Profile picture for user dirrenberger
Maître de conférences
+33 1 44 24 61 01
Date d'arrivée

E-mail : justin/*dot*/dirrenberger/*at*/ensam/*dot*/eu

Research topics

  • Architectured materials
  • Physics and mechanics of heterogeneous media
  • Computational modeling and simulation
  • Innovative processes

Scientific output


  • J. Dirrenberger, P. Lapouge, R. Azulay, P. Evers, and T. Vroemen. Adaptive Spatial Lattice Manufacturing (ASLM): A Novel Approach to Efficient Lattice Structure Production. Materials & Design (IF=7.6), volume 249, 2025, 113553 


  • F. Willot, J. Dirrenberger, S. Forest, D. Jeulin, and A.V. Cherkaev. Continuum Models and Discrete Systems - CMDS-14, Paris, France, June 26–30, 2023. Springer, 2024, 278 p., ISBN: 9783031586644 
  • M. V. Vellayappan, F. Duarte, C. Sollogoub,J. Dirrenberger, A. Guinault, J. E. Frith, H. C. Parkington, A. Molotnikov, and N. R Cameron. Creation of Grooved Tissue Engineering Scaffolds from Architectured Multilayer Polymer Composites by a Tuneable One-Step Degradation Process. Small (IF=13), volume 20(43), 2024, 2401902 
  • A. Le Duigou, M. Grabow, F. Scarpa, J. Deschamps, C. Combescure, K. Labstie,J. Dirrenberger, M. Castro, and U. Lafont. Bioinspired 4D Printed Tubular/Helicoidal Shape Changing Metacomposites for Programmable Structural Morphing. Advanced Materials Technologies (IF=6.4) 
  • C. Vibert, A.-L. Dupont, J. Dirrenberger, R. Passas, D. Ricard, and B. Fayolle. Relationship between chemical and mechanical degradation of aged paper: fibre versus fibre-fibre bonds. Cellulose (IF=5.7), volume 31, pp.1855-1873, 2024 


  • R. Azulay, C. Combescure, J. Dirrenberger. Instability-induced pattern generation in architectured materials—A review of methods. International Journal of Solids and Structures (IF=3.67), volume 274, 2023, 112240
  • M.V. Vellayappan, F. Duarte, C. Sollogoub, J. Dirrenberger, A. Guinault, J. E. Frith, H. C. Parkington, A. Molotnikov, and N. R. Cameron. Fabrication of architectured biomaterials by multilayer co-extrusion and additive manufacturing. Advanced Functional Materials (IF=19.92), 2023, 2301547 
  • A. Le Duigou, M. Grabow, M. Castro, R. Toumi, M. Ueda, R. Matsuzaki, Y. Hirano, J. Dirrenberger, F. Scarpa, R. D’Elia, K. Labstie, and U. Lafont. Thermomechanical performance of continuous carbon fibre composite materials produced by a modified 3D printer. Heliyon (IF=3.78), volume 9, 2023, e13581 
  • Z. Wang, O. Bouaziz, J. Dirrenberger, and P. Lapouge. Corrugation reinforced architectured materials by direct laser hardening: a study of geometrically induced work hardening in steel. Steel Research International (IF=2.10), 2023, 2200695 


  • Z. Wang, J. Dirrenberger, P. Lapouge, S. Dubent, H. Jabir, and V. Michel. Microstructure Evolution and Mechanical Properties of AISI 430 Ferritic Stainless Steel Strengthened Through Laser Carburization. ASME Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology (IF=1.63), volume 144(4), 2022, 041005 
  • Z.Wang, J.Dirrenberger, P. Lapouge, and S.Dubent. Laser treatment of 430 ferritic stainless steel for enhanced mechanical properties. Materials Science and Engineering A (IF=5.23), volume 831, 2022, 142205 


  • F. Albertini, J. Dirrenberger, C. Sollogoub, T. Maconachie, T. Leary, and A. Molotnikov. Experimental and computational analysis of the mechanical properties of composite auxetic lattice structures. Additive Manufacturing (IF=11.00), volume 47, 2021, 102351 
  • M. Menéndez-Muñiz, M. Chantin, C. R. Vintila, M. Fabritius, C. Martin, L. Calvo, L. Poudelet, J. Canou, M. Uhart, A. Papacharalampopoulos, P. Stavropoulos, N. O. E. Olsson, J. A. Tenorio, J. Alonso-Madrid, J. Dirrenberger, and I. Muñoz. Concrete hybrid manufacturing: A machine architecture. Procedia CIRP (IF=2.10), volume 97, 2021, pp. 51-58 
  • Muñoz, I., Alonso-Madrid, J., Menéndez-Muñiz, M., Uhart, M., Canou, J., Martin, C., Fabritius, M., Calvo, L., Poudelet, L., Cardona, R., Lombois-Burger, H., Vlasopoulos, N., Bouyssou, C., Dirrenberger, J., Papacharalampopoulos, A., & Stavropoulos, P. (2021). Life cycle assessment of integrated additive–subtractive concrete 3D printing. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology (IF=2.93), volume 112, pp.2149-2159


