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My research makes it to the headline in the blog Science Trends
Research Areas:
- Environmental fracture: Liquid metal embrittlement
- Metallurgy: plasticity and fracture
Current projects :
- ANR Gauguin: Liquid metal embrittlement of brass by eutectic Ga-In
- Multi-scale modelling of LME (Projet GENCI)
- LME of refractory materials
- Méso3D project: a plasma FIB @ PIMM
- DIC applied to plasticity and fracture
Short Bio:
- CNRS research scientist at the PIMM laboratory (ENSAM/Arts et Métiers) since october 2017.
- 2008-2017: CNRS research scientist at the Mécanique des Structures, des Sols et des Matériaux laboratory (Ecole CentraleSupélec/MSSMAT)
- 2001-2008: CNRS research scientist at the Laboratoire Centre d'Etude de Chimie Métallurgique (CNRS/CECM)
- Post-Doc in SUBATECH/CNRS with Thomas Kirchner on proton irradiation of materials in Lead-Bismuth Eutectic (LiSoR experiment). SUBATECH is an IN2P3-École des Mînes de Nantes-Université de Nantes laboratory.
- PhD from Université Paris 7, Denis Diderot, in hadronic physics (1999) on photoproduction of vector mesons at CLAS (Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility-Newport News, Virginie, USA) in the Service de Physique Nucléaire of CEA/Saclay (DSM/DAPNIA/SPhN-CEA Saclay).
- Master of Science of South Carolina University (USA),
- Magistère of physique fondamentale from Université Paris 7, Denis Diderot
- Marco Ezequiel, Eva Héripré, Ingrid Proriol Serre, Thierry Auger, “Liquid metal embrittlement of Cu-30%Zn in contact with the liquid EGaIn: measuring fracture toughness in micro-mechanical SEM in situ testing”, submitted to Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics
- Thierry Auger, LinLin Wang, Duane D. Johnson, Xing Gong, “First-principles study of grain-boundary wetting in Fe-Σ5(013)[100] tilt boundary”, Acta Materialia 265 (2024) 119635
- Antoine Clement, Thierry Auger, "An EAM potential for α-brass copper-zinc alloys: Application to plasticity and fracture", Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering, 31 (2023) 015004
- Thierry Auger, Sarah Baiz, Léa Bataillou, Andrei Klochko, "Liquid metal embrittlement of molybdenum by the eutectic gallium-indium-tin alloy", Materialia, 25C (2022) 101523
- Thierry Auger, Bassem Barkia, Eva Héripré, Vincent Michel, Denis Mutel, Ivan Guillot, Zehoua Hamouche, Liliana Medina-Almazàn, "Crack path and liquid metal embrittlement specificity of austenitic steels in mercury at room temperature", Scripta Materialia, 215 (2022) 114733
- Xing Gong, Michael P. Short, Thierry Auger, Evangelia Charalampopoulou, Konstantina Lambrinou, "Environmental degradation of structural materials in liquid lead- and lead-bismuth eutectic-cooled reactors", Progress in Materials Science, 126 (2022) 100920
- X. Gong, T. Auger, W. Zhu, H. Lei, C. Xiang, Z. Yu, M. P. Short, P. Wang, Y. Yin, "Intergranular precipitation-enhanced wetting and phase transformation in an Al0. 4CoCrFeNi high-entropy alloy exposed to lead-bismuth eutectic", Corrosion Science, 196 (2022) 110038
