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- Arif, M.F., Meraghni, F., Saintier, N., Chemisky, Y., Fitoussi, J., Robert, G. Fatigue damage investigation of PA66/GF30 by X-ray microtomography (2014). 16th European Conference on Composite Materials, ECCM 2014, .
- Baczmański, A., Gadalińska, E., Wroński, S., Braham, C., Seiler, W., François, M., Le Joncour, L., Panicaud, B., Buslaps, T., Yahyaoui, H., Sidhom, H., Zhao, Y.C. Study of mechanical behaviour of polycrystalline materials at the mesoscale using high energy X-ray diffraction (2014). Advanced Materials Research, 996, 118-123.
- Baczmański, A., Gadalińska, E., Braham, C., Wroński, S., Le Joncour, L., Panicaud, B., Francois, M., Klosek, V. Study of micromechanical behaviour of two phase polycrystalline materials using diffraction and self consistent model (2014). Materials Science Forum, 783-786, 2059-2064.
- Baczmański, A., Gadalińska, E., Wroński, S., Joncour, L.L., Panicaud, B., François, M., Braham, C., Klosek, V., Paradowska, A. Study of stresses in texture components using neutron diffraction (2014). Materials Science Forum, 768-769, 289-295.
- Baczmański, A., Gadalińska, E., Braham, C., Wroński, S., Le Joncour, L., Panicaud, B., Francois, M., Klosek, V. Study of micromechanical behaviour of two phase polycrystalline materials using diffraction and self consistent model (2014). Advanced Materials Research, 783-786, 2059-2064.
- Balmes, E., Guskov, M. , Rebillat, M. and Mechbal, N. (2014). Effects of temperature on the impedance of piezoelectric actuators used for SHM," in VIbrations SHocks and NOise, Aix en provence
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- Becker, E., Langlois, L., Favier, V., Bigot, R. Thermomechanical modelling and simulation of C38 thixoextrusion steel (2014). Solid State Phenomena, 217-218, 130-137.
- Ben Moussa, N., Sidhom, N., Sidhom, H., Braham, C. Prediction of cyclic residual stress relaxation by modeling approach (2014). Advanced Materials Research, 996, 743-748.
- Colin, X., Verdu, J. Humid ageing of organic matrix composites (2014). Solid Mechanics and its Applications, 208, 47-114.
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- Esmaeillou, B., Fitoussi, J., Meraghni, F., Tcharkhtchi, A. Micro-mechanisms of fatigue in short glass fiber reinforced polyamide 66: A multi-scale experimental analysis (2014). 16th European Conference on Composite Materials, ECCM 2014, .
- Favier, V., Blanche, A., Phung, N.L., Ranc, N., Chrysochoos, A. Energy dissipation and self-heating due to microplastic deformation mechanisms at very high cycle fatigue for single-phase ductile metals (2014). Advanced Materials Research, 783-786, 2278-2283.
- Favier, V., Blanche, A., Phung, N.L., Ranc, N., Chrysochoos, A. Energy dissipation and self-heating due to microplastic deformation mechanisms at very high cycle fatigue for single-phase ductile metals (2014). Materials Science Forum, 783-786, 2278-2283.
- Favier, V., Becker, E., Bigot, R. Investigation of parameters promoting hot cracking during semi-solid forming processes (2014). Solid State Phenomena, 217-218, 281-285.
- Fendzi, C., Morel, J., Rébillat, M., Guskov, M., Mechbal, N., Coffignal, G. Optimal sensors placement to enhance damage detection in composite plates (2014). 7th European Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, EWSHM 2014 - 2nd European Conference of the Prognostics and Health Management (PHM) Society, .
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- Hammami, C., Balmes, E. Meta-models of repeated dissipative joints for damping design phase (2014). Proceedings of ISMA 2014 - International Conference on Noise and Vibration Engineering and USD 2014 - International Conference on Uncertainty in Structural Dynamics, 2565-2576.
- Jendli, Z., Walrick, J.-C., Bocquet, M., Fitoussi, J. Strain rate effects on the mechanical behavior of carbon-thermoplastic matrix woven composites (2014). 16th European Conference on Composite Materials, ECCM 2014, .
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- Marciszko, M., Stanisławczyk, A., Baczmanski, A., Wierzbanowski, K., Seiler, W., Braham, C., Wróbel, M., Szaraniec, B. In-depth distribution of stresses measured by multireflection grazing incidence diffraction (2014). Materials Science Forum, 772, 143-147.
