The teaching unit is mandatory.
The teaching unit is taught in English.
3 ECTS / 30 h
Courses : 19h30
Exercises : 6h00
Practice : 4h00
Coord. Bruno Fayolle (, ENSAM Paris)
Etienne Barthel, PSL,
Antoine Châteauminois, PSL,
Justin Dirrenberger, ENSAM Paris,
Bruno Fayolle, ENSAM Paris,
Nathan Selles, LRCCP,
Alba Marcellan, PSL,

This teaching unit aims at giving the knowledge bases of different polymers behaviors allowing the choice and the use of the right material in applications where weight, stiffness, fracture strength or chemical resistance are the challenging parameters. The master of the complex behaviors of polymers is the only way to be able to substitute metals by organic or composite materials.
Aerospace, Automotive both for both design and technical parts, Offshore, Civil Engineering in particular for coatings and sealants, Electricity as insulating materials, Packaging and Conditioning, Fluid transport (drinking water, gas). Sports and leisure, microelectronics. Health (prosthetic devices, tissue engineering).
- Linear viscoelasticity, creep and relaxation, dynamic behaviour, time-temperature equivalence, molecular mobility (J. Diani L 4h30 – T 1h30 – P 4h00)
- Show the molecular/physical interpretation of hyperelasticity theory applied on elastomers, then introduce finite strain formalism (A. Marcellan and L. Laiarinandrasana L 6h)
- Analyse the specificity if linear and non linear fracture mechanics applied on polymers (L. Laiarinandrasana L 3h)
- Describe the mechanisms of plasticity and fracture at the microscopic scale, establish the relations between chemical structure, polymeric architecture and plastic deformation mechanisms (C. Creton L 3h – T 1h30)
- Introduce the basic concepts of elastic adhesive contacts on polymers (A. Chateauminois L 4h30 – T 1h30)
Articles analysis : report (2 A4 pages) and oral presentation.
- Rheology : principles, measurements and applications, C. Macosko, VCH publishers, 1994.
- An introduction to the mechanical properties of solid polymers, I.M. Ward et D.W. Hadley, Wiley, 2002.
Numerical simulation of 3D ductile tearing from SENB specimen with a mechanics of porous media model