- T. Auger, V. Michel, L. Cassayre, H. Baketi, B. Barkia, A. Michel, E. Perrin, "Liquid metal embrittlement and deformation induced martensite: the case of 316 L austenitic steel LME by liquid eutectic gallium-indium", Corrosion Science, 192 (2021) 109850
- X. Gong, C. Xiang, T. Auger, J. Chen, X. Liang, Z. Yu, M. Short, M. Song, Y. Yin, "Liquid metal embrittlement of a dual-phase Al0.7CoCrFeNi high-entropy alloy exposed to oxygen-saturated lead-bismuth eutectic", Scripta Materialia, 194 (2021) 113652
- B Barkia, P Aubry, P Haghi-Ashtiani, T Auger, L Gosmain, F Schuster, "On the origin of the high tensile strength and ductility of additively manufactured 316L stainless steel: Multiscale investigation", Journal of Materials Science & Technology 41, (2020) 209-218
- Thierry Auger, Jean-Bernard Vogt, Ingrid Proriol Serre. Liquid Metal Embrittlement. Blanc, Christine; Aubert, Isabelle. Mechanics - Microstructure - Corrosion Coupling: Concepts, Experiments, Modeling and Cases, STE Press – Elsevier, 2019
- E. Plancher, P. Tadjari, T. Auger, O. Castelnau, V. Favier, D. Loisnard, J.B. Marijon, C. Maurice, V. Michel, O. Robach and J. Stodolna, "Validity of Crystal Plasticity Models Near Grain Boundaries: Contribution of Elastic Strain Measurements at Micron Scale", Journal Of Materials (2019)
- B. Barkia, J.L. Courouau, E. Perrin, V. Lorentz, M. Rivollier, R. Robin, L. Nicolas, C. Cabet, T. Auger. "Investigation of crack propagation resistance of 304L, 316L and 316L(N) austenitic steels in liquid sodium", Journal of Nuclear Materials 507 (2018) 15-23
- B. Barkia, T. Auger, J.L Courouau, J. Bourgon, "Wetting by liquid sodium and fracture path analysis of sodium induced embrittlement of 304L stainless steel", (papier invité) Journal of Materials Research 33 (2018) 121-129
- B. Barkia, T. Auger, J.L Courouau, J. Bourgon, "Multiscale investigation of crack path and microstructural changes during liquid metal embrittlement of 304L austenitic steel in liquid sodium", Corrosion Science 127 (2017) 213–221
- S. Hémery, C. Berdin, T. Auger, M. Bouhri « Modeling of liquid sodium induced crack propagation in T91 martensitic steel: competition with ductile fracture », Journal of Nuclear Materials, 481 (2016) 24-32
- G. Okyay, E. Heripre, T. Reiss, P. Haghi-Ashtiani, T. Auger, F. Enguehard « Soot aggregate complex morphology: 3D geometry reconstruction by SEM tomography applied on soot issued from propane combustion », Journal of Aerosol Science 93 (2016) 63-79
- T. Auger, S. Hémery, M. Bourcier, C. Berdin, M. Martin, I. Robertson « Crack path in liquid metal embrittlement: experiments with steels and modeling », Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, 35 (2016) 250-259
- S. Hémery, T. Auger, J.L. Courouau, F. Balbaud-Célérier, « Liquid metal embrittlement of an austenitic stainless steel in liquid sodium », Corrosion Science 83 (2014) 1-5
- S. Hémery, T. Auger, J.L. Courouau, F. Balbaud-Célérier, « Effect of oxygen on liquid sodium embrittlement of T91 martensitic steel », Corrosion Science 76 (2013) 441-452
- Julien Colombeau, Thierry Auger, Duane Johnson and Linlin Wang « Cu Grain Boundary Embrittlement by Liquid Hg: A Comparison between Experiment and ab-initio Modeling », MRS Online Proceedings Library (OPL) 1515 (2013) mrsf12-1515-ii12-05
