Publications récentes (2016- )
Laser Patterning Pretreatment before Thermal Spraying: A Technique to Adapt and Control the Surface Topography to Thermomechanical loading and Materials, Kromer, R., Costil, S., Cormier, J., Courapied, D., Berthe, L., Peyre, P., & Boustie, M. (2016), Surface and Coatings Technology, 25(3), 401-410
Laser adhesion test for thermal sprayed coatings on textured surfaces by laser, Courapied, D.; Kromer. R, -Berthe, L.; Peyre, P., Costil.S, Cormier. J, Boustie. M, Journal of laser Applications, 28, 022509 (2016)
Additive layer manufacturing of titanium matrix composites usng the direct metal deposition laser process, S. Pouzet, P. Peyre, C. Gorny, O. Castelnau, T. Baudin, F. Brisset, C. Colin, P. Gadaud, Materials Science and Engineering A, Vol 677, 20 November 2016, Pages 171-181
A simplified numerical modelling for the Laser Metal Deposition process, P. Peyre, M. Dal, O. Castelnau, S. Pouzet,, Journal of Laser Applications , 29(2) (2017)
Analysis of laser-melt-pool – powder bed interaction during the selective laser melting of a stainless steel, V. Gunenthiram, P. Peyre, M. Schneider, M. Dal, F. Coste & R. Fabbro, Journal of Laser Applications, 29(2), (2017)
Influence of Mechanical Surface Treatment on High-Temperature Oxidation of Pure Titanium, A. Kanjer, V. Optasanu; L. Lavisse; S. Dejardin, M. del Carmen Marco de Lucas, P. Berger; P. Peyre; C. Gorny; T. Montesin, Oxidation of Metals (2017), pp 3-13
Laser offset welding of AZ31 magnesium alloy with 316 stainless steel, G. Casalino, P. Guglielmi, V.D. Larusso, M. Mortello, P. Peyre, D. Sorgente, Journal of Materials Processing Tech., 242 (2017) pp 49-59
Aluminum to titanium laser welding-brazing in V-shaped grooveIryna Tomashchuk, Pierre Sallamand; Adrien Measson; Eugen Cicala, Mélanie Duband, Patrice Peyre, Journal of Materials Processing Technology (2017), 245, 24-36
Study of Laser Interaction in Water Flow Confinement for Fast Laser Shock Peening, Laurent Berthe, Damien Courapied, Samy El karnighi, Patrice Peyre, Cyril Gorny, Yann Rouchausse, Journal of Laser Applications, 29(4), 042006 (2017)
3D Laser Shock Peening - a new method for the 3D control of residual stresses in Selective Laser Melting, Nikola Kalentics, Eric Boillat, Patrice Peyre, Cyril Gorny, Christoph Kenel, Christian Leinenbach, Jamasp Jhabvala, Roland E Logé, Materials & Design 130 (2017), 350-356, 10.1016/j.matdes.2017.05.083
Tailoring residual stress profile of Selective laser Melted parts by Laser Shock Peening, Nikola Kalentics, Eric Boillat, Patrice Peyre, Snezna Ciric-Kostić, Nebojša Bogojević, Roland E. Logé, Additive Manufacturing, Volume 16, August 2017, Pages 90-97,
Multiphysics Simulation and Experimental Validation of Aluminum Wettability on a Titanium Substrate for Laser Welding-Brazing Process.,M. Dal, P. Peyre, Metals (2017), 10.3390/met7060218
Effect of laser shock peening on the high temperature oxidation resistance of titanium, A. Kanjer, L. Lavisse, V. Optasanu, P. Berger, C. Gorny, P. Peyre, F. Herbst, O. Heintz, N. Geoffroy, T. Montesin, M.C. Marco de Lucas, Surface & Coatings Technology, 326A, (2017), 146-155, 10.1016/j.surfcoat.2017.07.042
Experimental analysis of spatter generation and melt-pool behavior during the powder bed laser beam melting process, V. Gunenthiram, P. Peyre, M. Schneider, M. Dal, F. Coste, I. Koutiri and R. Fabbro, Journal of Materials Processing Technology (2018), 251, 376-386, 10.1016/j.jmatprotec.2017.08.012
High temperature durability of a bond-coatless plasma-sprayed thermal barrier coating system with laser textured Ni-based single crystal substrate, R. Kromer,, J. Cormier, S. Costil, D. Courapied, L. Berthe, P. Peyre, Surface & Coatings Technology (2018), 337, 168-176, 10.1016/j.surfcoat.2018.01.006
Influence of SLM process parameters on the surface finish, porosity rate and fatigue behavior of as-built Inconel 625 parts, I. Koutiri, E. Pessard, P. Peyre, O. Amlou, T. De Terris, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 255, (2018), 536-546, 10.1016/j.jmatprotec.2017.12.043
