
3 ECTS / 30 h

Courses : 9h00

Practice : 21h00


Coord. Xavier Colin (xavier.colin@ensam.eu, ENSAM Paris)



This teaching unit aims at leading a research project from a scientific but also management point of view.

Apart from exceptions, the research project aims at preparing the internship. If the research project is well-led, you will be able to start experimental, theoretical or numerical studies right from the beginning of the internship.

Over the teaching unit, project management methods and tools are taught. A course on "how to find scientific publications on a given subject" and "how to write a research bibliography" is proposed. The main part of the teaching unit is dedicated to practice. You will have to choose a scientific research subject among proposals. For this subject, you will have to read literature results and then clarify the remaining scientific issues. Finally, you will have to propose some methods and tools to contribute to solving the scientific issues. A teacher-researcher, called "supervisor", will help you for your project. Another teacher-researcher will assess your work.

 Website useful for the course

  • Dominique Jaccard's website with a lot of ressources.

Assesment of the research project

Your work is assessed via a written report and an oral presentation in front of a poster. It means that you will explain your work to a scientific commitee during a poster session. You can write and speak using the language of your choice (English or French). As a consequence, two marks will be given to assess your work and you will know the average of these two marks.

In addition, you will have to write a one-page summary in a foreign language (French for anglophone students and English for francophone students). This assessment allows to check your summarization capabilities and your written level in a foreign language. Finally, you will have to write a document describing the management of your project to assess your ability to plan a project, to keep an analytical distance from the scientific issue, to think about the human and technical means to achieve the project. These last two items will be assessed by two other marks which will be incoporated to the final mark of another teaching unit called "Scientific communication in a foreign language".


How to write the research project report ?

How to write the one-page summary in a foreign language ?

How to write the project management document ?