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  2. https://hal.science/hal-04840819v1
  3. Tcharkhtchi A., Farsani R.E., Vanaei H.R. 3D printing optimization: Importance of rheological evaluation in 3D printing (2024) Industrial Strategies and Solutions for 3D Printing: Applications and Optimization, pp. 171 - 192, https://doi.org/10.1002/9781394150335.ch9
  4. Vanaei S., Zirak N. Diverse application of 3D printing process (2024) Industrial Strategies and Solutions for 3D Printing: Applications and Optimization, pp. 59 - 80, https://doi.org/10.1002/9781394150335.ch4
  5. Vanaei H.R., Khelladi S., Tcharkhtchi A. 3D printing as a multidisciplinary field (2024) Industrial Strategies and Solutions for 3D Printing: Applications and Optimization, pp. 1 - 24, https://doi.org/10.1002/9781394150335.ch1


  1. Abisset-Chavanne E., Barasinski A., Chinesta F. Advanced Mathematical Models and Efficient Numerical Simulation in Composite Processes (2023) Computational and Experimental Methods in Structures, 13, pp. 385 - 438
  2. Barasinski, A., Chinesta, F., Ghnatios, C., Luca, P. Process simulation: Moulding processes (2023) Design and Manufacture of Structural Composites, pp. 401-426. 
  3. Gbekou F.K., Boudenne A., Eddhahak A., Benzarti K. Comparative Study of the Thermal Behaviors of a Cement Mortar Wall Including Bio-based Microencapsulated Phase Change Materials and a Reference Wall (2023) RILEM Bookseries, 45, pp. 817 - 828, 
  4. Gbekou F.K., Boudenne A., Eddhahak A., Benzarti K. Comparative Study of the Thermal Behaviors of a Cement Mortar Wall Including Bio-based Microencapsulated Phase Change Materials and a Reference Wall (2023) RILEM Bookseries, 45, pp. 817 - 828,  H.R., Khelladi S., Tcharkhtchi A. Nanotechnology for Pain-Free Dentistry (2023) Materials Horizons: From Nature to Nanomaterials, pp. 111 - 120,


  1. Peyre P. Metal Additive Manufacturing Processes
    (2022), pp. 1 - 95
    Peyre P. The Physics of Metal Additive Manufacturing Processes
    (2022), pp. 151 - 199


  1. Ecault, R., Simon, A.R., Cherrier, C., Malinowski, P.H., Wandowski, T., Sawczak, M., Brune, K., Brüning, H., Schlag, M., Derksen, J., Cavalcanti, W.L., Berthe, L., Sagnard, M., Ostachowicz, W.M., De Vito, S., Helwig, A., Stössel, R., Segur, D., Chamos, A., Tserpes, K. Extended Non-destructive Testing Technique Demonstration in a Realistic Environment with Technology Assessment (2021) Adhesive Bonding of Aircraft Composite Structures: Non-destructive Testing and Quality Assurance Concepts, pp. 259-330. 
  2. Malinowski, P.H., Wandowskia, T., Ostachowicz, W.M., Sagnard, M., Berthe, L., Ecault, R., Solodov, I., Segur, D., Kreutzbruck, M. Extended Non-destructive Testing for the Bondline Quality Assessment of Aircraft Composite Structures (2021) Adhesive Bonding of Aircraft Composite Structures: Non-destructive Testing and Quality Assurance Concepts, pp. 223-257. 


  1. Huang, J., Richaud, E., Le Gac, P.Y, David, A., Drozdzak, R., Recher, G. (2020). Multiscale study and kinetic modeling of PDC Thermo-oxidation; In Service Life Prediction of Polymeric Materials: Reaching New Heights. 
    Edited by:  Christopher C. White, Mark E. Nichols and James E. Pickett, Plastics Design Library, Elsevier, 103-116. (sam)
  2. Ibáñez Pinillo R., Chinesta F., Abisset-Chavanne E., Abenius E., Huerta A. (2020) Radars in Transport Applications. In Computational Methods in Applied Sciences
    Ed. Diez P., Neittaanmäki P., Periaux J., Tuovinen T., Pons-Prats J. Computation and Big Data for Transport., Springer, Cham 54, 195-211
    ISBN: 978-3-030-37751-9 (sam)