  • K. Kuzmenko, N. Gaudillière*, A. Feraille, J. Dirrenberger, and O. Baverel. Assessing the Environmental Viability of 3D Concrete Printing Technology. In Impact: DesignWith All Senses, eds. C. Gengnagel, et al. Springer, 2020, pp. 517-528 
  • Viard, A. E., Dirrenberger, J., & Forest, S. (2020). Propagating material instabilities in planar architectured materials. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 202, 532-551
  • Duballet, R., Mesnil, R., Ducoulombier, N., Carneau, P., Demont, L., Motamedi, M., Baverel, O., Caron, J.-F., & Dirrenberger, J. (2020). Free deposition printing for space truss structures. In DC 2020: Second RILEM International Conference on Concrete and Digital Fabrication, eds. F. P. Bos, S. S. Lucas, R. J.M.Wolfs, & T. A. M. Salet. Springer, pp. 873-882, ISBN: 9783030499167
  • Gaudillière, N., Dirrenberger, J., Duballet, R., Bouyssou, C., Mallet, A., Roux, Ph., & Zakeri, M. (2020). Industrialising Concrete 3D Printing: Three Case Studies. In Design Transactions, Rethinking Information Modelling for a New Material Age, eds. B. Sheil, M. Ramsgaard Thomsen, M. Tamke, and S. Hanna. UCL Press, pp. 158-165
  • dell’Isola, F., Lekszycki, T., Spagnuolo, M., Peyre, P., Dupuy, C., Hild, F., Misra, A., Barchiesi, E., Turco, E., & Dirrenberger, J. (2020). Experimental Methods in Pantographic Structures. In Discrete and Continuum Models for Complex Metamaterials, eds. F. dell’Isola, and D. J. Steigmann. Cambridge University Press, pp. 263-297, ISBN: 9781107087736


  • Albertini, F., Dirrenberger, J., Molotnikov, A., & Sollogoub, C. (2019). Computational investigation of the effective mechanical behavior for 3D pre-buckled auxetic lattices. Journal of Applied Mechanics, 86(11), 111003.
  • Kuzmenko, K., Gaudillière, N., Feraille, A., Dirrenberger, J., & Baverel, O. (2019, September). Assessing the Environmental Viability of 3D Concrete Printing Technology. In Design Modelling Symposium Berlin (pp. 517-528). Springer, Cham.
  • dell’Isola, F., Seppecher, P., Spagnuolo, M., Barchiesi, E., Hild, F., Lekszycki, T., Giorgio, I., Placidi, L., Andreaus, U., Cuomo, M., Eugster, S.R., Pfaff, A., Hoschke, K., Langkemper, R., Turco, E., Sarikaya, R., Misra, A., De Angelo, M., D’Annibale, F., Bouterf, A., Pinelli, X., Misra, A., Desmorat, B., Pawlikowski, M., Dupuy, C., Peyre, P., Laudato, M., Manzari, L., Göransson, P., Hesch, C., Hesch, S., Franciosi, P., Dirrenberger, J., Maurin, F., Vangelatos, Z., Grigoropoulos, C., Melissinaki, V., Farsari, M., Muller, W., Amali, B.E., Liebold, C., Ganzosch, G., Harrison, P., Drobnicki, R., Igumnov, L., Alzahrani, F., & Hayat, T. (2019). Advances in pantographic structures: design, manufacturing, models, experiments and image analyses. Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics, 31(4), 1231-1282
  • De Angelo, M., Spagnuolo, M., D’annibale, F., Pfaff, A., Hoschke, K., Misra, A., Dupuy, C., Peyre, P., Dirrenberger, J., & Pawlikowski, M. (2019). The macroscopic behavior of pantographic sheets depends mainly on their microstructure: experimental evidence and qualitative analysis of damage in metallic specimens. Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics, 31(4), 1181-1203
  • Wang, Z. P., Poh, L. H., Zhu, Y., Dirrenberger, J., & Forest, S. (2019). Systematic design of tetra-petals auxetic structures with stiffness constraint. Materials & Design, 170, 107669.
  • Lapouge, P., Dirrenberger, J., Coste, F., & Schneider, M. (2019). Laser heat treatment of martensitic steel and dual-phase steel with high martensite content. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 752, 128-135.
  • Ernault, E., Dirrenberger, J., Richaud, E., & Fayolle, B. (2019). Prediction of stress induced by heterogeneous oxidation: Case of epoxy/amine networks. Polymer degradation and stability, 162, 112-121.
  • Duballet, R., Baverel, O., & Dirrenberger, J. (2019). Space Truss Masonry Walls With Robotic Mortar Extrusion. Structures, 18, 41-47.
  • Yang, S., Dirrenberger, J., Monteiro, E., & Ranc, N. (2019). Representative volume element size determination for viscoplastic properties in polycrystalline materials. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 158, 210-219.
  • Dirrenberger, J., Forest, S., & Jeulin, D. (2019). Computational Homogenization of Architectured Materials. In Architectured Materials in Nature and Engineering (pp. 89-139). Springer, Cham.
  • Gaudillière, N., Duballet, R., Bouyssou, C., Mallet, A., Roux, P., Zakeri, M., & Dirrenberger, J. (2019). Building Applications Using Lost Formworks Obtained Through Large-Scale Additive Manufacturing of Ultra-High-Performance Concrete. In 3D Concrete Printing Technology (pp. 37-58). Butterworth-Heinemann.


