Research domain : Composite and polymer processing, microstructure and properties
SINCE 2013:
French patents
Ben Ghorbal G., Chabirand D., Lallement R., Régnier G. Elément modulaire de peigne pour machine de coupe automatique d’un matelas de feuilles de matériau. Lectra, AMVALOR, Arts et Métiers, CNRS, CNAM. FR2100452 (18/01/2021)
Thézé A., Régnier A., Guinault A. Système d’entraînement de pour machine de fabrication additive par dépôt de fil fondu. Arts et Métiers, Safran, CNRS, CNAM. FR3112977 (29/07/2020)
World patents
Thézé A., Régnier A., Guinault A. Procédé d’enroulage d’un filament pour dispositif de fabrication additive. Arts et Métiers, Safran, CNRS, CNAM. WO2022064158 (31/03/2022)
Chabirand D, Lallement R., Régnier G., Ben Ghorbal G. Elément modulaire de support de coupe à aspiration d'une machine de coupe automatique de matériaux en feuilles. Lectra, AMVALOR, Arts et Métiers, CNRS, CNAM. WO2021191522 (27/03/2020)
Popularization papers
Injection Molding of Faceshield against COVID-19 (2020)
Le moulage par injection au PIMM (2021)
Articles in international journals
Saad S., Cruz C. Régnier G., Ammar A. Efficient identification of a flow-induced crystallization model for injection molding simulation. International journal of advanced manufacturing technology, (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00170-024-13961-6
Arquier R, Sabatier H., Iliopoulos I., Régnier G., Miquelard-Garnier G. Role of the inter-ply microstructure in the consolidation quality of high-performance thermoplastic composites. Polymer Composite, 1-10 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1002/pc.27847
Bao, J., Heyd R., Régnier G., Ammar A., Peixinho, J. Viscosity of graphene in lubricating oil, ethylene glycol and glycerol. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10973-023-12498-2
Arquier R., Miquelard-Garnier G, Iliopoulos I., Régnier G. Assessing the shear viscous behavior of continuous carbon fiber reinforced PEKK composites with squeeze flow measurements. Polymer Testing, 123, 108060 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.polymertesting.2023.108060
Hosseinnezhad R., Vozniak I, Romano D., Rastogi S., Régnier G., Piorkowska E, Galeski A. Formation of UHMWPE Nanofibers during Solid-State Deformation. Nanomaterials 12, 3825 (2022). https://doi.org/10.3390/nano12213825
Saad S., Sinha A., Cruz C. Régnier G., Ammar A. Towards an accurate pressure estimation in injection molding simulation using surrogate modeling. International Journal of Material Forming , 15(72) 1-19 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12289-022-01717-0
Arquier R., Iliopoulos I. Régnier G., Miquelard-Garnier G. Consolidation of continuous-carbon-fiber-reinforced PAEK composites: a review. Materials Today Communications, 32, 104036 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mtcomm.2022.104036
Cherri A., Iliopoulos, I., Régnier, G., Brule, B., Le, G., Tence-Girault, S.Thermal and Crystallization Properties of the Alternated Tere/Iso PEKK Copolymer: Importance in High-Temperature Laser Sintering. ACS Applied Polymer Materials, 4(4), 2806-2818 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1021/acsapm.2c00096
Loyer C., Ferreira P., Marijon J-B., Michel V., Régnier G., Vera J., Duval V., Richaud M. Embrittlement of polybutylene terephthalate induced by injection molding. Polymer Degradation and Stability, 196, 109843 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.polymdegradstab.2022.109843
Dupuis A., Pesce J-J., Marijon J-B., Roux S., Régnier G. Use of a digital image correlation method for full-field shrinkage measurement in injection mold. The Journal of Strain Analysis for Engineering Design, 57(8) 702-713 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1177%2F03093247211060215
Thézé A., Guinault A., Régnier G., Richard S., Macquaire B., Fused filament fabrication printing process of polymers highly filled with metallic powder: a significant influence of the nozzle radiation on the substrate temperature. International Journal of Material Forming, 14(6) 1511-1521 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12289-021-01645-5
Thézé A., Guinault A., Régnier G., Richard S., Macquaire B. Fused filament fabrication process window for good interlayer bonding: Application to highly filled polymers in metallic powder. Polymer Engineering and Science, 62(2) 336-348 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1002/pen.25781
Loyer, C., Régnier, G., Duval, V., Richaud, E. Multiscale study of poly(butylene terephthalate) hydrolysis. Polymer Degradation and Stability, 192, 109690 (2021).