  1. Auger, T., Vogt, J. -., & Serre, I. P. (2019). Liquid metal embrittlement.  In Mechanics - microstructure - corrosion coupling: Concepts, experiments, modeling and cases
    Ed. Christine Blanc, Isabelle Aubert, Elsevier, 507-534.
    ISBN: 978-178548309-7;978-012819241-2 (sam)
  2. Dirrenberger J., Forest S., Jeulin D. (2019) Computational Homogenization of Architectured Materials.  In Architectured Materials in Nature and Engineering.
    Ed. Bréchet Y., Dunlop J., Fratzl P. (eds) Springer, Cham282,  89-139. (2019). 
    ISBN: 978-3-030-11941-6 (sam)
  3. Gaudillière, N. Duballet, R., Bouyssou, C.,  Mallet, A.,  Roux, Ph.,  Zakeri, M., Dirrenberger, J. In Building Applications Using Lost Formworks Obtained Through Large-Scale Additive Manufacturing of Ultra-High-Performance Concrete.
    Ed. Jay G. Sanjayan, Ali Nazari, Behzad Nematollahi, 3D Concrete Printing Technology, Elsevier, 3, 37-58. (2019).
    ISBN 9780128154816 (sam)
  4. Pomes, B., Richaud, E., Nguyen,  J-F. (2019). Materials for Biomedical Engineering. In Thermoset and Thermoplastic Polymers.
    Ed.Valentina Grumezescu, Alexandru Mihai Grumezescu, Polymethacrylates,  Elsevier, 7,  217-272 (2019).
    ISBN: 978-0-12-816874-5 (sam)
  5. Richaud, E., Verdu J. Aging Behavior and Modeling Studies of Unsaturated Polyester Resin and Unsaturated Polyester Resin-Based Blends.  In Unsaturated Polyester Resins.
    Ed Elsevier, : Fundamentals, Design, Fabrication, and Applications, 199-231 (2019)
    ISBN 978-0-12-816129-6 (sam)



  1. Bougueraa, F.Z., Essabti, F., El Mouhri, S., Ettaqi, S. (2018)
    Extraction of chitosan from shrimp shells: Effect of deacetylation time on the morphological, thermal properties and the value of deacetylation degree (dd)
    Advances in Science, Technology and Innovation, pp. 1263-1265.
  2. Chinesta, F., & Abisset-Chavanne, E. (2018). Ab-initio calculations. In Applied Sciences and Technology
    Ed , J. Springer, Springer, Berlin29-39 (2018)
    ISBN: 978-3-31970-000-7 (sam)
  3. Chinesta, F., & Abisset-Chavanne, E. (2018). Kinetic theory models. In Applied Sciences and Technology
    Ed , J. Springer, Springer, Berlin69-125 (2018)
    ISBN: 978-3-31970-000-7 (sam)
  4. Chinesta, F., & Abisset-Chavanne, E. (2018). The schrödinger equation. In Applied Sciences and Technology
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    Ed , J. Springer, Springer, Berlin, 1-27 (2018)
    ISBN: 978-3-31970-000-7 (sam)
  5. Chinesta, F., & Abisset-Chavanne, E. (2018). Coarse-grained descriptions. In Applied Sciences and Technology
    Ed , J. Springer, Springer, Berlin41-68 (2018)
    ISBN: 978-3-31970-000-7 (sam)
  6. Colin, X. Nonempirical Kinetic Modeling of Non-fickian Water Absorption Induced by a Chemical Reaction in Epoxy-Amine Networks.In Durability of Composites in a Marine Environment
    Ed. P. Davies & Y.D.S. Rajapakse, Springer,  Berlin, 2, 1-18 (2018)
    ISBN: 978-3-319-65144-6 (sam)
  7. Dirrenberger, J. (2018). From Architectured Materials to Large-Scale Additive ManufacturingIn Robotic Building (pp. 79-96). Springer, Cham.
    ISBN: 978-3-319-70865-2 (sam)
  8. Duballet, R., Baverel, O., & Dirrenberger, J. (2018). Design of Space Truss Based Insulating Walls for Robotic Fabrication in Concrete. In Humanizing Digital Reality (pp. 453-461). Springer, Singapore.
    ISBN: 978-981-10-6610-8 (sam)
  9. Gaudillière, N., Duballet, R., Bouyssou, C., Mallet, A., Roux, P., Zakeri, M., & Dirrenberger, J. (2018). Large-Scale Additive Manufacturing of Ultra-High-Performance Concrete of Integrated Formwork for Truss-Shaped Pillars. In Robotic Fabrication in Architecture, Art and Design (pp. 459-472). Springer, Cham.
    ISBN: 978-3-319-92293-5 (sam)
  10. Richaud, E., Fayolle, E., Davies, P. Tensile properties of polypropylene fibers. In The Textile Institute Book Series
    Ed Anthony R. Bunsell, Woodhead Publishing, 515-543 (2018)
    ISBN: 9780081012727 (sam)