  • Dirrenberger, J. (2018). Towards an integrated approach for the development of architectured materials (Habilitation dissertation, Sorbonne Université).
  • Gaudillière, N., Duballet, R., Bouyssou, C., Mallet, A., Roux, P., Zakeri, M., & Dirrenberger, J. (2018, September). Large-Scale Additive Manufacturing of Ultra-High-Performance Concrete of Integrated Formwork for Truss-Shaped Pillars. In Robotic Fabrication in Architecture, Art and Design (pp. 459-472). Springer, Cham.
  • Buswell, R. A., Leal de Silva, W., Jones, S. Z., & Dirrenberger, J. (2018). 3D printing using concrete extrusion: A roadmap for research. Cement and Concrete Research, 112, 37-49.
  • Dirrenberger, J. (2018). From Architectured Materials to Large-Scale Additive Manufacturing. In Robotic Building (pp. 79-96). Springer, Cham.
  • Duballet, R., Baverel, O., & Dirrenberger, J. (2018). Design of Space Truss Based Insulating Walls for Robotic Fabrication in Concrete. In: De Rycke K. et al. (eds) Humanizing Digital Reality (pp. 453-461). Springer, Singapore.


  • Duballet, R., Baverel, O., & Dirrenberger, J. (2017). Classification of building systems for concrete 3D printing. Automation in Construction, 83, 247-258
  • Torabian, N., Favier, V., Dirrenberger, J., Adamski, F., Ziaei-Rad, S., & Ranc, N. (2017). Correlation of the high and very high cycle fatigue response of ferrite based steels with strain rate-temperature conditions. Acta Materialia, 134, 40-52
  • Wang, Z. P., Poh, L. H., Dirrenberger, J., Zhu, Y., & Forest, S. (2017). Isogeometric shape optimization of smoothed petal auxetic structures via computational periodic homogenization. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 323, 250-271
  • Torabian, N., Favier, V., Ziaei-Rad, S., Dirrenberger, J., Adamski, F., & Ranc, N. (2017). Calorimetric Studies and Self-Heating Measurements for a Dual-Phase Steel Under Ultrasonic Fatigue Loading. In Fatigue and Fracture Test Planning, Test Data Acquisitions, and Analysis, ASTM STP1598, Z. Wei, K. Nikbin, P. McKeighan, and G. Harlow, Eds., ASTM International, West Conshohocken, PA, pp. 81–93
  • Dirrenberger, J. (2017). From Architectured Materials to the Development of Large-scale Additive Manufacturing. SPOOL, volume 4(1)


  • Torabian, N., Favier, V., Ziaei-Rad, S., Adamski, F., Dirrenberger, J., & Ranc, N. (2016). Self-Heating Measurements for a Dual-Phase Steel under Ultrasonic Fatigue Loading for Stress Amplitudes below the Conventional Fatigue Limit. Procedia Structural Integrity, volume 2, pp. 1191-1198
  • Torabian, N., Favier, V., Ziaei-Rad, S., Dirrenberger, J., Adamski, F., & Ranc, N. (2016). Thermal response of DP600 dual-phase steel under ultrasonic fatigue loading. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 677, 97-105
  • Bironeau, A., Dirrenberger, J., Sollogoub, C., Miquelard‐Garnier, G., & Roland, S. (2016). Evaluation of morphological representative sample sizes for nanolayered polymer blends. Journal of microscopy, 264(1), 48-58
  • Gosselin, C., Duballet, R., Roux, P., Gaudillière, N., Dirrenberger, J., & Morel, P. (2016). Large-scale 3D printing of ultra-high performance concrete–a new processing route for architects and builders. Materials & Design, 100, 102-109