- Martin M.L., Auger T., Johnson D.D., Robertson I.M., « Liquid-metal-induced fracture mode of martensitic T91 steels », Journal of Nuclear Materials, 426 (2012) 71-77
- T. Auger, L’influence des métaux liquides sur les aciers inoxydables, Revue de métallurgie, 108 (2011) 51-58
- Gorse D., Auger T., Vogt J. -B., et al., Influence of liquid lead and lead-bismuth eutectic on tensile, fatigue and creep properties of ferritic/martensitic and austenitic steels for transmutation systems, JOURNAL OF NUCLEAR MATERIALS 415 (2011) 284-292
- T. Auger et al., Fracture mechanics behavior of the T91 martensitic steel in contact with liquid lead–bismuth eutectic for application in an accelerator driven system, Journal of Nuclear Materials 415 (2011) 293–301
- Z. Hadjem-Hamouche, T. Auger, I. Guillot, Temperature effect in the maximum propagation rate of a liquid metal filled crack: The T91 martensitic steel/Lead–Bismuth Eutectic system, Corrosion Science 51 (2009) 2580–2587
- T. Auger, Z. Hamouche, L. Medina−Almazàn, D. Gorse, Liquid metal embrittlement of T91 and 316L steels by heavy liquid metals: A fracture mechanics assessment, Journal of Nuclear Materials, Volume 377, Issue 1, 30 June 2008, Pages 253−260
- T. Auger , I. Serre, G. Lorang, Z. Hamouche, D. Gorse, J.−B.Vogt, Role of oxidation on LME of T91 steel studied by Small Punch Test, Journal of Nuclear Materials, Volume 376, Issue 3, 15 June 2008, Pages 336−340
- L. Medina−Almazán, T. Auger, D. Gorse, Liquid Metal Embrittlement of an austenitic 316L type and a ferritic−martensitic T91 type steel by mercury, Journal of Nuclear Materials, Volume 376, Issue 3, 15 June 2008, Pages 312−316
- Z.Hamouche, T.Auger, I.Guillot, D.Gorse, Susceptibility to LME of 316L and T91 steels by lead−bismuth Eutectic : effect of strain rate T91 and 316L steels déformation, Journal of Nuclear Materials, Volume 376, Issue 3, 15 June 2008, Pages 317−321
- L. Medina−Almazán, J−C. Rouchaud, T. Auger and D. Gorse, Optimization of contact conditions between iron base alloys and Mercury at room temperature, Journal of Nuclear Materials, Volume 375, Issue 1, 30 March 2008, Pages 102−112
- C. Fazio, F. Gröschel, W. Wagner, K. Thomsen, B.L. Smith, R. Stieglitz, L. Zanini, A. Guertin, A. Cadiou, J. Henry, P. Agostini, Y. Dai, H. Heyck, S. Dementjev, S. Panebianco, A. Almazouzi, J. Eikenberg, A. Letourneau, J.C. Toussaint, A. Janett, Ch. Perret, S. Joray, J. Patorski, W. Leung, P. Meloni, P. Turroni, A. Zucchini, G. Benamati, J. Konys, T. Auger, A. Gessi, D. Gorse, I. Serre, A. Terlain, J.−B. Vogt, A. Batta, A. Class, X. Cheng, F. Fellmoser, M. Daubner, S. Gnieser, G. Grötzbach, R. Milenkovic, C. Latgé and J.U. Knebel, « The MEGAPIE−TEST project: Supporting research and lessons learned in first−of−a−kind spallation target technology » Nuclear Engineering and Design, Volume 238, Issue 6, June 2008, Pages 1471−1495,
- R.; Raue B. A.; Carman D. S. …T. Auger et al., “Polarized structure function sigma(')(LT) for (1)H((e)over-right-arrow,e(')K(+))Lambda in the nucleon resonance region” PHYSICAL REVIEW C, Volume: 77 Issue: 6, 2008
