The teaching unit is mandatory. f
The teaching unit is taught in

Coord. Franck Morel (, ENSAM Angers)


he teaching unit is mandatory. dd
The teaching unit is taught in

Coord. Franck Morel (, ENSAM Angers)


3 ECTS / 30 h
Courses : 10 sessions de 3h
Exercises : Aucun
Practice : Aucun




This course provides a rigorous formation for the students in physical mechanisms and induced microstructure during forming operations and machining coupling mechanical and thermal effects (1) to model and simulate these manufacturing processing and (2) to predict the in-life mechanical properties of components.


This program focuses on solid materials processing: sheet forming operations (rolling, stamping, light cutting …), bulk materials forming operations (forging, extrusion, drawing …) and machining. This course will be used in order to optimize the manufacturing processing to obtain the right properties for a specific application. Current industrial areas are aeronautics, transportation, nuclear engineering, containers, structures…/P>


  • Transformations in solid metals and mechanical behaviour during forming processing: session 1 to 4.
  • Tribology : session 5 to 6.
  • Role of residual stress and microstructural heterogeneities on final properties of parts : session 7 to 10.


Session 1 :

Phase transformation and precipitation (JLL).

Session 2 :

Recovery and recrystallisation (YC).

Session 3 :

Strain induced textures et dislocation structures (YC).

Session 4 :

Temperature-dependent elasto(visco)plastic constitutive equations for high temperatures, high strain rates and large strains (RD): Johnson-Cook, Norton-Hoff, Thermal activated constitutive equations, integration of damage, extension to finite transformations.

Session 5 :

Presentation of the historical tribological contact characterisations : friction coefficient, Block model and its extensions, wear models. - Experimental and physical limitations involved by these phenomenological approaches.

Session 6 :

Generic description of contacts, notion of third body, description of material and heat flows with the help of a discrete element model – Proposition of a generic methodology, based on expérimental and numerical studies to establish appropriate contact behavior laws. Examples of experimental set up used in material forming studies. Exemple of numerical tools.

Session 7 :

Residual stress origin and calculations in simple forming operations –Residual stresses after forming and heat treatments – Advanced techniques for residual stress experimental analysis (JLL).

Session 8 :

Residual stress and microstructural heterogeneities effects on deformation, static strength, corrosion, physical properties ... (JLL).

Session 9 :

Material Integrity and fatigue behaviour (FM): Background fatigue limit criteria - Effect of surface state, residual stresses and microstructural heterogeneities.

Session 10 :

Illustrations : processing operations-fatigue properties-correlations (machining, forging, casting, surface heat treatments …)(FM).<

Evalutation :

Written exam.


  • “Simulation of wear through mass balance in a dry contact”, Fillot, N., Iordanoff, I., Berthier, Y., Journal of Tribology 127 (1), pp. 230-237 (2005)
  • “Thermal Study of the Dry Sliding Contact With Third Body Presence”, Richard, D., Iordanoff, I., Renouf, M., Berthier, Y., Journal of Tribology, 130, (10 pages) (2008)
  • “Background on friction and wear”, Berthier Y., , Handbook of materials behavior models. Lemaître. Academic Press, Background on friction and wear. Vol.Chap 8. p.676 -699 (2001)
  • “Physique et Mécanique de la mise en forme des métaux”, Ecole d’Eté d’Oléron dirigée par F. Moussy et P. Franciosi, Paris : Presses du CNRS : IRSID, XiV-645p (1990)