Main research field concerns the dynamics of machining systems. I'm also acting as a teacher, applied to the numerical modelling (mainly Finite Elements) and Machining Process to student engineers and scientists in Mechanics at Ecole Nationale d'Arts et Metiers.
I am in charge of the Nessy2m solver development (network solver system dedicated to machining). The Nessy2m program is unique temporal approach applied to machining process modeling : milling, boring and turning operations. It allows to predict the final geometrical defects of machined surfaces : form, waviness and partly roughness.
Lounes Illoul, another member of the PIMM laboratory, is Nessy2m Solver Senior Developer.
On going or recent Machining Collaborative Projects:
Distributed Digital Twins for industrial SMEs: a big-data platform
- Acronym: IoTwins
- Funding: Europe, H2020-ICT
- Duration: 09/2019-09/2022
- Links: IoTwins presentation
Smart machining to control part deformation / Usinage intelligent pour la maîtrise de la déformation des pièces
- Acronym: iMade
- Funding: ANR PRC
- Duration: 12/2019-12/2023
- Links: Imade project
Simulation of the dynamics of the machine-tool-part system for virtual machining of milling operations / Simulation de la dynamique du système machine-outil-Pièce pour l'usinage virtuel des opérations de fraisage
- Acronym: Sinusoide
- Funding: Région Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, projet Booster
- Duration: 03/2019-03/2021
- Links: Sinusoide Nuclear Valley, Booster region Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes
Experimental platform for the development of a hybrid twin of a robot machiner: HERCULE / Plateforme expérimentale de développement et de démonstration de jumeau numérique hybride d'un robot usineur : HERCULE
- Acronym: HERCULE project
- Funding: Institut Carnot ARTS
- Duration: 01/2020-07/2023