- Y. Dai, C. Fazio, D. gorse, F.Gröschel, J. Henry, A. Terlain, J.B. Vogt, T. Auger, A. Gessi, AccApp05, Venice, Italy, August 29-September 1, 2005, « Summary on the preliminary assessment of the T91 window performance in the MEGAPIE conditions » Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Reseach A, 562 (2006) 698-701,
- Y. Dai, J. Henry, T. Auger, J.B. Vogt, A. Almazouzi, H. Glasbrenner, F. Gröchel, (IWSMT7), Thun, Suisse, 29 May-03 June 2005, « Assessment of the lifetime of the beam window of MEGAPIE target liquid metal container » Journal of Nuclear Materials, 356 (2006) 308-320
- Egiyan, H; Aznauryan, IG; Burkert, VD; et al. « Single pi(+) electroproduction on the proton in the first and second resonance regions at 0.25 GeV2 < Q(2) < 0.65 GeV2 », PHYSICAL REVIEW C, 73 (2): Art. No. 025204 FEB 2006
- Joo, K; Smith, LC; Aznauryan, IG; et al. « Measurement of the polarized structure function sigma(LT ') for pion electroproduction in the Roper-resonance region », PHYSICAL REVIEW C, 72 (5): Art. No. 058202 NOV 2005
- T. Auger, G. Lorang, Liquid metal embrittlement susceptibility of T91 steel by lead-bismuth, Scripta Metallurgica, 52 (2005) 1323-1328
- Stavinsky A.V., Mikhailov K. R., et al. "Proton Source Size Measurements in the eA -> e0ppX Reaction", Physical Review Letters 93(19) (2004) 192301
- Price, JW; Nefkens, BMK; Ducote, JL; et al. « Exclusive photoproduction of the cascade (Xi) hyperons », PHYSICAL REVIEW C, 71 (5): Art. No. 058201 MAY 2005
- Protopopescu, D; Hersman, FW; Holtrop, M; et al., « Survey of ALT ' asymmetries in semi-exclusive electron scattering on He-4 and C-12 », NUCLEAR PHYSICS A, 748 (3-4): 357-373 FEB 21 2005
- Hadjidakis, C; Guidal, M; Garcon, M; et al., « Exclusive rho(0) meson electroproduction from hydrogen at CLAS », PHYSICS LETTERS B, 605 (3-4): 256-264 JAN 13 2005
- Auger, T; Lorang, G; Guerin, S; et al. Effect of contact conditions on embrittlement of T91 steel by lead-bismuth, JOURNAL OF NUCLEAR MATERIALS 335 (2004) 227-231
- Joo, K; Smith, LC; Aznauryan, IG; et al., « Measurement of the polarized structure function sigma(LT ') for p((e)over-right-arrow,e(')pi(+))n in the Delta(1232) resonance region », PHYSICAL REVIEW C, 70 (4): Art. No. 042201 OCT 2004
- McNabb,-J.-W.-C.; Schumacher,-R.-A.; Todor,-L.; Adams,-G.; Anciant,-E.; Anghinolfi,-M.; Asavapibhop,-B.; Audit,-G.; Auger,-T. et al « Hyperon photoproduction in the nucleon resonance region », Physical-Review-C-Nuclear-Physics. April 2004; 69(4): 42201/1-5
- McCormick,-K.; Audit,-G.; Laget,-J.-M.; Adams,-G.; Ambrozewicz,-P.; Anciant,-E.; Anghinolfi,-M.; Asavapibhop,-B.; Auger,-T.; et al.« Tensor polarization of the phi meson photoproduced at high t », Physical-Review-C-Nuclear-Physics. March 2004; 69(3): 32203-1-5
- Niyazov,-R.-A.; Weinstein,-L.-B.; Adams,-G.; Ambrozewicz,-P.; Anciant,-E.; Anghinolfi,-M.; Asavapibhop,-B.; Asryan,-G.; Audit,-G.; Auger,-T.; et al. « Two-nucleon momentum distributions measured in 3He(e,e'pp)n », Physical-Review-Letters. 6 Feb. 2004; 92(5): 052303/1-5
- Kubarovsky,-V.; Guo,-L.; Weygand,-D.-P.; Stoler,-P.; Battaglieri,-M.; DeVita,-R.; Adams,-G.; Ji-Li; Nozar,-M.; Salgado,-C.; Ambrozewicz,-P.; Anciant,-E.; Anghinolfi,-M.; Asavapibhop,-B.; Audit,-G.; Auger,-T.; et al. « Observation of an exotic baryon with S=+1 in photoproduction from the proton », Physical-Review-Letters. 23 Jan. 2004; 92(3): 032001/1-5