Guenoun, J.-Y., Régnier, G., Schmitt, N., Roux, S. Crystalline orientation assessment in transversely isotropicsemicrystalline polymer: Application to oedometriccompaction of PTFE, Polymer Engineering and Science, 61, 107-114 (2021).https://doi.org/10.1002/pen.25561
Dupuis, A., Pesce, J-J., Ferreira, P., Régnier, G. Fiber Orientation and Concentration in an Injection-Molded Ethylene-Propylene Copolymer Reinforced by Hemp, Polymers, 12, 2771 (2020) https://doi.org/10.3390/polym12122771
Loyer, C., Régnier, G., Duval, V., Ould, Y., Richaud, PBT plasticity loss induced by oxidative and hydrolysis ageing. Polymer Degradation and Stability, 181, art. no. 109368 (2020).
Guenoun, G., Faou, J.-Y., Régnier, G., Schmitt, N., Roux, S. PTFE crystallization mechanisms: Insight from calorimetric and dilatometric experiments. Polymer, 193, art. no. 122333 (2020).
Fernandes Nassar, S., Delpouve, N., Sollogoub, C., Guinault, A., Stoclet, G., Régnier, G., Domenek, S. Impact of Nanoconfinement on Polylactide Crystallization and Gas Barrier Properties. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 12, 9953-9965 (2020).https://doi.org/10.1021/acsami.9b21391
Baradi, M.B., Cruz, C., Riedel, T., Régnier, G. Frontal weld lines in injection-molded short fiber-reinforced PBT: Extensive microstructure characterization for mechanical performance evaluation (2019) Polymer Composites, 40 (12), 4547-4558 (2019).https://doi-org.rp1.ensam.eu/10.1002/pc.25310
Choupin, T., Debertrand L., Fayolle, B., Régnier, G., Paris, C., Cinquin, J., Brulé, B. Influence of thermal history on the mechanical properties of poly(etherketone ketone) (PEKK) copolymers. Polymer Crystallization, 2, art. no 10086 (2019). https://doi.org/10.1002/pcr2.10086
Guenoun, G., Faou, J-Y., Régnier, G., Schmitt, N., Roux, S. Thermal cycling of cold-pressed PTFEcompacts: Reversible and irreversible behavior. Polymer Testing, 75, 99-106 (2019).
Baradi, M.B., Cruz, C., Riedel, T., Régnier, G. Mechanical and microstructural characterization of flowing weld lines in injection-molded short fiber-reinforced PBT. Polymer Testing, 74, 152-162 (2019). https://doi-org.rp1.ensam.eu/10.1002/pc.25310
Ly, H.-B., Monteiro, E., Le, T.-T., Le, V.M., Dal, M., Regnier, G., Pham, Prediction and sensitivity analysis of bubble dissolution time in 3D selective laser sintering using ensemble decision trees, Materials, 12 (9), art. no. 1544 (2019).https://doi.org/10.3390/ma12091544
Essabti, F., Guinault, A., Roland, S., Régnier, G., Ettaqi, S., Gervais, M. Preparation and characterization of poly(ethylene terephthalate) films coated by chitosan and vermiculite nanoclay. Carbohydrate Polymers, 201, 392-401 (2018). https://doi-org.rp1.ensam.eu/10.1016/j.carbpol.2018.08.077
Choupin, T., Fayolle, B., Régnier, G., Paris, C., Cinquin, J., Brulé, B. A more reliable DSC-based methodology to study crystallization kinetics: Application to poly(ether ketone ketone) (PEKK) copolymers. Polymer, 155, 109-115 (2018). https://doi-org.rp1.ensam.eu/10.1016/j.polymer.2018.08.060
Choupin, T., Fayolle, B., Régnier, G., Paris, C., Cinquin, J., Brulé, B. Macromolecular modifications of poly(etherketoneketone) (PEKK) copolymer at the melting state. Polymer Degradation and Stability, 155, 103-110 (2018). https://doi-org.rp1.ensam.eu/10.1016/j.polymdegradstab.2018.07.005
Choupin, T., Fayolle, B., Régnier, G., Paris, C., Cinquin, J., Brulé, B. Isothermal crystallization kinetic modeling of poly(etherketoneketone) (PEKK) copolymer. Polymer, 111, 73-82 (2017).