Analysis and possible estimation of keyhole depths evolution using laser operating parameters and materials properties, R. Fabbro, M. Dal, P. Peyre, F. Coste, M. Schneider, V. Gunenthiram, Journal of Laser Applications, 30(3), 2018, 10.2351/1.5040624
Design for Additive Manufacturing (DfAM) methodologies: a proposal to foster microwave waveguide components design, M. François, F. Segonds, M. Rivette, P. Peyre and S. Turpault, Virtual and Physical Prototyping, (2018), https://doi.org/10.1080/17452759.2018.1549901
Texture control of 316L parts by modulation of the melt pool morphology in selective laser melting, O. Andreau, I. Koutiri, P. Peyre, JD. Penot, N. Saintier, E. Pessard, T. De Terris, C. Dupuy, T. Baudin, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 264 (2019), 21-31, 10.1016/j.jmatprotec.2018.08.049
Optimization and comparison of porosity rate measurement methods of selective laser melted parts, T. De Terris, O. Andreau, P. Peyre et al., Additive Manufacturing 28 (2019), 802-813, 10.1016/j.addma.2019.05.035
A competition between contour and hatching zones on the high cycle fatigue limit of 316L selective laser melting parts analyzed using X-ray computed tomography , O. Andreau, E. Pessard, I. Koutiri, JD. Penot, C. Dupuy, N. Saintier, and P. Peyre, Materials Science & Engineering A757 (2019), 146-159, 10.1016/j.msea.2019.04.101
Phenomenological aspects of quasi-perfect pivots in metallic pantographic structures, M. Spagnuolo, P. Peyre and C. Dupuy, Mechanics Research Communications, Elsevier, 2019, 101, pp.103415, 10.1016/j.mechrescom.2019.103415.
Advances in pantographic structures: design, manufacturing, models, experiments and image analysesF dell’Isola, P Seppecher, M Spagnuolo, E Barchiesi, F Hild, T Lekszycki, P. Peyre, C. Dupuy, Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics 31 (4), 1231-1282 (2019), 10.1007/s00161-019-00806-x
Laser-induced plume investigated by finite element modelling and scaling of particle entrainment in Laser Powder Bed Fusion (LPBF), Y. A. Mayi, M. Dal, P. Peyre, M. Bellet, C. Metton, C. Moriconi, R. Fabbro, J. Phys. D. Appl. Phys., vol. 53, no. 7, p. 075306, 2019. 10.1088/1361-6463/ab5900
The macroscopic behavior of pantographic sheets depends mainly on their microstructure: experimental evidence and qualitative analysis of damage in metallic specimens,M. De Angelo, M. Spagnuolo, F. D’Annibale, A. Pfaff, K. Hoschke, A. Misra, C. Dupuy, P. Peyre, J. Dirrenberger & M. Pawlikowski, Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics , 31, pages 1181–1203 (2019), 10.1007/s00161-019-00757-3
Reduction of the hot cracking sensitivity of CM-247LC superalloy processed by laser cladding using induction preheating, G. Bidron, A. Doghri, T. Malot, F. Fournier-dit-Chabert, M. Thomas and P. Peyre, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, Elsevier, 2020, 277, pp.116461, 10.1016/j.jmatprotec.2019.116461
Thermo-mechanical simulation of track development in the Laser Beam Melting process - Effect of laser-metal interaction, Queva A, Mayi, Y, Bellet M, Guillemot G, Peyre P, Dal M, Moriconi C and Metton C, IOP Conf. Ser. Mater. Sci. Eng. 529, 012005 (2020)
Experimental and numerical analysis of gas/powder flow for different LMD nozzles, E. Ferreira, M. Dal, C. Colin, G. Marion, C. Gorny, D. Courapied, J. Guy,and P. Peyre, Metals (2020), 10(5), 667; 10.3390/met10050667
Additive Layer Manufacturing using metal deposition, P. Peyre, Metals, 2020, 10(4), 1-3. 10.3390/met10040459
Influence of gas atmosphere (argon or helium) on the Laser Powder Bed Fusion of a Ni-based alloy, , S. Traore, M. Schneider; I. Koutiri; F. Coste; R. Fabbro; C. Charpentier; P. Lefebvre; P. Peyre,Journal of Materials Processing Technology, Volume 288, February 2021, 116851, 10.1016/j.jmatprotec.2020.116851