- Fatemi,-R.; Skabelin,-A.-V.; Burkert,-V.-D.; Crabb,-D.; De-Vita,-R.; Kuhn,-S.-E.; Minehart,-R.; Adams,-G.; Anciant,-E.; Anghinolfi,-M.; Asavapibhop,-B.; Audit,-G.; Auger,-T.; et al. « Measurement of the proton spin structure function g1(x,Q2) for Q2 from 0.15 to 1.6 GeV2 with CLAS », Physical-Review-Letters. 28 Nov. 2003; 91(22): 222002/1-6
- Biselli, A; Adams, GS; Amaryan, MJ; et al., « ep -> ep pi(0) reaction studied in the Delta(1232) mass region using polarization asymmetries » PHYSICAL REVIEW C. SEP 2003 68 (3): 035202
- Joo, K; Smith, LC; Burkert, VD; et al. « Measurement of the polarized structure function sigma(LT ') for p(e,e ' p)pi(0) in the Delta(1232) resonance region », PHYSICAL REVIEW C SEP 2003 ; 68 (3): 032201
- Egiyan,-K.-Sh.; Dashyan,-N.; Sargsian,-M.; Stepanyan,-S.; Weinstein,-L.-B.; Adams,-G.; Ambrozewicz,-P.; Anciant,-E.; Anghinolfi,-M.; Asavapibhop,-B.; Asryan,-G.; Audit,-G.; Auger,-T.; et al. « Observation of nuclear scaling in the A(e,e') reaction at xB >1 », Physical-Review-C-Nuclear-Physics. July 2003; 68(1): 14313-1-10
- Ripani,-M.; Burkert,-V.-D.; Mokeev,-V.; Battaglieri,-M.; De-Vita,-R.; Golovach,-E.; Taiuti,-M.; Adams,-G.; Anciant,-E.; Anghinolfi,-M.; Asavapibhop,-B.; Audit,-G.; Auger,-T.; et al. « Measurement of ep to e'pp+p- and baryon resonance analysis », Physical-Review-Letters. 11 July 2003; 91(2): 022002/1-6
- Kirchner, T; Bortoli, Y; Cadiou, A; et al., « LiSoR, a liquid metal loop for material investigation under irradiation », JOURNAL OF NUCLEAR MATERIALS 318 (2003) 70-83
- Mecking,-B.-A.; Adams,-G.; Ahmad,-S.; Anciant,-E.; Anghinolfi,-M.; Asavapibhop,-B.; Asryan,-G.; Audit,-G.; Auger,-T.; Avakian,-H.; Ball,-J.-P.; Barbosa,-F.-J.; Barrow,-S.; Battaglieri,-M.; Beard,-K.; Berman,-B.-L.; Bianchi,-N.; Boiarinov,-S.; Bonneau,-P.; Briscoe,-W.-J.; Brooks,-W.-K.; Burkert,-V.-D.; Carman,-D.-S.; Carstens,-T.; Cetina,-C.; Christo,-S.-B.; Cole,-P.-L.; Coleman,-A.; Connelly,-J.; Cords,-D.; Corvisiero,-P.; Crabb,-D.; Crannell,-H.; Cuevas,-R.-C.; Degtyarenko,-P.-V.; Dennis,-L.; DeSanctis,-E.; DeVita,-R.; Distelbrink,-J.; Dodge,-G.-E.; Dodge,-W.; Doolittle,-G.; Doughty,-D.; Dugger,-M.; Duncan,-W.-S.; Dytman,-S.; Egiyan,-H.; Egiyan,-K.-S.; Elouadrhiri,-L.; Feuerbach,-R.-J.; Ficenec,-J.; Frolov,-V.; Funsten,-H.; Gilfoyle,-G.-P.; Giovanetti,-K.-L.; Golovatch,-E.; Gram,-J.; Guidal,-M.; Gyurjyan,-V.; Heddle,-D.; Hemler,-P.; Hersman,-F.-W.; Hicks,-K.; Hicks,-R.-S.; Holtrop,-M.; Hyde-Wright,-C.-E.; Insley,-D.; Ito,-M.-M.; Jacobs,-G.; Jenkins,-D.; Joo,-K.; Joyce,-D.; Kashy,-D.; Khandaker,-M.; Kim,-W.; Klein,-A.; Klein,-F.-J.; Klusman,-M.; Kossov,-M.; Kramer,-L.; Koubarovski,-V.; Kuhn,-S.-E.; Lake,-A.; Lawrence,-D.; Longhi,-A.; Lukashin,-K.; Lachniet,-J.; Magahiz,-R.-A.; Major,-W.; Manak,-J.-J.; Marchand,-C.; Martin,-C.; Matthews,-S.-K.; McMullen,-M.; McNabb,-J.-W.-C.; Mestayer,-M.-D.; Minehart,-R.; Mirazita,-M.; Miskimen,-R.; Muccifora,-V.; Mueller,-J.; Murphy,-L.-Y.; Mutchler,-G.-S.; Napolitano,-J.; Niculescu,-I.; Niczyporuk,-B.-B.; Nozar,-M.; O'Brien,-J.-T.; Opper,-A.-K.; O'Meara,-J.-E.; Pasyuk,-E.; Philips,-S.-A.; Polli,-E.; Price,-J.