The teaching unit is mandatory. dd
The teaching unit is taught in English. d

dd   Coord. Etienne Pessard (, ENSAM Angers)

Pedagogic team :

Yessine. Ayed, Ensam Angers

Amine. Ammar, Ensam Angers

Julien Artozoul, Ensam Angers

Idriss Tiba, Ensam Angers

Aude Caillaud, Ensam Angers

Etienne Pessard, Ensam Angers

Description of the Teaching Unit

3 ECTS / 30 h 
Cours magistral : 10 h
Travaux dirigés : 10 h
Travaux pratiques : 28 h


This program focuses on modelling and simulation tools to metal processing analyse. Students and specialists will use current commercial softwares dedicated to specific processing operations to address the reliability and the relevance but also the limits of these commercial softwares. A rigorous formation for the students in casting and forging

physical mechanisms and induced microstructure (1) to model and simulate these processing and (2) to predict the in-life mechanical properties of components.


This course can be directly applied to liquid, semi-liquid and solid metal processing: casting (sand casting, die casting), bulk materials forming operations (forging, extrusion, drawing …) The objective is to acquire knowledge allowing to optimize these processes using numerical simulation software. Current  industrial areas are aeronautics, transportation, nuclear engineering, energy, biomedical engineering, containers, structures …


Introduction : to processing modelling

CM1 : How to establish thermomechanical and metallurgical couplings ?

CM2 : Fom the geometry of the component to the processing simulation : meshes and numerical aspects

Materials data generation and identification

CM3 : Materials data : experiments on thermomechanical simulator (GLEEBLE)

CM4 : Specific experiments for casting process.

CM5 : Specific experiments for forging parameters

Industrial examples – Numerical simulation of the processing

How to use commercial codes (e.g. PROCAST, QUICKCAST, ForgeNXT)

Presentation of the studied example

How to prepare the modelling ?

Numerical simulations and part manufacturing

Results analysis and comparison between experimental and simulation results