  • Auffray, N., Dirrenberger, J., & Rosi, G. (2015). A complete description of bi-dimensional anisotropic strain-gradient elasticity. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 69, 195-206
  • Rosi, G., Auffray, N., & Dirrenberger, J. (2015, August). Wave propagation in the framework of strain gradient continua: the example of hexachiral materials. 22ème Congrès Français de Mécanique, Lyon, France, August 2015


  • Gaudillière, N., Dirrenberger, J., Baverel, O., & Sollogoub, C. (2014). Additive Manufacturing for the Development of an Assembling System for Gridshells. In What’s the Matter? Materiality and Materialism at the Age of Computation, ed. M. Voyatzaki, pp. 195-210, ISBN: 978-960-89320-6-7
  • Dirrenberger, J., Forest, S., & Jeulin, D. (2014). Towards gigantic RVE sizes for 3D stochastic fibrous networks. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 51(2), 359-376

2013 and older

  • Dirrenberger, J., Forest, S., & Jeulin, D. (2013). Effective elastic properties of auxetic microstructures: anisotropy and structural applications. International Journal of Mechanics and Materials in Design, volume 9(1), pp. 21-33
  • Dirrenberger, J., Forest, S., & Jeulin, D. (2012). Elastoplasticity of auxetic materials. Computational Materials Science, volume 64, pp. 57-61
  • Dirrenberger, J., Forest, S., & Jeulin, D. (2012). Effective properties of auxetics made using selective laser melting. Matériaux & Techniques, volume 100, S1, pp. 172-173
  • Dirrenberger, J., Forest, S., Jeulin, D., & Colin, C. (2011). Homogenization of periodic auxetic materials. Procedia Engineering, volume 10, pp. 1852-1857
  • Lecampion, B., Vanzo, J., Ulm, F. J., Huet, B., Germay, C., Khalfallah, I., & Dirrenberger, J. (2011). Evolution of portland cement mechanical properties exposed to CO2-rich fluids: investigation at different scales. In MPPS 2011, symposium on mechanics and physics of porous solids: a tribute to Pr. Olivier Coussy

Current research projects

  • 2024 - 2027 : ANR MIRACLES (Microtreillis résilients inspirés d'analogues en plasticité cristalline)
  • 2022 - 2027 : H2020-MSCA-COFUND-2020 REDI (RMIT European Doctoral Innovators)
  • 2021 - 2026 : ANR ModuFEET (Conception de modules d’électronique de puissance fiables sous contraintes électrique, électromagnétique et thermique)
  • 2021 - 2026 : ANR REDESIGN4D (Matériaux composites adaptatifs obtenus par machine learning et impression 4D)
  • 2022 - 2025 : ESA MOON-COMP (Lunar 3D printing of composite materials for energy dissipation)

Past research projects

  • 2015 - 2020 : ANR JCJC SCOLASTIC (Systematic Computational Optimisation and Local Laser Processing for Steel-Based Architectured Materials)
  • 2015 - 2020 : ANR ALMARIS (Architecturation Laser de MAtéRIaux Super-élastiques)
  • 2019 - 2023 : ANR MAX-OASIS (Matériaux Architecturés eXotiques, Ondes, AniSotropie, InStabilités)
  • Sept. 2014 - Dec. 2015: Project Synergie heSam Université - DEMOCRITE (Technological demonstrator for large-scale additive manufacturing)
    CNAM, ENSAM, ENSCI-Les Ateliers, ENSA Paris-Malaquais, INRIA Sophia-Antipolis.
  • Nov. 2014 - Nov. 2015: Project "Coup de pouce" F2M - APHORISME (Holistic approach of chirality in architectured metamaterials)
    Joint project between PIMM, MSME and LMT-Cachan..

Academic education

  • Sorbonne Université, Paris, France, Dec. 2018
    Habilitation in Engineering Sciences
  • MINES-ParisTech, Paris, France, Oct. 2009 - Dec. 2012
    PhD in Materials Science & Engineering under the supervision of Samuel FOREST, Dominique JEULIN
  • Université Paris-Sud XI, Orsay, France, Sep. 2008 - Sep. 2009
    MSc in Materials Science & Engineering for Structural & Energy Applications
  • Polytech'Paris-Sud (ex-IFIPS, ex-FIUPSO), Orsay, France, Sep. 2006 - Sep. 2009
    Diplôme d'ingénieur in Materials Science & Engineering
  • Université Paris-Sud XI, Orsay, France, Sep. 2004 - Sep. 2006
    First degree in Physico-chemical measurement and analysis


  • CV + scientific output (pdf)
  • PhD thesis: Effective properties of architectured materials (HAL)
  • Habilitation thesis: Towards an integrated approach for the development of architectured materials (HAL)

Zébulon / Z-Set