- Marciszko, M., Baczmański, A., Wierzbanowski, K., Chopart, J.P., Lodini, A., Zazi, N., Braham, C., Seiler, W. Stress measurements in polished Al-Mg alloy and CrN coating using multireflection grazing incidence method (2014). Materials Science Forum, 783-786, 2091-2096.
- Marciszko, M., Baczmański, A., Wróbel, M., Seiler, W., Braham, C., Wierzbanowski, K. New developments of multireflection grazing incidence diffraction (2014). Advanced Materials Research, 996, 147-154.
- Marciszko, M., Baczmański, A., Wierzbanowski, K., Chopart, J.P., Lodini, A., Zazi, N., Braham, C., Seiler, W. Stress measurements in polished Al-Mg alloy and CrN coating using multireflection grazing incidence method (2014). Advanced Materials Research, 783-786, 2091-2096.
- Martin, G., Balmes, E., & Chancelier, T. (2014). Improved modal assurance criterion using a quantification of identification errors per mode/sensor. Paper presented at the Proceedings of ISMA 2014 - International Conference on Noise and Vibration Engineering and USD 2014 - International Conference on Uncertainty in Structural Dynamics, 2509-2520.
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- Massot, T., Guskov, M., Fendzi, C., Rebillat, M. and Mechbal, N. (2014). Structural Health Monitoring Process for Aircraft Nacelle," in ACMA'2014, Marrakech, 2014.
- Moussa, N.B., Al-Adel, Z., Sidhom, H., Braham, C. Numerical assessment of residual stress induced by machining of aluminum alloy (2014). Advanced Materials Research, 996, 628-633.
- Martin, G., Balmes, E., & Chancelier, T. (2014). Improved modal assurance criterion using a quantification of identification errors per mode/sensor. Paper presented at the Proceedings of ISMA 2014 - International Conference on Noise and Vibration Engineering and USD 2014 - International Conference on Uncertainty in Structural Dynamics, 2509-2520.
- Neag, A., Favier, V., Bigot, R., Atkinson, H.V. Analysis by micromechanical modeling on material flow under rapid compression in the semi-solid state (2014). Solid State Phenomena, 217-218, 182-187.
- Ortega, Z., Monzón, M.D., Benítez, A.N., Tcharkhtchi, A., Farzaneh, S. Microtensile video tester for observation of banana and abaca reinforced composites failure (2014). Key Engineering Materials, 577-578, 365-368.
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- Rébillat, M., Barthes, C.B., Mechbal, N., Mosalam, K.M. Structural health monitoring of high voltage electrical switch ceramic insulators in seismic areas (2014). 7th European Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, EWSHM 2014 - 2nd European Conference of the Prognostics and Health Management (PHM) Society, .
- Richaud, E., Derue, I., Gilormini, P., Verdu, J., Coquillat, M., Vandenbrouke, A., Desgardin, N. Hydrolytic ageing of polyester networks - Role of a plasticizer (2014). AIP Conference Proceedings, 1599, 90-91.
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- Sidhom, H., Ben Moussa, N., Ben Fathallah, B., Sidhom, N., Braham, C. Effect of surface properties on the fatigue life of manufactured parts: Experimental analysis and multi-axial criteria (2014). Advanced Materials Research, 996, 715-721.
- Tcharkhtchi, A., Elhirisia, S.A., Ebrahimi, K.M., Fitoussi, J., Shirinbayan, M., Farzaneh, S. Partial shape memory effect of polymers (2014). AIP Conference Proceedings, 1599, 278-281.
- Vermot Des Roches, G., Balmes, E. Understanding friction induced damping in bolted assemblies through explicit transient simulation (2014). Proceedings of ISMA 2014 - International Conference on Noise and Vibration Engineering and USD 2014 - International Conference on Uncertainty in Structural Dynamics, 611-625.
- Vo Van, O., Balmes, E., Massat, J.-P. Statistical identification of geometric parameters for high speed train catenary (2014). Proceedings of ISMA 2014 - International Conference on Noise and Vibration Engineering and USD 2014 - International Conference on Uncertainty in Structural Dynamics, 3573-3582.
- Yahyaoui, H., Sidhom, H., Braham, C., Baczmanski, A., Francois, M., Seiler, W. Effect of interlamellar spacing on the monotonic behavior of C70 pearlitic steel (2014). Advanced Materials Research, 996, 88-93.
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