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- Bayraktar, E., Katundi, D., Kosecki, A., Larbi, A., Guinault, A. Low velocity impact behaviour of the epoxy matrix composites reinforced with metallic and oxide particles(2013). Conference Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Mechanics Series, 1, 481-488.
- Berthe, L., Coste, F., Vales, F. Study of carbon-fiber-reinforced-polymer under moderate laser intensity. Application to laser drilling (2013). ICALEO 2013 - 32nd International Congress on Applications of Lasers and Electro-Optics, 571-575.
- Boustie, M., Cuqlelandais, J.P., Berthe, L., Cormier, J., Mauget, F., Guetta, S., Jeandin, M. Adhesion testing of metallic coatings by 2D laser shock waves(2013). Heat Treatment and Surface Engineering - Proceedings of Heat Treatment and Surface Engineering, HTSE 2013, 155-164.
- Coste, F. Hybrid laser welding of cladded tubes (2013). ICALEO 2013 - 32nd International Congress on Applications of Lasers and Electro-Optics, 237-243.
- Dal, M., Peyre, P. Numerical simulation of a combined welding-brazing process. Application to an aluminum-titanium heterogeneous assembly (2013). ICALEO 2013 - 32nd International Congress on Applications of Lasers and Electro-Optics, 67-76.
- Diani, J., Gilormini, P., Merckel, Y., Vion-Loisel, F. The role of the rubber-filler interphase in linear viscoelasticity of SBRs filled with carbon-black nano-size particles (2013). Constitutive Models for Rubber VIII - Proceedings of the 8th European Conference on Constitutive Models for Rubbers, ECCMR 2013, 281-285.
- Douadji, L., Benkhenafou, F., Du, W.W., Tcharkhtchi, A., Madani, M. Study the micromechanical behavior of PLA film (2013). Advanced Materials Research, 811, 23-27.
- Ecault, R., Boustie, M., Berthe, L., Touchard, F., Chocinski-Arnault, L., Voillaume, H., Campagne, B. Development of the laser shock wave adhesion test on bonded CFRP composite (2013). Engineering Against Failure - Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference of Engineering Against Failure, ICEAF 2013, 605-612.
- Guinault, A., Dutarte, G., Boufarguine, M., Miquelard-Garnier, G., Sollogoub, C. Morphology-crystallinity relationship in PLA-PHBV blends prepared via extrusion (2013). Key Engineering Materials, 554-557, 1707-1714.
- Hafsaoui, S.L., Benziane, M., Tcharkhtchi, A. Thermal transfer simulation regarding the rotational moulding of polyamide 11 (2013). Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 112 (1), 285-292.
- Hernández, C., Figueroa, I.A., Braham, C., Novelo-Peralta, O., Lara-Rodriguez, G.A., Gonzalez, G. Microstructural and mechanical study of the Al-20Sn (mass%) alloy processed by equal-channel angular pressing by route C (2013). Materials Transactions, 54 (6), 977-983.
- Hirano, K., Fabbro, R. A comparative experimental study of laser fusion cutting of steel with 1 m and 10 m laser wavelengths (2013). ICALEO 2013 - 32nd International Congress on Applications of Lasers and Electro-Optics, 119-124.
- Julie, D., Pierre, G., Carole, F., Ingrid, A.R. Role of viscoelasticity in predicting the shape memory effect of polymers (2013). Conference Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Mechanics Series, 4, 97-104.
- Lamoureux, B., Masse, J.-R., Mechbal, N. Diagnostics of an aircraft engine pumping unit using a hybrid approach based-on surrogate modeling (2013). PHM 2013 - 2013 IEEE International Conference on Prognostics and Health Management, Conference Proceedings, art. no. 6621430, .
- Lamoureux, B., Mechbal, N., Massé, J.-R. Selection and validation of health indicators in prognostics and health management system design (2013). Conference on Control and Fault-Tolerant Systems, SysTol, art. no. 6693847, 239-244.
- Lamoureux, B., Mechbal, N., Massé, J.-R. Numerical key performance indicators for the validation of PHM health indicators with application to a hydraulic actuation system (2013). Chemical Engineering Transactions, 33, 43-48.
- Le Gac, P.-Y., Broudin, M., Davies, P., cv f. Oxidation effect on fracture properties of rubbers (2013). Constitutive Models for Rubber VIII - Proceedings of the 8th European Conference on Constitutive Models for Rubbers, ECCMR 2013, 25-29.