-W.; Pozdniakov,-S.; Qin,-L.-M.; Raue,-B.-A.; Riccardi,-G.; Ricco,-G.; Riggs,-C.; Ripani,-M.; Ritchie,-B.-G.; Robb,-J.; Ronchetti,-F.; Rossi,-P.; Roudot,-F.; Salgado,-C.; Sapunenko,-V.; Schumacher,-R.-A.; Serov,-V.-S.; Sharabian,-Y.-G.; Smith,-E.-S.; Smith,-L.-C.; Smith,-T.; Sober,-D.-I.; Stavinsky,-A.; Stepanyan,-S.; Stoler,-P.; Taiuti,-M.; Taylor,-W.-M.; Taylor,-S.; Tedeschi,-D.-J.; Thoma,-U.; Thompson,-R.; Tilles,-D.; Todor,-L.; Tung,-T.-Y.; Tuzel,-W.; Vineyard,-M.-F.; Vlassov,-A.-V.; Weinstein,-L.-B.; Welsh,-R.-E.; Weygand,-D.-P.; Wilkin,-G.-R.; Witkowski,-M.; Wolin,-E.; Yegneswaran,-A.; Yergin,-P.; Yun,-J., « The CEBAF large acceptance spectrometer (CLAS) », Nuclear-Instruments-&-Methods-in-Physics-Research,-Section-A-Accelerators,-Spectrometers,-Detectors-and-Associated-Equipment. 11 May 2003; 503(3): 513-53
- Yun,-J.; Kuhn,-S.-E.; Dodge,-G.-E.; Forest,-T.-A.; Taiuti,-M.; Adams,-G.-S.; Amaryan,-M.-J.; Anciant,-E.; Anghinolfi,-M.; Asavapibhop,-B.; Asryan,-G.; Audit,-G.; Auger,-T.; et al. « Measurement of inclusive spin structure functions of the deuteron », Physical-Review-C-Nuclear-Physics. May 2003; 67(5): 55204-1-13
- Osipenko,-M.; Ricco,-G.; Taiuti,-M.; Ripani,-M.; Simula,-S.; Adams,-G.; Anciant,-E.; Anghinolfi,-M.; Asavapibhop,-B.; Audit,-G.; Auger,-T.; et al. « Kinematically complete measurement of the proton structure function F2 in the resonance region and evaluation of its moments », Physical-Review-D. 1 May 2003; 67(9): 92001-1-18
- Carman,-D.-S.; Joo,-K.; Mestayer,-M.-D.; Raue,-B.-A.; Adams,-G.; Ambrozewicz,-P.; Anciant,-E.; Anghinolfi,-M.; Armstrong,-D.-S.; Asavapibhop,-B.; Audit,-G.; Auger,-T.; et al. « First measurement of transferred polarization in the exclusive ep to e'K+L reaction », Physical-Review-Letters. 4 April 2003; 90(13): 131804/1-6
- Battaglieri,-M.; Brunoldi,-M.; De-Vita,-R.; Laget,-J.-M.; Osipenko,-M.; Ripani,-M.; Taiuti,-M.; Adams,-G.; Amaryan,-M.-J.; Anciant,-E.; Anghinolfi,-M.; Armstrong,-D.-S.; Asavapibhop,-B.; Asryan,-G.; Audit,-G.; Auger,-T.; et al. « Photoproduction of the omega meson on the proton at large momentum transfer », Physical-Review-Letters. 17 Jan. 2003; 90(2): 022002/1-5
- Dugger,-M.; Ritchie,-B.-G.; Ball,-J.; Pasyuk,-E.; Adams,-G.; Anciant,-E.; Anghinolfi,-M.; Asavapibhop,-B.; Audit,-G.; Auger,-T.; et al. « eta photoproduction on the proton for photon energies from 0.75 to 1.95 GeV », Physical-Review-Letters. 25 Nov. 2002; 89(22): 222002/1-6
- Auger, T; Aphecetche, L; Cadiou, A; et al., « MEGAPIE target design and LiSoR experiment - Status report », JOURNAL DE PHYSIQUE IV 12 (2002) 27-43
- Joo,-K.; Smith,-L.-C.; Burkert,-V.-D.; Minehart,-R.; Aznauryan,-I.-G.; Elouadrhiri,-L.; Stepanyan,-S.; Adams,-G.-S.; Amaryan,-M.-J.; Anciant,-E.; Anghinolfi,-M.; Armstrong,-D.-S.; Asavapibhop,-B.; Audit,-G.; Auger,-T.; et al. « Q2dependence of quadrupole strength in the g*p to D+(1232) to pp0 transition», Physical-Review-Letters. 25 March 2002; 88(12): 122001/1-5
- De-Vita,-R.; Anghinolfi,-M.; Burkert,-V.-D.; Dodge,-G.-E.; Minehart,-R.; Taiuti,-M.; Weller,-H.; Adams,-G.; Amaryan,-M.-J.; Anciant,-E.; Armstrong,-D.-S.; Asavapibhop,-B.; Asryan,-G.; Audit,-G.; Auger,-T.; et al. « First measurement of the double spin asymmetry in ep to e'p+n in the resonance region », Physical-Review-Letters. 25 Feb. 2002; 88(8): 082001/1-6
