The teaching unit is mandatory. dd
The teaching unit is taught in English. d

Coord. Morgan Dal (, ENSAM Paris)

3 ECTS / 30 h

Pedagogic team :

Morgan Dal (, ENSAM Paris)
Yves Bienvenu (, Mines ParisTech)
Michel Bellet (, Mines ParisTech)
Véronique Favier
(, ENSAM Paris)
Vincent Guipont (, Mines ParisTech)




This course provides a rigorous formation for the students in casting and miscellaneous techniques (powder metallurgy, welding, thixoforming, thermal spraying…), physical mechanisms and induced microstructure (1) to model and simulate these processing and (2) to predict the in-life mechanical properties of components.


This program focuses on liquid, semi-liquid metal processing: casting (sand casting, die casting), powder metallurgy (sintering, metal injection moulding…), welding, high energy processes …. This course will be used in order to optimize the manufacture processing to obtain the right properties for a specific application. Current industrial areas are aeronautics, transportation, nuclear engineering, energy, biomedical engineering, structures…


  • Solidification of ferrous and non-ferrous alloys and mechanical behaviour during processing : 3 sessions
  • Applications to high energy beam processing with and without tool/material contact : 5 sessions
  • Temperature and thermal flux in fluid metal processing : 2 sessions


Session 1 :

Thermodynamics – Phase diagrams – Kinetics of phase transformation – Microsegregation – Development of microstructure – defects

Session 2 :

High solidification rate and others types of solidification (ultrafine structure, amorphous structure, defects, polymer crystallisation …

Session 3 :

Semi-solid rheology.

Session 4 :

Coatings & Materials by Thermal Spraying– Technologies and processing.

Session 5 :

Coatings & Materials by Thermal Spraying – Properties of coatings.

Session 6 :

Laser Materials Processing (1) : overview on different laser processes (basic physical processes, interaction modes, thermal aspects).

Session 7 :

Laser Materials Processing (2) : Microstructures, defects and resulting properties.

Session 8 :

Powder metallurgy. Technologies and processing -: Microstructures, defects and resulting properties.

Session 9 :

Thermal phenomena – heat sources modelling –Heat exchange modelling (contact surface and heat transfer).

Session 10 :

to discuss …suite du CM9 and/or experimenal measurements and identification/inverse methods ?