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- Abdallah-Elhirtsi, S., Tcharkhtchi, A., Fitoussi, J., Shirinbayan, M., Farzaneh, S., Ebrahimi, K. Partial shape memory effect: A new concept of shape memory polymers (2015) ASM International - International Conference on Shape Memory and Superelastic Technologies, SMST 2015, 49-50.
- Abdallah-Elhirtsi, S., Fitoussi, J., Rashmi, B.-J., Prashantha, K., Farzaneh, S., Lacrampe, M.-F., Krawczak, P., Tcharkhtchi, A. Study of partial shape memory effect of polymers by multicycle tests(2015) Polymer Composites, 36 (6), 1145-1151.
- Arlaud, E., Costa D'Aguiar, S., Balmes, E. Validation of a reduced model of railway track allowing long 3D dynamic calculation of train-track interaction (2015) Computer Methods and Recent Advances in Geomechanics - Proceedings of the 14th Int. Conference of International Association for Computer Methods and Recent Advances in Geomechanics, IACMAG 2014, 1193-1198.
- Bakir, M., Rebillat, M., Mechbal, N. Damage type classification based on structures nonlinear dynamical signature (2015) IFAC-PapersOnLine, 28 (21), 652-657.
- Courapied, D., Berthe, L., Peyre, P., Coste, F., Zou, J.-P., Sautivet, A.-M. Laser-delayed double shock-wave generation in water-confinement regime (2015) Journal of Laser Applications, 27 (S2), art. no. S29101.
- Courapied, D. , Berthe, L., Peyre, P. , Costil, S., Kromer, R., Cormier, J., Boustie, M. (2015)Physical understanding of the water confined plasma regime for laser shock processing, 5th Int. Conf. on laser Peening and related phenomena, Cincinatti (USA), May 10-15th, 2015 (invited)
- Genari, H.F.G., Mechbal, N., Coffignal, G., Nóbrega, E.G.O. A modal H∞ control methodology for damage-tolerant active control (2015) IFAC-PapersOnLine, 28 (21) 664-669.
- Genari, H. , Oliveira Neto, O. Nobrega, E. Mechbal, N. and Coffignal, G. (2015). Robust Vibration Control of a Vertical Flexible Structure Subject to Seismic Events," inXVII International Symposium on Dynamic Problems of Mechanics, Natal, Brazil
- Gerasimenko, A., Guskov, M., Duchemin, J., Lorong, P., Gouskov, A. Variable compliance-related aspects of chatter in turning thin-walled tubular parts (2015) Procedia CIRP, 31, 58-63.
- Gouton, L., Dal, M., Aubry, P., Maskrot, H., Caron, N., Pacquentin, W., Peyre, P., Favier, V. Oxide layer formation on a nickel based alloy using laser surface melting, experimental and numerical study of the laser-matter interaction, 34th International Congress on Applications of Lasers and Electro-Optics (ICALEO'2015) Conference, Atlanta (USA), 17-22 Oct 2015
- Hébert, D., Seisson, G., Bertron, I., Hallo, L., Chevalier, J.-M., Thessieux, C., Guillet, F., Boustie, M., Berthe, L. Simulations of hypervelocity impacts into graphite(2015) Procedia Engineering, 103, 159-164.
- Hmad, O. , Mechbal, N. and Rebillat, M. (2015). Peaks Over Threshold Method for Structural Health Monitoring Detector Design," in International Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, IWSHM, Standford
- Hmad, O., Fendzi, C., Mechbal, N., Rébillat, M. Verification and validation of structural health monitoring algorithms: A maturation procedure (2015) IFAC-PapersOnLine, 28 (21) 952-957.
- Kromer, R., Costil, S., Cormier, J., Berthe, L., Peyre, P., Courapied, D. Laser surface patterning pre-treatment before thermal spraying - A way to adapt and control the surface topography to the considered materials and the stresses imposed (2015) Proceedings of the International Thermal Spray Conference, 1, 120-128.
- Lamoureux, B., Masse, J.-R., Mechbal, N. Towards an integrated development of PHM systems for aircraft engines: In-design selection and validation of health indicators (2015) 2015 IEEE Conference on Prognostics and Health Management: Enhancing Safety, Efficiency, Availability, and Effectiveness of Systems Through PHAf Technology and Application, PHM 2015, art. no. 7245015, .
- Marti, N., Favier, V., Saintier, N., Gregori, F. Investigating Fatigue Frequency Effects on Single Phase Ductile Materials (2015) Procedia Engineering, 133, 294-298.
- Mechbal, N., Nóbrega, E.G.O. Adaptive strategy to damage-tolerant active control (2015) IFAC-PapersOnLine, 28 (21), 658-663.
- Pouzet, S., Peyre, P. Gorny, C. Castelnau, O. Baudin, T. Brisset, F. Gadaud P. & C. Colin, C. Direct Metal Deposition of Titanium Matrix Composites using B4C Powder, 34th International Congress on Applications of Lasers and Electro-Optics (ICALEO'2015) Conference, Atlanta (USA), 17-22 Oct 2015
- Ranc, N., Favier, V., Munier, B., Vales, F., Thoquenne, G., Lefebvre, F. Thermal Response of C45 Steel in High and Very High Cycle Fatigue (2015) Procedia Engineering, 133, 265-271.
- Rébillat, M., Ege, K., Gallo, M., Antoni, J. Repeated exponential sine sweeps for the autonomous estimation of nonlinearities and bootstrap assessment of uncertainties (2015) Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 230 (6), 1007-1018.
- Rosi, G., Auffray, N. and Dirrenberger, J. (2015). Wave propagation in the framework of strain gradient continua: the example of hexachiral materials. 22ème Congrès Français de Mécanique, Lyon, France, August 2015
- Salivon, T., Colin, X., Comte, R. Degradation of XLPE and PVC cable insulators (2015) Annual Report - Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena, CEIDP, 2015-December, art. no. 7352022, 656-659.
- Souami, Y., Mechbal, N., Ecoutin, S. Robust passive fault tolerant control applied to a Fuel Metering Valve of a jet engine (2015) IEEE Aerospace Conference Proceedings, 2015-June, art. no. 7119088, .
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