  1. Torabian, N. Favier, V. , Ziaei-Rad, S.,  Dirrenberger, J. , Adamski, F. and Ranc.,  N. Calorimetric Studies and Self-Heating Measurements for a Dual-Phase Steel Under Ultrasonic Fatigue Loading. In Fatigue and Fracture Test Planning, Test Data Acquisitions, and Analysis
    Ed, Z. Wei, K. Nikbin, P. McKeighan, and G. Harlow, ASTM International, West Conshohocken, PA, 81–93 (2017)
    ISBN: 9780803131422 (sam)


  1. Régnier  G.,  Le Corre S.,  Modelling of Thermoplastic Welding in Heat Transfer in Polymer Composite Materials Forming Processes
    Ed, N. Boyard, ISTE Wiley,  London & Hoboken, Chapter 8, 235–263 (2016)
    ISBN: 978-1-84821-761-4 (sam)


  1. Richaud  E, Stabilization of Irradiated Polyethylene by Introduction of Antioxidants (Vitamin E), in Polyethylene-Based Blends, Composites and Nanocomposites
    Ed, P. M. Visakh and M. J. M. Morlanes), John Wiley & Sons Inc, Hoboken, Chapter 3, 41–91 (2015)
    ISBN: 978-1-118-83128-1 (sam)
  2. Tcharkhtchi A, Nony F., Khelladi S. Fitoussi JFarzaneh, S.  Epoxy/amine reactive systems for composites materials and their thermomechanical properties, in Advances in Composites Manufacturing and Process Design
    Ed, P. Boisse, Elsevier Inc, Amsterdam, Chapter 13, 269-296 (2015)
    ISBN: 978-1-78242-307-2 (sam)


  1. Bedoui, F, Fayolle, BOM Mechanical Properties in Polyoxymethylene Handbook
    Ed. S. Luftl, P.M. Visakh, S. Chandran, Scrivener Publishing, Wiley, Beverly, (9), 241-255 (2014)
    ISBN: 978-1-118-38511-1 (sam)
  2. Colin X. , Verdu J., Humid Ageing of Organic Matrix Composites, in Solid Mechanics and its Applications 208: Durability of Composites in a Marine Environment
    Ed. P. Davies & Y.D.S. Rajapakse, Springer, Dordrecht, (3), 47-114 (2014).
    ISBN: 978-94-007-7416-2 (sam)
  3. Favier, V(2014). Modeling of semisolid flow in Comprehensive Materials Processing
    Ed. Saleem Hashmi, Elsevier Ltd, Oxford (5), 191–209 (2014)
    ISBN : 978-008096533-8 (sam)
  4. Lüftl S., Richaud EChemical Resistance of Polyoxymethylene in Polyoxymethylene Handbooks
    Ed. S. Luftl, P.M. Visakh, S. Chandran,Scrivener Publishing, Wiley, (11), 277-299 (2014)
    ISBN : 978-1-118-38511-1
  5. Richaud E. Polyoxymethylene Additives in Polyoxymethylene Handbook
    Ed. S. Luftl, P.M. Visakh, S. Chandran, Scrivener Publishing, Wiley, Beverly, (3), 53-105 (2014)
    ISBN : 978-1-118-38511-1 (sam)
  6. Robach O, Kirchlechner C., Micha J.S., Ulrich O., Biquard X., Geaymond O., Castelnau O., Bornert M., Petit J., Berveiller S., Sicardy O., Villanova J., Rieutord F., Chapter 5 : Laue microdiffraction at ESRF in Strain and dislocation gradients from diffraction
    Ed. Barabash R.I., Ice G.E. , Imperial College Press / World Scientific Publishing, London, 156-204 (2014)
    ISBN : 978-1-908979-62-9 (sam)


