu J. Hydroperoxide build-up in the thermal oxidation of polypropylene – A kinetic study. Polymer Degradation and Stability 92 (1), pp. 118-124 (2007).

Richaud E, Farcas F, Bartoloméo P, Fayolle B, Audouin L, Verdu J. Effect of oxygen pressure on the oxidation kinetics of unstabilised polypropylene. Polymer Degradation and Stability 91 (2) , pp. 398-405 (2006).