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- Asgarpour, M., Bakir, F., Khelladi, S., Khavandi, A., & Tcharkhtchi, A. (2012). 3D model for powder compact densification in rotational molding. Polymer Engineering and Science, 52(9), 2033-2040. (sam) (hal)
- Baczmaski, A., Gaj, A., Le Joncour, L., Wronski, S., Franois, M., Panicaud, B., Braham C., Paradowska, A. M. (2012). Study of stress localisation in polycrystalline grains using self-consistent modelling and neutron diffraction. Philosophical Magazine, 92(24), 3015-3035. (sam) (hal)
- Barbier, D., Favier, V., & Bolle, B. (2012). Modeling the deformation textures and microstructural evolutions of a fe-mn-C TWIP steel during tensile and shear testing. Materials Science and Engineering A, 540, 212-225. (sam) (hal)
- Bellili, A., David, N., Vandame, B., Wang, Q., Goutille, Y., & Richaud, E. (2012). Diffusion and solubility of mineral oils through ethylene-vinyl acetate copolymer. Polymer Testing, 31(2), 236-247. (sam) (hal)
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- Ben Moussa, N., Sidhom, H., & Braham, C. (2012). Numerical and experimental analysis of residual stress and plastic strain distributions in machined stainless steel. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 64(1), 82-93. (sam) (hal)
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- De Crevoisier, J., Besnard, G., Merckel, Y., Zhang, H., Vion-Loisel, F., Caillard, J., Creton, C., Diani, J., Brieu, M., Hild, F, .Roux, S. (2012). Volume changes in a filled elastomer studied via digital image correlation. Polymer Testing, 31(5), 663-670. (sam) (hal)
- Diani, J., Gilormini, P., Frédy, C., & Rousseau, I. (2012). Predicting thermal shape memory of crosslinked polymer networks from linear viscoelasticity. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 49(5), 793-799. (sam) (hal)
- Djouani, F., Patel, B., Richaud, E., Fayolle, B., & Verdu, J. (2012). Antioxidants loss kinetics in polyethylene exposed to model ethanol based biofuels. Fuel, 93, 502-509. (sam) (hal)
- Douadji, L., Delmotte, M. (2012) Control of attenuation in microwaves processing to obtain uniform treatment of epoxy glass. Journal of Microwave Power and Electromagnetic Energy, 46 (3), 174-184. (sam) (hal)
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- El Yagoubi, J., Lubineau, G., Roger, F., & Verdu, J. (2012). A fully coupled diffusion-reaction scheme for moisture sorption-desorption in an anhydride-cured epoxy resin. Polymer (United Kingdom), 53(24), 5582-5595. (sam) (hal)
- El-Mazry, C., Correc, O., & Colin, X. (2012). A new kinetic model for predicting polyamide 6-6 hydrolysis and its mechanical embrittlement. Polymer Degradation and Stability, 97(6), 1049-1059. (sam) (hal)
- Esmaeillou, B., Fereirra, P., Bellenger, V., & Tcharkhtchi, A. (2012). Fatigue damage initiation of a PA66/glass fibers composite material. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 125(5), 4007-4014. (sam) (hal)
- Esmaeillou, B., Ferreira, P., Bellenger, V., & Tcharkhtchi, A. (2012). Fatigue behavior of polyamide 66/glass fiber under various kinds of applied load. Polymer Composites, 33(4), 540-547. (sam) (hal)
- Farzaneh, S., Riviere, S., & Tcharkhtchi, A. (2012). Rheokinetic of polyurethane crosslinking time-temperature-transformation diagram for rotational molding. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 125(2), 1559-1566. (sam) (hal)
- Gay, E., Berthe, L., Boustie, M., Arrigoni, M., Mercier, P., & Bénier, J. (2012). Experimental study of composite damage under LASER shock. [Itude expérimentale de l'endommagement de composites sous choc LASER] Materiaux Et Techniques, 100(6-7), 703-712. (sam) (hal)
- Gonzalez, G., Braham, C., Lebrun, J. L., Chaste, Y., Seiler, W., & Figueroa, I. A. (2012). Microstructure and texture of al-2Si-xSn (x = 0, 4, 8 mass%) alloys processed by equal channel angular pressing. Materials Transactions, 53(7), 1234-1239. (sam) (hal)
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- Guinault, A., Sollogoub, C., Ducruet, V., & Domenek, S. (2012). Impact of crystallinity of poly(lactide) on helium and oxygen barrier properties. European Polymer Journal, 48(4), 779-788. (sam) (hal)