  1. Benzarti K., Colin X. Understanding the Durability of Advanced Fibre-Reinforced Polymer (FRP)Composites for Structural Applications in Woodhead Publishing Series in Civil and Structural Engineering no. 46: Advanced Fibre-Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Composites for Structural Applications.
    Ed. J. Bai, Woodhead Publishing, Oxford, (12), 361-439 (2013).
    ISBN: 978-0-85709-418-6. (sam)
  2. Colin X., Tcharkhtchi A. Thermal degradation of polymers during their mechanical recycling in Recycling: Technological Systems, Management Practices and Environmental Impact.
    Ed J.C. Culleri, Nova Science Publishers, New York, (2), 57-95 (2013).
    ISBN: 978-1-62618-283-7. (sam)
  3. Fabbro R., Developments in Nd-Yag laser welding.in Handbook of laser welding technologies.
    Ed. S. Katayama, Woodhead Publishing Limited, Oxford47-72 (2013).
    ISBN 978-0-85709-264-9 (sam)
  4. Yvonnet, J., He, Q., Monteiro, E., Tran, A. B., Toulemonde, C., Sanahuj, J., Soizea, C. (2013). Non-concurrent computational homogenization of nonlinear, stochastic and viscoelastic materials , in  Handbook of Micromechanics and Nanomechanics. 
    Ed. Shaofan Li, Xin-Lin Gao, Pan Stanford Publishing,  Abingdon (UK), 1157-1196 (2013).
    ISBN: 978-981-441-12-33.


  1. Arrigoni, M., Boustie, M., Bolis, C., Barradas, S., Berthe, L., & Jeandin, M. Shock mechanics and interfaces in Mechanics of Solid Interfaces. 
    Ed. M. Braccini, M. Dupreux, ISTE, London, 211-248 (2012).
    ISBN: 978-184821373-9.
  2. Arrigoni, M., Boustie, M., Bolis, C., Barradas, S., Berthe, L., & Jeandin, M. Mécanique des chocs et interfaces in Mécanique des Interfaces Solides. 
    Ed. M. Braccini, M. Dupreux, Lavoisier, Cachan, 197-230 (2012).
    ISBN: 978-2-7462-2551-0.
  3. Colin X.,  Verdu J. Mechanisms and kinetics of organic matrix thermooxidation in  Long-Term Durability of Polymeric Matrix Composites.
    Ed. K.V. Pochiraju, G.P. Tandon, G.A. Schoeppner, Springer, New York, 311-344 (2012).
    ISBN : 978-1-4419-9307-6 . (sam)
  4. Colin, X.,  Verdu J. Ageing of organic matrix composite materials  in Wiley Encyclopedia of Composites- 2nd Edition.
    Ed L. Nicolais, A. Borzacchiello & S.M. Lee, John Wiley & Sons Ltd, New York, (2012).
    ISBN : 978-0-470-12828-2.  (sam)
  5. Richaud E.,  Audouin L., Colin X.,  Fayolle, B., Verdu J. New developments in the field of radiochemical ageing of aromatic polymers in Current Topics in Ionizing Radiation Research.
    Ed. M. Nenoi, Intech-Rijeka, Croatia, 817-840 (2012).
    ISBN  978-953-51-0196-3. (sam)


