Caractérisation 3D de la microstructure et des déformations élastiques des polycristaux par microdiffraction Laue
Encadrant(s) : Olivier CASTELNAU (CoMet), Odile ROBACH (CEA)
Partenaires : ANR Microstress
Date de soutenance : 11 juillet 2017
Determination of deviatoric elastic strain and lattice orientation by applying
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On the accuracy of elastic strain field measurements by Laue microdiffrac-
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Direct measurement of local constitutive relations, at the micrometre scale,
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Evidence of 3D strain gradients associated with tin whisker growth, Johan
Hektor, Jean-Baptiste Marijon, Matti Ristinmaa, Stephen A. Hall, Håkan Hallberg,
Srinivasan Iyengar, Jean-Sébastien Micha, Odile Robach, Fanny Grennerat, Olivier
Castelnau, Scripta Materialia, Volume 144, February 2018, Pages 1–4 .