Galeski, S., Piorkowska, E., Rozanski, A., Regnier, G., Galeski, A., Jurczuk, K. Crystallization kinetics of polymer fibrous nanocomposites. European Polymer Journal, 83, 181-201 (2016).
Régnier G., Le Corre S., Modelling of Thermoplastic Welding in Heat Transfer, in Polymer Composite Materials Forming Processes, Ed, N. Boyard, ISTE Wiley, London & Hoboken, Chapter 8, 235–263 (2016) https://doi-org.rp1.ensam.eu/10.1002/9781119116288.ch8
Teyssèdre, H., Landis, S., Gilormini, P., Régnier, G. Influence of thermal diffusion and shear thinning during the leveling of nanoimprinted patterns in a polystyrene thin film. Applied Physics A: Materials Science and Processing, 121, 387-397 (2015). https://doi-org.rp1.ensam.eu/10.1007/s00339-015-9248-3
Peyre, P., Rouchausse, Y., Defauchy, D., Régnier, G. Experimental and numerical analysis of the selective laser sintering (SLS) of PA12 and PEKK semi-crystalline polymers. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 225, 326-336 (2015). https://doi-org.rp1.ensam.eu/10.1016/j.jmatprotec.2015.04.030
Versavaud, S., Régnier, G., Gouadec, G., Vincent, M. Influence of injection molding on the electrical properties of polyamide 12 filled with multi-walled carbon nanotubes. Polymer, 55 (26), 6811-6818 (2014). https://doi-org.rp1.ensam.eu/10.1016/j.polymer.2014.10.038
Li, X., Mckenna, G.B., Miquelard-Garnier, G., Guinault, A., Sollogoub, C., Regnier, G., Rozanski, A. Forced assembly by multilayer coextrusion to create oriented graphene reinforced polymer nanocomposites. Polymer, 55 (1), 248-257 (2014). https://doi-org.rp1.ensam.eu/10.1016/j.polymer.2013.11.025
Heiligenstein, X., Heiligenstein, J., Delevoye, C., Hurbain, I., Bardin, S., Paul-Gilloteaux, P., Sengmanivong, L., Régnier, G., Salamero, J., Antony, C., Raposo, G. The CryoCapsule: Simplifying Correlative Light to Electron Microscopy. Traffic, 15 (6), 700-716 (2014). https://doi-org.rp1.ensam.eu/10.1111/tra.12164
Teyssèdre, H., Gilormini, P., Régnier, G. Limitations of simple flow models for the simulation of nanoimprint. International Polymer Processing, 28 (1), 72-78 (2013).
Xu, F., Li, X., Régnier, G., Defauchy, D. Coalescence modeling and experimental validation of sintering of thermoplastic polyamide fibers. Polymeric Materials Science and Engineering, 29 (3), 177-181 (2013). https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-01001692/
Teyssèdre, H., Gilormini, P., Landis, S., Régnier, G. Legitimate domain of a Newtonian behavior for thermal nanoimprint lithography. Microelectronic Engineering, 110, 215-218 (2013).