  1. Castelnau O. Mechanical behavior of polycrystalline materials in Mechanics of Nano-Objects.
    Ed. O. Thomas, A. Ponchet, S. Forest, Presse des Mines, Paris, 301-321 (2011).
    ISBN  978-2-911256-67-7. (sam)
  2. Colin  X., Verdu J.,  Rabaud  B. Degradation of polyethylene pipes by water disinfectants in Water Disinfection.
    Ed. K.M. Buchanan, Nova Science Publishers, New York, 109-142 (2011).
    ISBN  978-1-61122-021-6. (sam)
  3. Colin X., Verdu J. Thermooxidative and thermohydrolytic aging of organic composite matrices in Resin Composites: Properties, Production and Application.
    Ed.  D.B. Song, Nova Science Publishers, New York, 255-298 (2011).
    ISBN  978-1-61209-129-7. (sam)
  4. Colin X., Teyssèdre G. & Fois, M. Ageing and degradation of multiphase polymersystems in Handbook of Multiphase Polymer Systems,
    Ed. A. Boudenne, L. Ibos, Y. Candau & S. Thomas, John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Chichester, 797-841 (2011)
    ISBN  978-0-4707-1420-1. (sam)
  5. Fayolle B, Verdu J. Organic Polymers in  Organic Materials for Subtainable Construction.
    Ed Yves Mouton, ISTE Wiley, London , 65-120 ( 2011).
    ISBN 978-1-84821-224-4
  6. Gilormini P.   An introduction to the statistical theory of polymer network formation in The Sol-Gel Process: Uniformity, Polymers and Applications.
    Ed. R.E. Morris, , Nova Science Publishers, New York, 835-863 (2011)
    ISBN: 978-1-61761-321-0. (sam)
  7. Lebensohn R.A., Ponte Castañeda P, Brenner R. Castelnau O.  Full-field vs. Homogenization methods to predict microstructure-property relations for polycrystalline materials in Computational Methods for Microstructure-Property Relationships. 
    Ed. S. Ghosh and D. Dimiduk, Springer, New-York, 393-442 (2011).
    ISBN 978-1-4419-0642-7. (sam)
  8. Verdu  J, Fayolle B. Organic polymers in Organic Materials for Sustainable Construction. Ed. Yves Mouton, Hermès, Paris, 63-120 (2011).
    ISBN 978-1-84821224-4. (sam)
  9. Verdu J, Fayolle B. Ageing and Durability of Organic Polymers in Organic Materials for Sustainable Construction.
    Ed. Yves Mouton, Hermès, Paris 131-177(2011).
    ISBN 978-1-84821224-4 (sam)


  1. Castelnau, O., Lebensohn, R., Castañeda, P. P. and Blackman, D. (2008) Earth Mantle Rheology Inferred from Homogenization Theories, in Multiscale Modeling of Heterogenous Materials: From Microstructure to Macro-scale Properties
    Ed O. Cazacu, ISTE, London, 55-70 (2010).
    ISBN: 978-0-4706-1136-4 (sam)
  2. Fabbro R. Physical mechanisms controlling keyhole and melt pool dynamics during laser welding in Advances in laser materials processing.
    Ed J. Lawrence, J. Pou, D. Low and E. Toyserkani, Woodhead Publishing Limited, Cambridge, 211-240 (2010)
    ISBN 978-1-84569-474-6. (sam)
  3. Fayolle B., Verdu J.  Les Polymères organiques dans Matériaux Organiques pour la Construction et le Développement Durable.
    Ed. Y. Mouton,  Hermès, Paris, 89 -148 (2010).
    ISBN 978-2-7462-1793-5

Fayolle B., Verdu J.  Vieillissement et durabilité des polymères organiques  dans Matériaux Organiques pour la Construction et le Développement Durable.
 Ed. Y. Mouton,  Hermès, Paris, 161 -210 (2010)
ISBN 978-2-7462-1793-5 (sam