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- Hirano, K., & Fabbro, R. (2012). Possible explanations for different surface quality in laser cutting with 1 and 10 μm beams. Journal of Laser Applications, 24(1) (sam) (hal)
- Le Boulbar, E., Millon, E., Ntsoenzok, E., Hakim, B., Seiler, W., Boulmer-Leborgne, C., & Perrière, J. (2012). UV to NIR photon conversion in nd-doped rutile and anatase titanium dioxide films for silicon solar cell application. Optical Materials, 34(8), 1419-1425. (sam) (hal)
- Le Bourlot, C., Landois, P., Djaziri, S., Renault, P. -., Le Bourhis, E., Goudeau, P., Castelnau, O . . Rouzire, S. (2012). Synchrotron X-ray diffraction experiments with a prototype hybrid pixel detector. Journal of Applied Crystallography, 45(1), 38-47. (sam) (hal)
- Mareau, C., Favier, V., Weber, B., Galtier, A., & Berveiller, M. (2012). Micromechanical modeling of the interactions between the microstructure and the dissipative deformation mechanisms in steels under cyclic loading. International Journal of Plasticity, 32-33, 106-120. (sam) (hal)
- Masson, R., Brenner, R., Castelnau, O. (2012). Incremental homogenization approach for ageing viscoelastic polycrystals, C. R. Mécanique, 340, 378-386. (sam) (hal)
- Merckel, Y., Brieu, M., Diani, J., & Caillard, J. (2012). A mullins softening criterion for general loading conditions. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 60(7), 1257-1264. (sam) (hal)
- Merckel, Y., Diani, J., Brieu, M., Gilormini, P., & Caillard, J. (2012). Effect of the microstructure parameters on the Mullins softening in carbon-black filled styrene-butadiene rubbers. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 123(2), 1153-1161. (sam) (hal)
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- Neag, A., Favier, V., Bigot, R., & Pop, M. (2012). Microstructure and flow behaviour during backward extrusion of semi-solid 7075 aluminium alloy. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 212(7), 1472-1480. (sam) (hal)
- Nguyen Tri, P., Guinault, A., & Sollogoub, C. (2012). Elaboration and properties of recycled polypropylene/bamboo fiber composites. [Ilaboration et propriétés des composites polypropylène recyclé/fibres de bambou] Materiaux Et Techniques, 100(5), 413-423. (sam) (hal)
- Peyre, P., Berthe, L., Vignal, V., Popa, I., & Baudin, T. (2012). Analysis of laser shock waves and resulting surface deformations in an al-cu-li aluminum alloy. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 45(33) (sam) (hal)
- Pons, C., Farcas, F. Richaud, E., Fayolle, B., Bouchez, T., & Mazeas, L. (2012). Extraction of oxidation compounds and biofilm growth of pre oxidized polyethelene. [Influence de la préoxydation d'un PEHD sur l'extraction des carbonyles et la croissance d'un biofilm] Materiaux Et Techniques, 100(3), 211-220. (sam) (hal)
- Pons, C., Richaud, E., Bouchez, T., Mazeas, L., Farcas, F., & Fayolle, B. (2012). The role of oxidation compounds in biofilm growth on polyethylene geomembrane barriers used in landfill. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 124(SUPPL. 1), E251-257. (sam) (hal)
- Richaud, E., Audouin, L., Fayolle, B., Verdu, J., Matisová-Rychlá, L., & Rychlý, J. (2012). Rate constants of oxidation of unsaturated fatty esters studied by chemiluminescence. Chemistry and Physics of Lipids, 165(7), 753-759. (sam) (hal)
- Richaud, E., Flaconnèche, B., & Verdu, J. (2012). Biodiesel permeability in polyethylene. Polymer Testing, 31(8), 1070-1076. (sam) (hal)
- Vu, Q. H., Brenner, R., Castelnau, O., Moulinec, H., & Suquet, P. (2012). A self-consistent estimate for linear viscoelastic polycrystals with internal variables inferred from the collocation method. Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering, 20(2). (sam) (hal)
- Wroński, S., Tarasiuk, J., Bacroix, B., Baczmański, A., & Braham, C. (2012). Investigation of plastic deformation heterogeneities in duplex steel by EBSD. Materials Characterization, 73, 52-60. (sam) (hal)
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