- Marciszko, M., Baczmański, A., Wróbel, M., Seiler, W., Braham, C., Donges, J., Śniechowski, M., Wierzbanowski, K. Multireflection grazing incidence diffraction used for stress measurements in surface layers (2013). Thin Solid Films, 530, 81-84.
- Mechbal , N. and Uribe, J.S. (2013). SHM with wave diffraction patterns and decision tree based multi-class SVM," in 2013 International Conference on Smart Structures and Systems - The 2013 World Congress on Advances in Structural Engineering and Mechanics (ASEM), Jeju, Korea
- Merckel, Y., Brieu, M., Diani, J., Caillard, J.Understanding and modelling the Mullins softening from a mechanical point of view (2013). Constitutive Models for Rubber VIII - Proceedings of the 8th European Conference on Constitutive Models for Rubbers, ECCMR 2013, 411-417.
- Merckel, Y., Brieu, M., Diani, J. Influence of the material parameters on the mechanical properties of rubbers [Influence des paramètres matériaux sur le comportement des élastomères] (2013). MATEC Web of Conferences, 7, art. no. 01011
- Neag, A., Favier, V., Pop, M., Bigot, R. Experimental investigation on 7075 aluminium response during thixoextrusion (2013). Solid State Phenomena, 192-193, 149-154.
- Peyre, P., Berthe, L., Vignal, V., Baudin, T. Analysis of laser shock waves and surface deformations on an Al-Cu-Li alloy using VISAR technique and FEM simulation, 4th International Conference on laser Peening and related phenomena (ICLPLP'4), Madrid, 6-10 Mai 2013
- Petit, J., Wagner, D., Ranc, N., Montay, G., François, M. Comparison of different techniques for the monitoring of the Lüders bands development (2013). 13th International Conference on Fracture 2013, ICF 2013, 5, 3797-3809.
- Phung, N.L., Marti, N., Blanche, A., Ranc, N., Favier, V., Chrysochoos, A., Saintier, N., Grégori, F., Bacroix, B., Thoquenne, G. Very High Cycle Fatigue for single phase ductile materials: Slip band appearance criterion (2013). Procedia Engineering, 66, 615-625.
- Phung, N.L., Blanche, A., Ranc, N., Favier, V., Chrysochoos, A., Marti, N., Saintier, N., Wang, C., Wagner, D., Bathias, C., Grégori, F., Bacroix, B., Mughrabi, H., Thoquenne, G. Very high cycle fatigue for single phase ductile materials: Microplasticity and energy dissipation (2013). 13th International Conference on Fracture 2013, ICF 2013, 6, 5113-5121.
- Pouzet, S., Peyre, P., Castelnau, O., Gorny, C., Colin, C. Direct metal deposition of titanium matrix composites: Optimization of the process and microstructural analysis (2013). ICALEO 2013 - 32nd International Congress on Applications of Lasers and Electro-Optics, 392-399.
- Ranc, N., Palin-Luc, T., Paris, P.C. On the effect of fatigue crack plastic dissipation on the stress intensity factor (2013). 13th International Conference on Fracture 2013, ICF 2013, 3, 1916-1924.
- Rébillat, M., Hajrya, R., Mechbal, N. Detection of structural damage using the exponential sine sweep method (2013). Structural Health Monitoring 2013: A Roadmap to Intelligent Structures - Proceedings of the 9th International Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, IWSHM 2013, 1, 1226-1234.
- Richaud, E. Kinetic modelling of phenols consumption during polyethylene thermal oxidation (2013). European Polymer Journal, 49 (8), 2223-2232.
- Seisson, G., Hébert, D., Bertron, I., Chevalier, J.-M., Lescoute, E., Videau, L., Combis, P., Guillet, F., Boustie, M., Berthe, L. Dynamic behavior of a porous brittle material: Experiments and modeling (2013). Procedia Engineering, 58, 715-723.
- Uribe, J.S., Mechbal, N., Rébillat, M., Bouamama, K., Pengov, M. Probabilistic decision trees using SVM for multi-class classification (2013). Conference on Control and Fault-Tolerant Systems, SysTol, art. no. 6693840, 619-624.
- Vina, C., Argentieri, S., Rebillat, M. A spherical cross-channel algorithm for binaural sound localization (2013). IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, art. no. 6696770, 2921-2926.
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