Influence of beam diameter on Laser Powder Bed Fusion (L-PBF) process, M.C. Sow, T. De Terris, O. Castelnau, Z. Hamouche, F. Coste, R. Fabbro and P. Peyre, Additive Manufacturing , 36, p 1-11, 10.1016/j.addma.2020.101532
L. Lavisse, A. Kanjer, P. Berger, V. Optasanu, C. Gorny, P. Peyre, T.Montesin, M. C. Marco de Lucas, High temperature oxidation resistance and microstructure of laser-shock peened Ti-Beta-21S, Surface and Coatings Technology,, 2020, 10.1016/j.surfcoat.2020.126368
Influence of the position and size of various deterministic defects on the high cycle fatigue resistance of a 316L steel manufactured by laser powder bed fusion, Olivier Andreau, Étienne Pessard, Imade Koutiri, Patrice Peyre, Nicolas Saintier, International Journal of Fatigue, Volume 143, February 2021, 105930, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijfatigue.2020.105930
Transient Dynamics and Stability of Keyhole at Threshold in Laser Powder Bed Fusion (LPBF) Regime Investigated by Finite Element Modeling, Mayi, Y. A., Dal, M., Peyre, P., Bellet, M., Metton, C., Moriconi, C., Fabbro, R. (2021). Journal of Laser Applications 33, 012024 (2021); https://doi.org/10.2351/7.0000330
Microstructural and Mechanical Characterization of the Yb: YAG Laser Welding of High-Pressure Die-Casting Mg-Al-Mn Magnesium Alloy, S. Ouallam, J.E. Masse, P. Peyre, M.L. Djeghlal, F. Guittonneau, Z.Boutaghou and L.Kaba, International Journal of Engineering Research in Africa (2020), Vol. 51, pp 95-109
Influence of laser powder bed fusion process conditions and resulting microstructures on the electromagnetic properties of a 16MnCr5 steel, C. Dupuy, P. Peyre, A. Benabou, S. Clénet, Additive Manufacturing (2021), Volume 41, May 2021, 101945, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.addma.2021.101945
T. De Terris, O. Castelnau, Z. Hamouche, H. Haddadi, V. Michel and P. Peyre, Analysis of as-built microstructures and recrystallization phenomena on Inconel 625 alloy obtained by Laser Powder Bed Fusion (L-PBF), Metals 2021, 11, 619. https://doi.org/10.3390/met11040619
S. Han, M. François, F. Segonds, M. Rivette, C. Dupuy, F. Salvatore, P. Peyre, J. Rech, Electromagnetic performance of Ti6Al4V and AlSi7Mg0.6 waveguides with laser beam melting (LBM) produced and abrasive flow machining (AFM) finished internal surfaces (2021), Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, , http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/09205071.2021.1954554
Pacquentin, W, Gouton, L., Caron, N. Brussieux, C., Foucault, M., Peyre, P., Maskrot, H, Favier, V. (2021). Laser surface melting of nickel-based alloy reduces nickel release in the primary cooling system of a nuclear power plant. Optics & Laser Technology. 144. Article number 107401.
Y. A. Mayi, A. Queva, M. Dal, G. Guillemot, C. Metton, C. Moriconi, P. Peyre, M. Bellet, ,“Multiphysical simulation of single pulse laser powder bed fusion : Comparison of Front Tracking and Front Capturing Methods” Int. J Numer. Method H. , https://doi.org/10.1108/HFF-04-2021-0282
G. Nordet, C. Gorny, Y. Mayi, J. Daligault, M. Dal, A. Effernelli, E. Blanchet et P. Peyre, Absorptivity measurements during Laser Powder bed Fusion of pure copper with a 1kW cw green laser, Optics & Laser Technology, 147 (2022) 107612, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.optlastec.2021.107612
L. Lavisse, P. Berger, A. Kanjer, V. Optasanu, C. Gorny, P. Peyre, T. Montesin, M.C. Carmen de Lucas, Tracking the role of nitrogen in the improvement of the high temperature oxidation resistance of titanium by mechanical treatments, Corrosion Science, 197 (2022), 110080, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.corsci.2021.110080
Crenn MJ; Dubot P; Mimran E; Fromentin O; Lebon N; Peyre P. Influence of Anodized Titanium Surfaces on the Behavior of Gingival Cells in Contact with: A Systematic Review of In Vitro Studies. Crystals 2021, 11, 1566. https://doi.org/10.3390/cryst11121566