Maître de conférences
+33 1 44 24 63 30
Date d'arrivée
Research Activities
My research activities focus the study of linear and nonlinear wave propagation in thin structures with applications to smart structures (structural health monitoring, acoustical control of vibrating surfaces, etc...). These activities are at the border between mechanical engineering and signal processing.
Publications: HAL / GoogleScholar / ORCID
Running projects: SOURCE (ANR) / REMAP (H2020)
Teaching Activities
- Bond Graphs, 2nd year of engineering school, ENSAM
- Audio signal Processing, Master "Systèmes Avancés et Robotique" (SAR), UPMC & ENSAM
- Non-destructive testing, Psychoacoustic, Experimental Acoustics, Master "Acoustical Engineering", UPS & ENSAM
- Sensors, 3rd year of engineering school, ENSAM (see students projects)
- 2008-2011: Ph.D. thesis entitled "Vibrations of large Multi-Actuator Panels for the creation of coherent audio-visual scenes" done under the supervision of X. Boutillon (LMS, Ecole Polytechnique), B.F.G. Katz (LIMSI, Université Paris-Sud 11) and E. Corteel (sonic emotion labs).
- 2011-2012: Post-doctoral internship on the "Role of diffraction in inter-aural time differences processing" done within the Audition Team at the ENS Paris and in collaboration with R. Brette.
- Since 2012: Assistant professor within the DYSCO team, PIMM laboratory, l'ENSAM