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- Amara, E.-H., Fabbro, R., Hirano, K. Modelling of the cutting velocity influence on the kerf front during laser cutting process(2012).. ICALEO 2012 - 31st International Congress on Applications of Lasers and Electro-Optics, 654-660.
- Belmeguenai, M., Berling, D., Garreau, G., Chrif, S.M., Faurie, D., Seiler, W., Moch, P.. Static and dynamic magnetic properties of epitaxial Fe 1.7Ge thin films grown on Ge(111) (2012).. Journal of Applied Physics, 111 (7), art. no. 07D502.
- Berthe, L., Gay, E., Boustie, M., Arrigoni, M. Study of the behaviour of carbon-fiber-reinforced-polymer composite using shock produced by laser (2012).. ICALEO 2012 - 31st International Congress on Applications of Lasers and Electro-Optics, 151-155.
- Boustie, M., Cuq Lelandais, J.P., Berthe, L., Ecault, R. Laser shocks: A tool for experimental simulation of damage into materials (2012).. AIP Conference Proceedings, 1464, 310-316.
- Crayssac, F., Rostaing, J.C., Werlen, E., Sun, L., Houghton, P., Kleinberg, W., Coste, F. Pressure dependence of aluminum ignition in gaseous oxygen and possible ignition mechanisms in brazed aluminum heat exchangers (2012).. ASTM Special Technical Publication, 1561 STP, 117-146.
- Cruz, C., Illoul, L., Chinesta, F., Régnier, G. Shear-strain step response in linear regime of dilute suspensions of naturally bent carbon nanotubes (2012).. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 125 (6), 4347-4357.
- Cuq-Lelandais, J.-P., Boustie, M., Soulard, L., Berthe, L., Bontaz-Carion, J., De Rességuier, T. Investigation of laser shock induced ductile damage at ultra-high strain rate by using large scale MD simulations (2012).. AIP Conference Proceedings, 1426, 1167-1170.
- Delattre, J., Rabaud, B., Brehant, A., Glucina, K., Sollogoub, C., Thominette, F. Ageing of hollow fiber membranes in polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) used in water Treatment (2012).. Procedia Engineering, 44, 764-767.
- Diani, J., Merckel, Y., Brieu, M. Modelling Mullins and cyclic stress-softening in filled rubbers (2012). Constitutive Models for Rubber VII - Proceedings of the 7th European Conference on Constitutive Models for Rubber, ECCMR, 229-234.
- Ecault, R., Boustie, M., Berthe, L., Touchard, F. Laser shock waves: A way to test and damage composite materials for aeronautic applications (2012).. AIP Conference Proceedings, 1464, 126-137.
- Ecault, R., Boustie, M., Touchard, F., Berthe, L., Chocinski-Arnault, L., Ehrhart, B., Bockenheimer, C. Laser shock waves technique for damage threshold determination of aeronautic composite materials (2012). ECCM 2012 - Composites at Venice, Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Composite Materials .
- Girardot, J., Illoul, L., Lorong, P., Ranc, N., Schneider, M., Berthe, L., Favier, V. Simulation of the laser drilling process with the Constraint Natural Element Method (2012).. ICALEO 2012 - 31st International Congress on Applications of Lasers and Electro-Optics, 65-71.
- Girardot, J., Schneider, M., Berthe, L., Favier, V. Delamination induced by laser drilling on a base cobalt superalloy (2012).. ICALEO 2012 - 31st International Congress on Applications of Lasers and Electro-Optics, 1181-1186.
- Guinard, C., Guipont, V., Proudhon, H., Jeandin, M., Girardot, J., Schneider, M., Berthe, L., Martin, A. Study of delamination induced by laser-drilling of thermally-sprayed TBC interfaces (2012).. Proceedings of the International Thermal Spray Conference, 114-119.
