Please contact Justin Dirrenberger ( and Cyrille Sollogoub ( for more details.

Context and Challenges


Elastic computation for a lattice architectued materials made of titanium alloy (LIA, F. dell’Isola, C. Dupuy, P. Peyre,C. Combescure, J. Dirrenberger, 2017)
Elastic computation for a lattice architectued materials made of titanium alloy (LIA, F. dell’Isola, C. Dupuy, P. Peyre, C. Combescure, J. Dirrenberger, 2017)

Many industrial applications require materials with improved specific properties (per mass unit). Architectured materials are an emerging class of advanced materials, expanding the range of possibilities in terms of functional properties. The term "architectured materials" refers to any heterogeneous material having specific properties improved by virtue of a relevant predefined morphological and/or topological design. The concept includes various types of architectures: hybrid materials, gradient materials - and various applications - damping properties, barrier properties, anisotropic properties, multifunctional properties.The development of processings and in particular that of additive manufacturing offer the possibility of manufacturing architectured materials on a scale of about 100 μm for a global working size of several tens of centimeters, which allows the use such materials, particularly in the industrial sectors of transport, energy and biomedical.

Specific features at PIMM

The Comet research group on the design and characterisation of architectured materials and the development of constitutive equations. It is also working on the development of gradient materials. The P&C research group has developed new processes to master the architecture of the material. In particular, the coextrusion of polymers in multilayer systems allows to produce materials having an architecture composed of successive layers. The LASER research group is studying additive manufacturing processes and localized laser treatment. The DYSCO research group works on the characterization of the vibration behavior of architectured materials, on model reduction in the case of periodic structures with nonlinear behavior and on topological optimization. These different studies show that the laboratory has the potential to approach architectured materials throughout the entire chain of their development. The PIMM Lab wants to establish methods and tools for the design, manufacturing, characterization and modeling of these new materials with high potential. 

Scientific issues
PIMM Lab addresses the following scientific questions:

  • How to design and charcaterise architectured materials with regard to prescribed properties ?
  • How to manufacture them in a industrial context ?

Some collaborative projects

2017-2021 ANR JCJC SCOLASTIC (laser treatment, ductility/strength)

2017-2021 ANR ALMARIS (topological optimization topologique, Shape Memory Alloys)

2017-2020- : LIA Coss&Vita (Additive Manufacturing, Stiffness) (2017-2020)

Industrial Partners :