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Short CV (updated July 2024)
I am a Full Professor at le CNAM where I have been working since 2010.
I received my Habilitation in 2017 from Sorbonne University.
I am the head of the Polymer & Composites team (~50 people) in the PIMM lab.
I am Editor for Materials Today Communications since 2015.
I am a Polymer Scientist by training. I graduated from the ESPCI in Paris (in 2004), then did my PhD in the SIMM lab with C. Creton and D. Hourdet (obtained in 2007). I then worked for 2 years as a post-doc in A. Crosby's group at UMass Ahmerst (MA, USA). After another 6 months post-doc with L. Léger at Université Paris-Sud in Orsay, I was hired at le CNAM in September 2010.
Le CNAM (Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers) is an historical (established in 1794) French institute initially dedicated to teaching for working adults, but has now expanded also to more traditional teaching. It is located in the 3rd arrondissement in Paris and this is where I teach. I mainly teach Polymer Science, from basics to specific properties, with a focus on the relationships between the chemical structure and the macroscopic properties (which is also the global idea behind my research, see below).
The PIMM lab research is mainly focused on processing, engineering and mechanics of materials. The main idea connecting my own research is understanding the role of the materials structure on the macroscopic properties, taking into account the major role of processing in governing these structure-properties relationships. In the Polymer & Composites team, most of my research is in collaboration with G. Régnier, C. Sollogoub, M. Gervais, S. Roland and A. Guinault. National collaborators include L. Léger, F. Restagno and C. Poulard (LPS, Paris-Sud Université), E. Raphaël and J.D. McGraw (PCT, ESPCI), T. Salez (LOMA, University of Bordeaux)... International collaborators include G.B. McKenna (TTU, USA) and K. Song (ASU, USA).
To have access to an overview of my research from 2007 to 2017 written for my Habilitation obtained in September 2017, you can read the manuscript (in English) here.
A full publications and patent list can be found on the French page, along with the links to the articles.