- Guinault, A., Nguyen, A.S., Miquelard-Garnier, G., Jouannet, D., Grandmontagne, A., Sollogoub, C. The effect of thermoforming of PLA-PHBV films on the morphology and gas barrier properties (2012).. Key Engineering Materials, 504-506, 1135-1138.
- Hirano, K., Fabbro, R., Muller, M. Study on temperature dependence of recoil pressure near the boiling temperature - Towards better modeling and simulation (2012).. ICALEO 2012 - 31st International Congress on Applications of Lasers and Electro-Optics, 678-684.
- Inocente-Junior, N.R., Nóbrega, E.G.O., Mechbal, N. Improved subspace-based method applied to structural damage detection (2012).. IFAC Proceedings Volumes (IFAC-PapersOnline), 8 (PART 1), 72-77.
- Lamoureux, B. , Massé, J. R. , and Mechbal, N. (2012). An Approach to the Health Monitoring of a Pumping Unit in an Aircraft Engine Fuel System," in First European Conference of the Prognostics and Health Management Society, Dresden. pp. 23-29,
- Lamoureux, B., Massé, J.-R., Mechbal, N. An approach to the health monitoring of the fuel system of a turbofan (2012).. PHM 2012 - 2012 IEEE Int. Conf.on Prognostics and Health Management: Enhancing Safety, Efficiency, Availability, and Effectiveness of Systems Through PHM Technology and Application, Conference Program, art. no. 6299528 .
- Lamoureux, B., Masse, J.-R., Mechbal, N. Methodology for the diagnosis of hydromechanical actuation loops in aircraft engines (2012)... 2012 20th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, MED 2012 - Conference Proceedings, art. no. 6265764, 972-977.
- Lansiart, L., Millon, E., Perrière, J., Mathias, J., Petit, A., Seiler, W., Boulmer-Leborgne, C.Structural properties of ZnO films grown by picosecond pulsed-laser deposition (2012).. Applied Surface Science, 258 (23), 9112-9115.
- Le Guen, E., Berthe, L., Guenad, L., Jardin, N. Preliminary study of laser deep machining (2012).. ICALEO 2012 - 31st International Congress on Applications of Lasers and Electro-Optics, 1247-1251.
- Loison, D., De Rességuier, T., Dragon, A., Lescoute, E., Boustie, M., Berthe, L. Laser shock-induced melting and fragmentation in metals (2012).. AIP Conference Proceedings, 1426, 1545-1548.
- Lorong, P., Coffignal, G., Balmes, E., Guskov, M., Texier, A. Simulation of a finishing operation: Milling of a turbine blade and influence of damping (2012).. ASME 2012 11th Biennial Conference on Engineering Systems Design and Analysis, ESDA 2012, 4, 89-98.
- Mechbal, N., Nóbrega, E.G.O. Damage tolerant active control: Concept and state of art (2012).. IFAC Proceedings Volumes (IFAC-PapersOnline), 8 (PART 1), 63-71.
- Merckel, Y., Brieu, M., Diani, J., Berghezan, D. Effect of material and mechanical parameters on the stress-softening of carbon-black filled rubbers submitted to cyclic loadings (2012).. Constitutive Models for Rubber VII - Proceedings of the 7th European Conference on Constitutive Models for Rubber, ECCMR, 253-257.
- Mille, M., Terekhina, S., Colin, X., Fayolle, B. Towards a non-empirical kinetic modeling of thickness structural changes during PETI-330 thermal ageing (2012). ECCM 2012 - Composites at Venice, Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Composite Materials, .
- Neag, A., Favier, V., Pop, M., Becker, E., Bigot, R. Effect of experimental conditions on 7075 aluminium response during thixoextrusion (2012). Key Engineering Materials, 504-506, 345-350.
- Nifa, A., Berthe, L., Boustie, M., Descurninges, L.-L., Jeandin, M., Bénier, J., Mercier, P. On the interaction of the particles of tantalum with a substrate of copper in the cold spray bonding process (2012). ICALEO 2012 - 31st International Congress on Applications of Lasers and Electro-Optics, 633-639.