- Lukashin, K, Smith, ES, Adams,-G.; Amaryan,-M.-J.; Anciant,-E.; Armstrong,-D.-S.; Asavapibhop,-B.; Asryan,-G.; Audit,-G.; Auger,-T.; et al. « Exclusive electroproduction of phi mesons at 4.2 GeV », PHYSICAL REVIEW C, NOV 2001 64 (5) 059901
- Stepanyan, S, Burkert, VD, Elouadrhiri, L, Adams,-G.; Amaryan,-M.-J.; Anciant,-E.; Armstrong,-D.-S.; Asavapibhop,-B.; Asryan,-G.; Audit,-G.; Auger,-T.; et al. « Observation of exclusive deeply virtual Compton scattering in polarized electron beam asymmetry measurements » PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS OCT 2001 87 (18) : 182002
- Battaglieri, M, Anciant, E, Anghinolfi, M, De Vita, R, Golovach, E, Laget, JM, Mokeev, V, Ripani, M, Adams,-G.; Amaryan,-M.-J.; Anciant,-E.; Armstrong,-D.-S.; Asavapibhop,-B.; Asryan,-G.; Audit,-G.; Auger,-T.; et al. « Photoproduction of the rho(0) meson on the proton at large momentum transfer », PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS OCT 2001 87 (17) : 172002
- Barrow, SP, Dennis, L, McAleer, SB, Adams,-G.; Amaryan,-M.-J.; Anciant,-E.; Armstrong,-D.-S.; Asavapibhop,-B.; Asryan,-G.; Audit,-G.; Auger,-T.; et al. « Electroproduction of the Lambda(1520) hyperon » PHYSICAL REVIEW C OCT 2001 64 (4) 044601
- Thompson, R, Dytman, S, Kim, KY, Mueller, J, Adams,-G.; Amaryan,-M.-J.; Anciant,-E.; Armstrong,-D.-S.; Asavapibhop,-B.; Asryan,-G.; Audit,-G.; Auger,-T.; et al. « The ep -> e'p eta reaction at and above the S-11(1535) baryon resonance » PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS FEB 2001 86 (9) 1702-1706
- Battaglieri, M, Anciant, E, Audit, G, Auger, T, Golovach, E, Laget, JM, Marchand, C, McCormick, K, Mokeev, V « Photoproduction of vector mesons off the proton at high momentum transfer » NUCLEAR PHYSICS A JAN 2001 680 (1-4) 286C-289C
- Anciant, E, Auger, T, Audit, G, Battaglieri, M, Laget, JM, Marchand, C, et al. « Photoproduction of phi (1020) mesons on the proton at large momentum transfer » PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS NOV 2000 85 (22) 4682-4686
- Neyret, D, Pussieux, T, Auger, T, Baylac, M, Burtin, E et al. « A photon calorimeter using lead tungstate crystals for the CEBAF Hall A Compton polarimeter », NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION A APR 2000 443 (2-3) 231-237
- Sober, DI, Crannell, H, Longhi, A, Matthews, SK, O'Brien, JT, Berman, BL, Briscoe, WJ, Cole, PL, Connelly, JP, Dodge, WR, Murphy, LY, Philips, SA, Dugger, MK, Lawrence, D, Ritchie, BG, Smith, ES, Lambert, JM, Anciant, E, Audit, G, Auger, T, Marchand, C, Klusman, M, Napolitano, J, Khandaker, MA, Salgado, CW, Sarty, AJ « The bremsstrahlung tagged photon beam in Hall B at JLab » NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION A FEB 2000 440 (2) 263-284
- Audit, G, Auger, T et al. « MEMUS - A large solid angle detector for ELFE » NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION A MAY 1998 409 (1-3) 400-401
Marchand, C, Audit, G, Auger, T et al. « Requirements for a large solid angle detector for ELFE » NUCLEAR PHYSICS A AUG 1997 622 (1-2) C157-C165
Document joint