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- Espino-Pérez, E., Bras, J., Ducruet, V., Guinault, A., Dufresne, A., & Domenek, S. (2013). Influence of chemical surface modification of cellulose nanowhiskers on thermal, mechanical, and barrier properties of poly(lactide) based bionanocomposites. European Polymer Journal, 49(10), 3144-3154. (sam) (hal)
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- François-Heude, A., Richaud, E., Leprovost, J., Heninger, M., Mestdagh, H., Desnoux, E., & Colin, X. (2013). Real-time quantitative analysis of volatile products generated during solid-state polypropylene thermal oxidation. Polymer Testing, 32(5), 907-917. (sam) (hal)
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