- Nizeyiman, F., Alami, A., Issard, H., Bellenger, V. Ageing of a neutron shielding used in transport/storage casks (2012). AIP Conference Proceedings, 1459 (1), 120-122.
- Pang, S., Hirano, K., Fabbro, R., Jiang, T. Modeling keyhole and weld pool dynamics of laser welding under variable ambient pressure (2012). ICALEO 2012 - 31st International Congress on Applications of Lasers and Electro-Optics, 685-694.
- Petit, J., Bornert, M., Hofmann, F., Robach, O., Micha, J.S., Ulrich, O., Le Bourlot, C., Faurie, D., Korsunsky, A.M., Castelnau, O. Combining Laue microdiffraction and digital image correlation for improved measurements of the elastic strain field with micrometer spatial resolution (2012). Procedia IUTAM, 4, 133-143.
- Peyre, P., Gharbi, M., Gorny, C., Carin, M., Morville, S., Carron, D., Le Masson, P., Malot, T., Fabbro, R. Surface finish issues after Direct Metal Deposition (2012). Materials Science Forum, 706-709, 228-233.
- Ranc, N., Palin-Luc, T., Paris, P.C., Saintier, N. The effect on the mode I stress intensity factor of plastic dissipation in heat at the crack tip under cyclic loading (2012). 19th European Conference on Fracture: Fracture Mechanics for Durability, Reliability and Safety, ECF 2012, .
- Richaud, E., Fayolle, B., Flaconnèche, B., Verdu, J. Biodiesel permeability in polyethylene (2012). AIP Conference Proceedings, 1459 (1), 170-173.
- Richaud, E., Bellili, A., Goutille, Y. Diffusion of mineral oils in ethylene-vinyl acetate copolymer (2012). AIP Conference Proceedings, 1459 (1), 42-44.
- Serror, M., Colin, X., Larché, J.-F. Prediction of the cavitation during the thermal ageing of an organic matrix composite and the consequences on mechanical behavior (2012). ECCM 2012 - Composites at Venice, Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Composite Materials.
- Suquet, P., Moulinec, H., Castelnau, O., Montagnat, M., Lahellec, N., Grennerat, F., Duval, P., Brenner, R. Multi-scale modeling of the mechanical behavior of polycrystalline ice under transient creep (2012). Procedia IUTAM, 3, 76-90.
- Thénint, T., Balmes, E., Corus, M. Definition of a linear equivalent model for a non-linear system with impacts (2012). International Conference on Noise and Vibration Engineering 2012, ISMA 2012, including USD 2012: International Conference on Uncertainty in Structure Dynamics, 2, 971-983.
- V-B Ta, Vergé, M. , Mechbal, N. , Guichon, D. , and Srairi, S. (2012). Development of a Dynamic Intelligent Speed Adaptation (ISA)," Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, vol. 48, pp. 2111-2120. V-B Ta, Vergé, M. , Mechbal, N. , Guichon, D. , and Srairi, S. (2012). Development of a Dynamic Intelligent Speed Adaptation (ISA)," Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, vol. 48, pp. 2111-2120.
- Vermot des Roches, G., Chiello, O., Balmes, E., & Lorang, X. (2012). Benchmarking signorini and exponential contact laws for an industrial train brake squeal application. Paper presented at the International Conference on Noise and Vibration Engineering 2012, ISMA 2012, Including USD 2012: International Conference on Uncertainty in Structure Dynamics, , 2, 1001-1015
- Voisembert, S., Riwan, A., Mechbal, N. Numerical evaluation of a new robotic manipulator based on inflatable joints (2012). IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering, art. no. 6386318, 544-549.
- Walczak, M., Ciesielski, W., Galeski, A., Potrzebowski, M.J., Regnier, G., Hiltner, A., Baer, E. Structure and molecular dynamics of multilayered polycarbonate/polystyrene films (2012). Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 125 (6), 4267-4274.
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